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Gaming Standards Association

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1 Gaming Standards Association
The Year of Implementation and Value CreationApril 29, 2004 Introducing S2S: GSA’s System to System Protocol Russ Ristine, VP, Radical Blue Gaming

2 What is GSA? The Gaming Standards Association (GSA) is an international trade association that benefits gaming manufacturers, suppliers, operators, and regulators. GSA facilitates the identification, definition, development, promotion, and implementation of open standards to enable innovation, education, and communication for the benefit of the entire industry. The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

3 System to System (S2S) Protocol
Gaming Standards Association The Year of Implementation and Value CreationApril 29, 2004 System to System (S2S) Protocol S2S Voucher Manager Kiosks GDS G2S Coin Acceptor S2S Coin Hopper Player Tracking Point of Sale Game Control Note Acceptor S2S Slot Accounting Coin/Bill Counters Printer S2S Touch Screen Class II Servers Progressive S2S EGM Host Systems and other S2S devices The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

4 Current Challenges Changing a system related device is a major architecture project Does current vendor support the new POS system How long will it take to get a new interface built? What if I don’t like the new product, how do I go back to the old one? Consider a kiosk replacement (ticketing, marketing) Alternately, a new POS system (Casino System, accounting system, hotel system) The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

5 Current Challenges How easy is it to get information moved into your in-house systems for analysis? What if you could go to a gaming show, see a product, and have it in your casino the following week? Wouldn’t it be nice to have the diagnostic info captured by each note acceptors available at your desk? The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

6 Benefits of S2S Standardizes communication between servers
A new vendor only has to write one interface to get into the market, vs. 4 to 6 that they have to do now Casinos benefit from new innovations Vendors Benefit from reduced complexity (More time for new features) Supports “plug and play” for systems and peripheral devices Try out a new product If you don’t like it, return it! The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

7 Benefits of S2S S2S is developed with GDS and G2S, so back end servers can interact with note acceptors Innovation – Note Acceptor Vendors can now do something completely different Retrieve diagnostic information Distribute new software electronically Standardization promotes portability, interoperability and reusability Vendors can write one interface and use it everywhere Reduces testing (and problems in the field) The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

8 The Seminole Story GSA Moving at the Speed of Business

9 Seminole Tribe The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

10 S2S and Class II In a Class II environment, each manufacturer has their own server for central determination and other game functions The Problem: Four game manufacturers means Four separate accounting reports, Four player tracking feeds, and Three voucher systems Vouchers are only redeemable on same manufacturer’s games What about the cashier booth? (four redemption terminals…) The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

11 Seminole Tribe - Vision
The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

12 Seminole Tribe - Today Game Servers Accounting Player tracking
Vouchers The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

13 S2S and Class II - the solution
EGMs still talk proprietary protocol to their host servers to minimize scope of change Each host server now talks S2S to a central consolidation server, which provides One accounting report All vouchers are processed through a central database All systems communicate using common protocols Happier casino management! Since the switch to S2S, they’re ready for the future The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

14 Future Solution with G2S
EGMs talk to host server for game outcome (proprietary or G2S) EGMs talk directly to central server for accounting and vouchers (G2S) EGMs talk directly to player tracking system for player activity (G2S) S2S or G2S doesn’t matter as long as the pain is gone The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

15 G2S Solution 2006 - The Year of Implementation and Value Creation!
CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

16 S2S: Digging a Little Deeper
Gaming Standards Association The Year of Implementation and Value CreationApril 29, 2004 S2S: Digging a Little Deeper

17 General S2S Classes Communications
Web services & SSL Messages to start and maintain a conversation Configuration - Share configuration information Patron Class Move Patron information between hosts Register Client - Used to communicate info on devices other than EGMs Info Update - Communicate information changes, other than for EGMs (employee, tables, kiosks, etc.) The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

18 S2S Classes for Table Games
Open / Close - Table Chip Inventory transactions Fill / Credit - Move chips to/from gaming tables Marker - Patron Credit and Front Money messages Player Rating - Rating transactions for table games Jackpot - communicate jackpot info between systems Comp Class - process player complimentaries The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

19 S2S Classes for EGM activity
EGM Registration - share slot info between systems Events - notify central systems when events occur Accounting Meters - centralize accounting Vouchers - all systems use a central voucher system WAT - messages to process Wagering Account Transfers between systems Player - move slot player messages between systems Handpay class - Attendant paid wins, etc. The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

20 S2S Update S2S Version 1.2 – recently released
Incorporates all changes requested by existing systems Currently servers are using S2S 1.1.5, , with extensions; 1.2 brings everyone together New ATM kiosk apps are implementing S2S as a single communication method S2S 1.2 simulators and development tools are available Four S2S 1.2 Central System Vendors by Q1 2007 The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

21 GSA Certification

22 Gaming Standards Association
The Year of Implementation and Value CreationApril 29, 2004 GSA Certification GSA compliance – independent testing by 3rd party lab using GSA certified tools and pre-defined test scripts GSA Compliance testing is NOT Regulatory Approval All parties benefit through Improved speed to market for products Products work together when they show up on your floor Plug and Play (easier installs, reduced service calls) The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

23 GSA Certification Protocol certification streamlines the regulatory process Reduces the quantity and variety of tests that must be performed If both devices are certified, they should work together the first time they are connected (like your PC and printer) The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

24 GSA’s New Certification Program
Goal = Correct and consistent implementation of GSA’s standards Formal process for the testing and certification of Gaming Products Testing Agencies Test Suites Products passing certification will be published in the Certification Register on GSA’s web site The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

25 Testing Centers Interoperability Centers will be available for manufacturers Test Authority (Open Group) will certify Test Suites and Testing Agencies Test Suites will be commercially available to anyone Like UL testing, GSA testing can be done in any certified Test Agency Test Labs Casinos Manufacturers The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

26 S2S Certification S2S testing will be part of the GSA certification suite GSA Standards provide a secure, reliable, and documented way for systems to communicate with each other Certified Test Labs ensure that the protocols have been properly implemented Goal Certified Systems Certified Kiosks Certified System Peripherals The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

27 Plug and Play Goal for Systems
Quick recap: Systems move from proprietary solutions to standard communications Vendors spend less time maintaining protocols Single Protocol – Much easier to test Operator doesn’t have to wait for their version to get modified Easy to try a new peripheral (kiosk, currency counter, POS system) The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

28 Additional Benefits of a Standard
With a single standard, third party tools become viable Test Suites - Ensure the protocol has been properly implemented Latency Testers - Automatically check response time every X minutes, send an if there’s a problem Regression Testers - retest everything every time there’s a build Available to Manufacturers, Test Labs, or Operators The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

29 When can I get S2S? S2S release 1.2 has been completed
Simulators are available (and are being used by several development teams) Certification planning and definition are in progress Encourage your vendors to move to S2S to give everyone more flexibility in the future Exciting times are ahead! The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

30 [Now is the perfect time for questions or comments]
The Ending Note For on-going questions or inquires on protocols, please contact This presentation is available on GSA’s Website: [Now is the perfect time for questions or comments] The Year of Implementation and Value Creation! CasinoFest 2 San Diego 2006

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