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IMS Systems Analysis and Design

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1 IMS9001 - Systems Analysis and Design

2 Logical and physical DFDs
Data flow diagrams may focus on either: the “physical” view of the system’s processing OR the “logical” view of the system’s processing

3 Physical DFDs represent a particular way of implementing the processes and data in a system they are technology dependent they show how the processing takes place and how the data is implemented

4 Logical DFDs represent what a system must do regardless of how it is implemented they are technology independent they show what processing, data movements and data storage must occur in a system they show the essential aspects of a system physical DFDs help systems analysts become familiar with how a business or system operates physical DFDs help systems analysts understand and document problems with existing systems users can relate to physical DFDs more readily because they contain implementation details: landmarks e.g. people or roles, locations implementation details can be removed from physical DFDs logical DFDs allow systems analysts to gain a clear understanding of what a system must achieve logical DFDs allow systems analysts to concentrate on problem solutions without being influenced by the limitations of particular technologies constraints on how problem solutions might be implemented can then be considered: alternative implementations can be evaluated use physical DFDs early in systems analysis to understand how current systems work and the problems associated with them convert physical DFDs to logical DFDs later in systems analysis to represent the essence of the system: the essential processes and data add physical implementation details to the logical DFDs towards the end of systems analysis to reflect early design and implementation considerations

5 Using Logical and Physical DFDs
physical DFDs help systems analysts become familiar with how a business or system operates physical DFDs help systems analysts understand and document problems with existing systems users can relate to physical DFDs more readily because they contain implementation details: landmarks e.g. people or roles, actual locations implementation details can be removed from physical DFDs

6 Physical to Logical DFDs
use names for data flows and data stores which indicate their content, not their physical form or location use names for processes that indicate what, not how

7 Physical to Logical DFDs
2.1 checked AZ104 form AZ104 form Bill checks form Master File valid sales order 2.1 sales order Validate sales order Sales orders

8 received customer order
Physical to Logical eliminate physical processes that refer to physical activities only and do not transform data 1.1.1 1.1.2 daily mail delivery opened mail 1.1.3 mail orders Retrieve mail orders Open mail Register mail orders registered mail orders 1.1.1 customer order received customer order Record customer order

9 Physical to Logical remove any data stores that are implementation dependent 1.1.2 1.1.1 Update master file Validate trans- actions transactions Transaction file Master file 1.1.1 Validate employee details employee details Employees

10 Physical to Logical avoid arbitrary sequencing 2.1.2 2.1.3 A B only show this sequence if process B requires data produced by process A

11 consider the implications for processing cycles of
Physical to Logical consider the implications for processing cycles of showing data stores 1.1.2 1.1.1 customer invoice Produce customer invoice Validate sales order sales order Sales orders OR 1.1.2 1.1.1 Produce customer invoice valid sales order customer invoice sales order Validate sales order

12 Example Physical DFD and Logical DFD
an example physical DFD for part of an order processing system AZ4-order form 2..1.1 Sorted orders file 2.1.3 checked order forms 2..1.2 Run the orders program Orders clerk Sort into order number reject Stock file processed orders a logical DFD derived from the physical DFD above Products 2..1.3 2..1.1 sales orders valid sales orders 2..1.2 Complete sales orders Check sales orders Check stock available accepted sales orders reject filled sales orders

13 Logical and Physical DFDs
Physical DFDs Logical DFDs View How processing is What the system does implemented Processes Actual sequence Essential sequence Naming Forms, locations, Underlying data and people/roles activities Data flows Excess/duplicated data Only essential inputs for implementation and outputs of the needs processes

14 Building a Set of Data Flow Diagrams
originally there were four different types of DFDs used in a four stage modelling process: current physical model build a set of physical DFDs representing the current system current logical model derive a logical equivalent new logical model incorporate new system requirements identified new physical model add physical implementation details to reflect the selected implementation option

15 Building a Set of Data Flow Diagrams
disadvantages of the four stage modelling approach: unnecessary emphasis on detailed modelling of existing system inhibits creative problem solving and redesign preferred approach: create a set of physical DFDs for the current system which are detailed enough to understand and grasp any problems focus on the essential model of the system, i.e. the new logical model which identifies what the new system must do

16 Data Dictionary (Repository)
the data dictionary is a database or repository of information about objects identified during systems development every object (and each of its components) must have a definition in the data dictionary the data dictionary is a major source of documentation about the information system

17 Data Dictionary Entries for Components of DFDs
the data dictionary must contain precise definitions of all components of all data flow diagrams: to fully explain the meaning of the DFDs to describe the contents of all data flows and data stores to describe the processing that occurs in primitive processes to ensure that names and meanings of components are used consistently (a common vocabulary)

18 Data Dictionary Entries
a data dictionary entry must be included for each data flow data store higher level process primitive process external agent (source/sink)

19 Data elements each data flow consists of a series of data elements
a data element is a unit of data that cannot be further broken down into meaningful units of data each data element should also have an entry in the data dictionary data flows and data stores are made up of data elements

20 Data Elements a data dictionary entry for a data element should include any aliases (alternative names), a brief description of its meaning, the kinds of values it can take, and the range of values it can have (if appropriate) E.g. Data element: product code Alias: product number Description: identifies a product held in the warehouse Values: must be a positive integer Range: between 1000 and 5000

21 Data Flows a data dictionary entry for a data flow describes the sequence of data elements and data structures in the data flow using the following connectors: = is equivalent to + and [ ] select one of { } iterations of ( ) optional * comments

22 Example Data Flow Entry
sales order = sales order no. + sales order date + customer number + [account customer cash customer] + customer name + customer address + (customer telephone no) + {item no + item desc + item price + item qty} + sales order total amount

