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From the Perspective of MICROBLOGGING as a Provocative Sociolect in Virtual Space INDICATORS Gabriela Grosseck West University of Timisoara Romania Carmen.

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Presentation on theme: "From the Perspective of MICROBLOGGING as a Provocative Sociolect in Virtual Space INDICATORS Gabriela Grosseck West University of Timisoara Romania Carmen."— Presentation transcript:

1 from the Perspective of MICROBLOGGING as a Provocative Sociolect in Virtual Space INDICATORS Gabriela Grosseck West University of Timisoara Romania Carmen HOLOTESCU Politehnica University of Timisoara Manager Timsoft eLSE Conference, Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009

2 AGENDA Microblogging technology Microblogging platforms Twitter Indicators in an online course Conclusions

3 RSS/blogs-2004, podcast–2005, vlog–2006, video–2007, microblogging-2009 Web2.0 / social networks have great impact in collaborative / social learning ( eLearning2.0 )

4 Microblogging is a collaborative technology, a new form of blogging, with brief text updates of 140 characters, via Web, SMS, email, IM or 3th party applications - RT interactions between users

5 photo: The best known microblogging services

6 Most popular microblogging system Robust, elegant and simple More than 7 million users Numerous mash-ups Social networking in 140 characters twitter

7 Twitter Educational uses: Classroom community Collaboration Project Management Assessing opinion Conference / research Virtual classroom Learning experiences Personal Learning Network Reference services

8 Educational uses: information and knowledge management courses enhancement delivering entire online courses collaborative projects in universities communities of practice ePortfolios. - a microblogging platform specially designed for education and business; launched in March, 2008, by Timsoft

9 Personal Learning Environments / Networks of users special features: public and private groups (courses, projects, events, different topics) multimedia objects embedding in notes: images (flickr, tinypic), audio (deezer, vocaroo) and (live) video clips (youtube, dotsub, vimeo, seesmic, screencastle), presentations (slideshare, slideshow, capzles, voicethread, flowgram, photopeach, notaland) documents (pdf, doc,xls), live streaming feeds monitoring (from sites/blogs/social networks/search). Users Groups Feeds Networks of edu- Resources

10 PLE/PLN: users, groups, feeds Interactions online, via ciripfox, ciripGadget, SMS, mobile, IM, (MMS), API, twitter2cirip, rss2cirip Text messages, images, audio, video (live), presentations, files Profile cirip2twitter, widget, export notes,

11 Indicators: Popularity Influence Coagulation index Exposure index Geographical distribution Temporal distribution Online social presence Connections/comunication PLE/PLN relevance ePortfolio

12 Group news: announcements materials as LOM/SCORM objects An online course about microblogging platforms Investigations: integrate microblogging with other Web2.0 technologies microblogging platform as LMS course facilitation indicators

13 Course elements: announcements materials as LOM/SCORM objects collaborative exercises multimedia messages built PLE / PLN

14 Collaborative exercises using different Web2.0 technologies: puzzle images/digital storytelling flickr, CC collection video translation - writeboard, dotsub comments on voicethread tagcloud - wordle code of good practices on microblogs - writeboard

15 Conclusions : Facilitating an entire online course or a part of a course on such a platform requires specific facilitation skills, and collaborative technologies knowledge; indicators analysis - factor for improving has facilities to deliver successful and qualitative online courses and to enhance courses; the communication, authoring, monitoring, statistical facilities make a modern free LMS. Participants gain important digital and communication skills, build PLE / PLN, continue to collaborate in community


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