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User Requirements of ongoing DUP, DUE, and GSE Projects C. Zehner/S. Pinnock EO Applications and Services Development Division.

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Presentation on theme: "User Requirements of ongoing DUP, DUE, and GSE Projects C. Zehner/S. Pinnock EO Applications and Services Development Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Requirements of ongoing DUP, DUE, and GSE Projects C. Zehner/S. Pinnock EO Applications and Services Development Division

2 Presentation Overview Ongoing ESA EO Missions User Requirements of DUP/DUE Projects (on Atmosphere) GMES Service Element Perspectives on Atmosphere

3 ERS 1 ERS 2 Oceans Sea Ice Cryosphere Land Surface Climatology Global Ozone 1991 1995 ENVISAT Ocean Colour Atmospheric Constituents Earth Explorer Earth Watch? 2002 The Evolution of ESA EO Missions

4 Data User Programme/Element Projects Applications & Service Development Scientific Research AO/Cat I Projects GMES Service Element ESA EO Exploitation 10 Projects ongoing 2 new Projects starting now Sustainable EO Services

5 Working with Users within DUP (B,CH,NL,I) 2 small projects running in parallel (1 year duration, 100 K€, 2001): POLPO Demonstration Project : Pollution Hot Spot Monitoring from GOME Applied to the Po-basin Project Aim: to demonstrate the feasibility to combine ground based measurements with satellite measurements for regional air pollution monitoring (Po-valley emissions, trans-boundary transport) TEMIS Project Definition: Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service Project Aim: find users, collect user requirements, identify few core users, define a service for these users based on existing EO missions

6 Summer means (June, July, August 2000 and 2001) of tropospheric NO2 columns from GOME – POLPO Output Example

7 Follow on of the 2 small activities: TEMIS Project: Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service - (1M€, mid 2002- end 2004) Companies involved: consortium of 6 companies (Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, and The Netherlands) lead by KNMI Project Aim: to support air pollution monitoring, UV radiation monitoring Kyoto Protocol monitoring, and aviation control Instruments: GOME, SCIAMACHY, ATSR

8 RIVMX X XXXXX ECMWFX L’OrealXXX XX X VAAC/ MéteoFr. XX ARPAXXXXX XX ITC X XXXXX Core Users and their Requirements

9 Output of TEMIS (on the Web – available to the public – NRT Total Ozone (using now SCIAMACHY data) UV information Tropospheric trace gas information (NO 2, SO 2, BrO, Aerosol – Level 2 data and synoptic maps by using assimilation techniques) in order to support air pollution monitoring

10 Tropospheric ozone in 2002

11 Daily UV dose for Europe

12 User Needs for improved Satellite Measurements on Air Pollution Monitoring Spatial resolution: few km Temporal resolution: at least once a day – preferred hourly Better accuracy of retrieved species in the troposphere (e.g. GOME NO2: 30-70%) Insure data homogeneity and continuation over a long time period

13 GOME Follow-on Missions

14 Chemical Weather User Requirements Workshop – Nov. 2003 Who are the Users?: Atmospheric modelling community (ECMWF, MeteoFrance, UKMO, MPI, etc) Trans-boundary pollution monitoring (EMEP) Regional air quality monitoring agencies (Athens, Lombardia, Flanders, Rhine Valley, etc) What are there requirements?: Trace Gas:SO 2, NO x, O 3, VOC, CH 4, CO, CO 2, N 2 O, NH 3, H 2 CO, HO x Aerosol: PM 10, PM 2.5, and possibly smaller particles in the near future. Speciation (anthropogenic, dust, soot, marine, etc.) Time period:Long term data set Near-real time monitoring and forecast Horizontal Res:few km Vertical Res:varies from few meters to integrated tropospheric column amounts

15 Applications Climate change and atmospheric chemistry PM emission sources and dynamics Background for regional air quality monitoring Atmospheric correction of optical satellite data Products/Activities High Resolution (1km) global aerosol data set (target time span: 1995 - 2005) Land and Ocean (Optical depth, Ångstrøm coeff) Size distribution: PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1. Models assimilation and intercomparison exercise Products tailored for different types of user - e.g. multi-resolution, AOD vs [PM 2.5 ], etc. Input: ATSR, MERIS, MSG Invitation to tender: To be issued in mid Feb 2004 (max. 1 M€) GlobAER - Global Aerosol from Earth Observation

16 20042005200320022001 Industry & Market path New Providers User path New Users GMES Services Earthwatch Missions Research path New Methods

17 Policy Needs for Atmospheric Monitoring Montreal-Protocol: seems to be solved for many Politicians (e.g. closing of ground-based monitoring stations) Convention on Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution: high political attention (e.g. impact of PM on Health) Kyoto-Protocol, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: high political attention (e.g. CO 2 trading)

18 Users and their Needs ECMWF, Meteo-France, WMO: Ozone Information NILU, DG Environment, ADEME, VITO, ARPA, EPA, INERIS, DEFRA: CLRTAP Monitoring ARPA, Nordrhein-Westfahlen, WHO, ATMO Auvergne, Airmaraix, Air Pays de la Loire, UBA-Austria,UBA-Berlin: AQ Forecast SYKE, RIVM: UV-B Monitoring BVDD: UV-B Forecast

19 Target Instruments/Key Methods ESA: GOME, ATSR-2, SCIAMACHY, GOMOS, MIPAS, AATSR, MERIS EUMETSAT: GOME2, IASI NASA: TOMS, MODIS, MOPITT, OMI, (TES) NASDA/CNES: POLDER Ground-based Measurements Key Technology to produce secondary products: Assimilation Techniques (Combination of measurements and models) – MOZART, EURAD, TM3, CHIMERE, LOTOS ATSR 2000 etc.

20 Precursor Services Ozone: ESA TEMIS, EC FP5 GOA/ASSET, FP4 SODA Greenhouse Gases: GMES-GATO, EC FP5 EVERGREEN CLRTAP: EC FP5 GMES-CREATE/DAEDALUS AQ Forecast: ESA AO projects PAGODA1/2, SENECA, EVIVA - National Funding (AFO 2000): INVERT, SACADA, SATEC4D Assimilation, MAPP-MERIS LCC processor UV-B Monitoring: EUMETSAT O3SAF, EU FP5: CANDIDOZ, RETRO, QUOBI, EDUCE, FMI National Funding on OMI, etc. UV-B Forecast: ESA TEMIS, EC STREAMER

21 Planned PROMOTE Project Start: Feb. 2004 about 30 Institutions involved Duration: 20 months Scale: 1.5 M€ Scope: Demonstration Project for GMES (to define future GMES services – planning up to 2014) Strategy: Integration of ground-based and satellite data F Ozone and UV – full operational Service - 300 K€ each F Air Pollution - demonstration Service – 800 K€ F Greenhouse Gases - Service definition

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