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Social Cohesion and Social Capital The Role of Political Institutions Marc Hooghe Sarah Botterman Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Royal Academy Brussels,

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Presentation on theme: "Social Cohesion and Social Capital The Role of Political Institutions Marc Hooghe Sarah Botterman Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Royal Academy Brussels,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Cohesion and Social Capital The Role of Political Institutions Marc Hooghe Sarah Botterman Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Royal Academy Brussels, May 15 th 2008

2 What is the impact of policy and institutions on social cohesion? Two competing visions: 1.Crowding out (conservative Tocquevillian) Voluntary sphere and self-reliance  state intervention  Not supported empirically 2.Facilitating cohesion by policy effects  Some evidence on long-term effects

3 Policy Exclusion Policy effects on exclusion and income (in)equality -Tax system -Social security Exclusion = no or limited capacity to develop human capabilities (Amartya Sen/Martha Nussbaum) Collective goods as pre-condition for human capabilities

4 Policy Exclusion Non-discrimination law Example: voting rights for non-nationals Political Rights Immigrants Trust

5 Policy Networks Policy effects on voluntary sector: -no crowding out -High level of government involvement is associated with high level of voluntary engagement -Downside: homogenous networks? (Mark Bovens: and becoming worse) -Historical pattern: North-South divide in Europe

6 Policy Attitudes Generalized Trust: Causes and Consequences Corruption erodes political trust. Spill-over effect to generalized trust? (Uslaner thesis) Downside: no direct link between government performance and political trust + Generalized trust  diversity?

7 Policy Attitudes Basic expectation: stable political communtiy requires shared norms of community and citizenship Does it require “thick consenus”? (Communautarianism) Or “thin consensus”? (procedural consensus) -“overlapping consensus” (Rawls) -“constitutional patriotism” (Habermas) The challenge of creating an “imagined community”

8 Policy Attitudes How can policies have an effect on attitudes? a)indirect: equality, inclusion b)direct: civic education c)direct: collective rituals d)direct: public broadcasting systems Strong, path-dependent country differences (criteria for inclusion” differ)

9 Basic Questions a)Can political institutions have an effect on attitudinal components of social cohesion? b)If so, is this effect indirect? (by promoting inclusion) c)What kind of shared norms?

10 Case-study: European Policies European Union / Council of Europe History Policy Methods Future?

11 History of the European Union Increasing institutional diversity of European social policy with every enlargement of the EU 1950 - 1973: gradually converging social standards 1974 - 1983: tendency towards renationalisation 1984 - 1994: neo-liberal trend of deregularisation 1995 - 2003: return to social integration 2004 - … : ?

12 Social policy methods 21 st Century A Multilevel Setting Lisbon Strategy (2000)  By means of “Open Method for Coordination” - framework for cooperation - benchmarking

13 Open Method for Coordination Pro’s 1.Stimulates reforms 2.Active approach 3.Encouraging of national policymakers 4.Legitimacy Contra’s 1.Lack of transparency 2.Unknown, unloved 3.Rigid and technocratic 4.Free-riding

14 Open Method for Coordination Aim = harmonisation of legislation and institutions = harmonisation of ideas, visions, conceptions, knowledge and norms of action  Open Method for Coordination: A common political vision

15 Questions remain - Real enlargement or a new Europe? - Soft or Hard forms of regulation? - Social dimension of the Lisbon Strategy?

16 Council of Europe Committee for Social Cohesion: “Social cohesion is one of the foremost needs of the wider Europe and should be pursued as an essential complement to the promotion of human rights and dignity” Strasbourg Summit, 10-11 October 1997

17 Strategy for Social Cohesion 2000 “Governments need to aim not only at making the economy work but also at making society work” Strategy for Social Cohesion 2000 No definition of social cohesion Seeking to identify factors of social cohesion

18 Strategy for Social Cohesion 2000 Conclusions:  Responsibilities in social security  Eliminations of poverty and social exclusion  Operational tools for monitoring progress in social cohesion

19 Revised Strategy for Social Cohesion 2004 Social Cohesion: “The capacity of a society to ensure the welfare of all its members, minimising disparities and avoiding polarisation” Social cohesive society: an ideal

20 Revised Strategy for Social Cohesion 2004 Objectives: 1.Reference framework 2.Accumulating knowledge 3.Facilitate learning process Participatory approach Shared responsibility of all social stakeholders

21 Conclusion EU / Council of Europe Similarities Soft regulation Political vision Dissimilarities Guidance Context  Impact of European Politicies?

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