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EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)1 California Digital Library East Asian Digital Resources Project: An Update Shirley W. Leung.

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Presentation on theme: "EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)1 California Digital Library East Asian Digital Resources Project: An Update Shirley W. Leung."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)1 California Digital Library East Asian Digital Resources Project: An Update Shirley W. Leung

2 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)2 Impetus for project 2/04 Report of the UC East Asian Digital Resources Task Force established by the California Digital Library (CDL) in 2/03 Task Force members: Cathy Chiu (UCSB) Chair, Sanae Isozumi (UCSD), Mikyung Kang (UCLA), Karl Lo (UCSD), Peter Zhou (UCB) CDL East Asian Digital Resources (EADR)Proposal (2/05)

3 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)3 Key outcomes expected of project A sustainable budget/staffing proposal to manage the integration of CJK materials into UC shared digital collections framework Proposals for technical infrastructure issues such as hosting, etc. and a plan for sustainability Effective organizational structure and processes to foster ongoing leadership skills and to involve UC EA subject specialists in ongoing planning activities A written report of completed work, a detailed plan and budget for maintenance, and recommended model for co-investment

4 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)4 Broad Consultation and Environmental Scan Required Various UC groups, e.g. the Collection Development Council (CDC); the Directors of UC East Asian collections and UC East Asian bibliographers Group Representatives from UCSD familiar with EADR technical infrastructure at the San Diego Supercomputer Center CDL colleagues, e.g.Shared Digital Content, Shared Acquisitions and Shared Cataloging, Digital Library Services Representatives from other libraries with large East Asian collections such as LC, Stanford, USC, University of British Columbia, and the University of Washington

5 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)5 Consultation Activities Visited all ten UC campus libraries and met with the ULs, CDOs, and East Asian collection heads and bibliographers Met with San Diego Supercomputer Center staff re their hosting of digital resources Worked with UCSD Library colleagues in understanding of costs related to local hosting of digital resources Met/discuss with various CDL colleagues to understand CDL processes and working framework, e.g. Shared Cataloging

6 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)6 Environmental scan activities Met with six digital resource service providers and three libraries in Beijing and Hong Kong in July Visited with East Asian Library colleagues at University of Washington and University of British Columbia Will visit USC, Stanford, and Library of Congress later in October Participated in an OCLC Steering Committee which proposed a Forum on Chinese Digital Content

7 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)7 Environmental scan activities - OCLC Forum on Chinese Digital Content Steering Committee held meeting in May and proposed forum for representatives of 15 largest North American East Asian libraries and major Chinese digital content providers to promote greater mutual understanding Forum held on 27-28 Sept. attended by senior OCLC staff, representatives of 16 US and Canadian East Asian libraries, 6 digital content service providers and two library organizations from China (CALIS) and the National Library of China

8 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)8 Activity to strengthen familiarity with UC Co- Investment and shared digital collections framework Proposed and organized workshop to familiarize UC collection heads and participants with UC/CDL’s framework, processes, and guidelines as they relate to selection and evaluation to acquisition, implementation, and monitoring of digital resources Many contributed to 8-9 September Workshop: CDL staff, other UC librarians (for best practice sessions), and workshop participants Workshop outcome – creation of the UC East Asian Bibliographers (UCEAB) and action items

9 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)9 Other discussions/ information-gathering activities Suggested to Hong Kong academic libraries and OCLC that they work together to package the analytics/cataloging records of digital collections (e.g. Siku, CAJ) into OCLC collection records for more convenient use by other libraries Working with UCSD colleagues to gain/clarify understanding of the costs and other issues involved with digital resources hosted at SDSC Working on the application of the Recommended “Strategy” for Constructing East Asian Digital Resource Cost Share Models – developed by the UC Collection Development Council (CDC)

10 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)10 Timeframe for project report Work on drafts in November 2005 Complete project by mid-December 2005

11 EAALC Meeting (10/05 San Diego)11  End 

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