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Some Other Conditioning Procedures of Interest

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Presentation on theme: "Some Other Conditioning Procedures of Interest"— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Other Conditioning Procedures of Interest
Conditioned Inhibition Conditioned Facilitation Second-Order Conditioning Sensory Preconditioning Inflation Deflation

2 Conditioned Inhibition
Definition: A CS signals the absence of an otherwise expected US Standard Method: Conditioned Inhibition Procedure CSA CSA +CSB

3 Conditioned Inhibition
Notation: A+, AB- A CS can opener (excites) USfood CS rattle (inhibits) B

4 Measurement Problem True Inhibition Lack of Excitation
CR actively inhibited = no CR Lack of Excitation Lack of excitation = no CR

5 Retardation and Summation Tests
Common Treatment Phase The Experimental Group receives inhibitory training with CSB The Control Group receives no training with CSB

6 Retardation Test Group Treatment Test Result Inhibition A+, AB- B+ cr
Control A+, AC- B+ CR

7 Conditioned Inhibition
Why Does the Experimental Group Learn More Slowly? The Control Group starts at 0. Excitation + Going from Trial 1 to Trial 5, the level of excitation increases. Tendency to Salivate to CSB - Inhibition

8 Conditioned Inhibition
Why Does the Experimental Group Learn More Slowly? The Experimental Group starts below 0. Excitation + It takes extra trials to bring them up to 0, then more trials to raise the level of excitation. Tendency to Salivate to CSB - Inhibition

9 Summation Test Group Treatment Excitor Test Result
Inhibition A+, AB T+ TB- cr Control A+, AC T+ TB- CR Logic: Inhibition: T + B = = 0 Control: T + B = = 1

10 Conditioned Facilitation
Definition: CSA signals the US only in the presence of CSB B US) (A Notation: A-, BA+

11 Nature of Conditioning
Question: Does the CS evoke an “expectation” of the US (S-S) or does the CS directly elicit the CR (S-R) ? CS US S-R Theory CS US UR S-S Theory CR

12 Second-Order Conditioning
Stage Stage Test A->US B->A B->CR Very Few Trials

13 Second-Order Conditioning
The “sad” story of Billy and the Bulldog First-Order Second-Order Dog->Bite Elevator->Dog

14 S-S Account Problem: Underlying Fear of Dog Dog->Bite
Elevator->Dog So…Elevator->Dog->Bite S-S Therapy: Extinguish Dog Fear

15 S-R Account Problem: Elevator Evokes Fear Dog->Bite
Elevator->Dog Fear Fear So…Elevator-Fear S-R Therapy: Extinguish Elevator Fear

16 Other Procedures (S-S Only)
Sensory Preconditioning Inflation Deflation

17 Sensory Preconditioning
Treatment SPC Result B->A A->US B->CR Very Few Trials S-R Theory B->no CR S-S Theory B->A->US

18 Inflation Treatment Inflate Result A->us US A->CR S-R Theory
A->Same cr S-S Theory A-> Bigger CR

19 S-S Account us CS cr

20 S-S Account US

21 S-S Account US CS CR

22 S-R Prediction us CS cr

23 S-R Prediction US

24 S-R Prediction CS cr

25 Devaluation Treatment Devalue Result A->US us A->cr S-R Theory
A->Same CR S-S Theory A->Smaller cr

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