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Online Application Strategies eEnquiries/eApplications and alternatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Application Strategies eEnquiries/eApplications and alternatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Application Strategies eEnquiries/eApplications and alternatives

2 Why am I leading this? Flinders International Office seeking enquiry management and online application facilities Enquiry management also needed for domestic student enquiries Overlaps with student support needs (eg enrolment helpdesk) ++ Immediate priority is enquiries, then applications Opportunity to see what others are doing and focus likelihood of Tech One option

3 Options? Enquiries Urgency from International Office for solution FAQ and CRM Hobsons EMT eEnquiries module Applications Important but less urgent Hobsons (large, expensive, overkill?) Studylink (smaller, cheaper, not bad) eApplications module Not considering any in-house development

4 Systems involved Student system, including application and offer details E-applications and associated workflow processing email from web page In-house or custom development Hobsons Studylink eApplications S1 module

5 Systems involved (continued) E-enquiries relating to course applications Various in-house solutions Hobson’s service centre (contractual) Hobson’s EMT (Enrolment Management Technology) Studylink partnering with CRM provider Customer relationship management Wide range Whole of service approach (enquirer to alumni)

6 Interest Would the development of eEnquiries/eApplications be of interest? Yes - has ranked priority 1 in the ‘new modules’ list Response to survey: 7/9 said (c) Yes, provided the scope of the development was sufficient to be competitive in the growing niche market

7 Warren’s picture?

8 Scope: eApplications Allow prospective students to make application to the university via an on-line process with links to appropriate information to assist the applicant in their decision- making. All international and domestic applicants seeking entry to award courses or units drawn from university award courses, but excludes those people who currently apply through TACs.

9 Scope… Intuitive web-based application a high degree of real-time validation accessible to prospective students to lodge their (multiple) application details check on the progress of same, and receive highly personalised and data- rich on-line communications regarding the current status and ultimate outcome of their application(s).

10 Scope… Validation checking against entry requirements other university defined rules immediate conditional offer subject to verification by original documents or the electronic transfer of results. Applications for advanced standing may also be facilitated during this process Data to be transferred from the application form into appropriate corporate systems without the need for re-keying.

11 Scope… Cater for specific requirements of different client groups as applicants who are new to the institution former or current students agents university staff. Users able to seamlessly conduct all application and admission processes on-line including electronic document submission and retrieval and electronic fee payment.

12 Expectations Streamline admissions processes and increase client satisfaction by: improving information flows improving operational efficiencies assisted by the automation of routine tasks and workflow providing an immediate response or, at least, reducing current application turnaround times increasing convenience to prospective students via ‘self-service’ mode

13 Expectations improving visibility of process to clients reducing manual processes including data entry by university staff moving towards paperless processes for academic and administrative staff which will improve mobility and remote access for decision making creating greater opportunity for follow-up and recruitment activities to increase conversions of applications into enrolments

14 eEnquiries/eApplications Suitable for a T1 SM module? Can scope of development be competitive in growing niche market? Your thoughts? Issues?

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