23 Data Stores a data store is made up of data flows and data elements
where a data store consists of a collection of data flows it is described as repetitions of that data flow e.g. Data Store: {customer invoice} data stores may also be described by listing their data elements e.g customer deposit = account no + deposit date + deposit amount + account balance

24 Describing Processes each process in higher level DFDs is defined by the DFD that decomposes the process at the next level down: these are parent processes each such process should have a data dictionary entry which includes a brief description of the overall nature and purpose of the process

25 Describing Processes example data dictionary entry for a process
Treat patients: Patient consultations are carried out to determine the causes of patients’ illnesses/ medical problems. Further treatment/ follow up is recommended if appropriate. Details of consultations are recorded. specific process description (minispecs)

26 Describing External Agents
each external agent (source or sink) should have a data dictionary entry which describes its relationship with the system e.g. Referring Doctors: These are doctors who refer their patients to a specialist medical practitioner for treatment. They are usually general practitioners.

27 Building and Maintaining the Data Dictionary
determine standard formats and information content for all types of data dictionary entries have a standard means of organising and storing the entries in the data dictionary ensure that all components of the DFDs have entries in the data dictionary and that they are kept up-to-date cross-referencing of entries in the data dictionary can help to check the completeness and consistency of the DFDs and other types of models

28 Detailed Process Definitions
the processing that occurs within the bottom level (primitive) processes in DFDs needs to be defined detailed process descriptions are also known as minispecs detailed process descriptions form part of the data dictionary: they define the contents of primitive processes

29 Detailed Process Definitions
many techniques can be used to define the details of processing: e.g. narrative text Structured English decision tables decision trees flow charts

30 Detailed Process Definitions
detailed process descriptions should: express what the process does (i.e. policy), not how the process is carried out (i.e. procedure) be in a form that can be easily understood and verified by both users and systems analysts be in a form that can be easily communicated to all potential stakeholders: e.g. end-users, systems analysts, managers, system designers, project leaders, programmers

31 Structured English Structured English is a modified form of English with some major restrictions on vocabulary and structure: only action (imperative) verbs such as get, put, add, calculate, find, delete are used only nouns/noun phrases which refer to components of the DFDs should be used, i.e. data flows, data stores, data elements

32 Structured English sentences consist of action verbs and DFD components sentences are combined to form process descriptions using the control structures of sequence, condition, and repetition

33 Control Structures Condition uses If... Then...Else or
Select Case Case 1...Case 2...End Case E.g. If qty-in-stock is less than minimum-order-qty Then update stock-reorder indicator Else do nothing

34 Control Structures e.g. Select Case
CASE 1 qty-in-stock is less than minimum-order-qty Do update stock-reorder indicator CASE 2 qty-in-stock is equal to minimum- order-qty Do nothing CASE 3 qty-in-stock is greater than minimum- order-qty End Case

35 Control Structures Sequence is represented with one sentence following another in sequence: Add student to class list Decrease available-places Calculate class-fee

36 Control Structures Repetition uses Do-Until or Do-While loops: Do
Accept customer-account-details Calculate daily-interest = daily balance * daily interest rate Add daily-interest to monthly-interest-due Until no more customer-accounts

37 Example Structured English
Accept sales-order Find customer-details If customer-details not found Then reject sales-order Else Create sales-order-header Do while more sales-order-items find item-details calculate sales-order-item price = item price *order-qty Enddo Authorise sales-order Endif

38 Guidelines for Structured English
use indentation to indicate control structures and their scope: assists readability and understanding avoid more than three levels of nesting: complicated logic can be represented using other techniques Stuctured English descriptions should illustrate the logic of the processing, not the implementation of the processing

39 Decision Tables decision tables are useful for describing processes where several different conditions apply and the particular actions that are taken are determined by combinations of the values of the conditions decision tables are useful where the process logic is complex decision tables show all the possible choices and the conditions they depend on in a tabular form

40 Decision Tables decision tables have three stubs (four quadrants):
combinations of condition values conditions rules outcomes for each set of condition values actions

41 Example Decision Table
avg account bal > $1,000 Y Y Y Y N N N N overdraft amount < $50,000 Y Y N N Y Y N N previous paid-out loan Y N Y N Y N Y N approve X X conditional approval X X reject X X X X

42 Decision Trees 15% 10% 12% 7% Determine Customer Discount
decision trees are an alternative graphical representation of a decision situation as a connected series of nodes and branches local item 15% wholesale customer imported item 10% local item 12% retail customer imported item 7% Determine Customer Discount

43 Selecting Techniques for Process Descriptions
Structured English is useful where a process has a sequence of activities and there is no more than three levels of nesting of decisions decision trees and decision tables are useful where a process involves a decision based on combinations of values of several conditions

44 Selecting Techniques for Process Descriptions
decision trees visually distinguish the decision conditions and their values from the actions: they show the paths that decisions can follow but soon become cluttered if each condition has several possible values decision tables are able to show decisions involving many conditions each with many possible values

45 Overview of Process Modelling
several techniques are available for representing the processing within systems the aim of process modelling in systems analysis is to define the processing that occurs within a system

46 Process Modelling Techniques
models representing: an overview of the system processing the structure of the system processing the flow of data into and out of the processes the detailed logic of the processes can be constructed

47 References HOFFER, J.A., GEORGE, J.F. and VALACICH (2005) Modern Systems Analysis and Design, (4th edition), Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA. Chapters 7, 8 WHITTEN, J.L., BENTLEY, L.D. and DITTMAN, K.C. (2001) 5th ed., Systems Analysis and Design Methods, Irwin/McGraw-HilI, New York, NY. Chapter 8

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