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Smaller populations, larger frequency change? What about allele size effects What about environmental variation Are large populations limited to one peak.

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Presentation on theme: "Smaller populations, larger frequency change? What about allele size effects What about environmental variation Are large populations limited to one peak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smaller populations, larger frequency change? What about allele size effects What about environmental variation Are large populations limited to one peak Population size and long-term selection

2 - Assuming h2m low, most response reflects standing genetic variation - Selection fixes favorable alleles, drifts fixes alleles at random - Inbreeding depression lower in large pop (Ne arguments) - Natural selection more effective - Larger variety of recombinants in large pop - Large pop are more likely to fix alleles ameliorating bad alleles - Mutation will supply needed modifiers in numbers proportional to population size But Hidden Epistatic potential??




6 Huge population sizes in an artificial selection expt.

7 Artificial selection not Opposed by Natural selection in Large population

8 Large Populations: Selection is a more efficient extractor of the improbable

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