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Infections that require large infective dosage
Food Borne Illness Infections that require large infective dosage
Infections that require large infective dosage
Bacteria Salmonella spp. Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Vibrio parahaemolyticus and other vibrios Escherichia coli - Enterotoxigenic (ETEC) Enterohemorrhagic HUS Campylobacter jejuni Listeria
Enterobacteriaceae Classification – more than15 different genera
Lactoes Ferm +ve Escherichia Enterobacter Citrobacter Klebsiella Pectinobacterium Lactoes Ferm –ve Shigella Edwardsiella Salmonella Hafnia Serratia Proteus Providencia Morganella Yersinia Erwinia Classification – more than15 different genera
Enterobacteriaceae Morphology and General Characteristics
Gram-negative, non-sporing, rod shaped bacteria Oxidase – Ferment glucose and may or may not produce gas in the process (aerogenic vs anaerogenic) Reduce nitrate to nitrite (there are a few exceptions)
Enterobacteriaceae Are facultative anaerobes
If motile, motility is by peritrichous flagella Many are normal inhabitants of the intestinal tract of man and other animals Some are enteric pathogens and others are urinary or respiratory tract pathogens Differentiation is based on biochemical reactions and and differences in antigenic structure
Enterobacteriaceae Most grow well on a variety of lab media including a lot of selective and differential media originally developed for the the selective isolation of enteric pathogens. Most of this media is selective by incorporation of dyes and bile salts that inhibit G+ organisms and may suppress the growth of nonpathogenic species of Enterobacteriaceae. Many are differential on the basis of whether or not the organisms ferment lactose and/or produce H2S.
Antigenic Structure of Enterobacteriaceae
Escherichia coli Normal inhabitant of the G.I. tract.
Some strains cause various forms of gastroenteritis. Is a major cause of urinary tract infection and neonatal meningitis and septicemia.
E. coli May be hemolytic on CBA – more common in pathogenic strains
KEY tests for the normal strain: TSI is A/A + gas LIA K/K Urea – Indole + Citrate – Motility + There is an inactive biotype that is anaerogenic, lactose – , and nonmotile.
Escherichia coli Virulence factors
Toxins Enterotoxins and Shigella like Toxins Enterotoxins causes a movement of water and ions from the tissues to the bowel resulting in watery diarrhea. There are two types of enterotoxin: LT and ST
E. Coli Enterotoxins LT – is heat labile and LT – is heat labile and alters the activity of sodium and chloride transporters producing an ion imbalance that results in fluid transport into the bowel. ST – is heat stable and binds to specific receptors with the same results as with LT.
Shiga-type toxins Shiga-type toxin – also called the verotoxin -produced by enterohemorrhagic strains of E. coli (EHEC) – is cytotoxic, enterotoxic, neurotoxic, and may cause diarrhea and ulceration of the G.I. tract.
E. coli infections Gastroenteritis – there are several distinct types of E. coli that are involved in different types of gastroenteritis: enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) , enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC).
Shigella Shigella Contains four species that differ antigenically and, to a lesser extent, biochemically.
Shigella species Biochemistry S. dysenteriae (Group A)
S. flexneri (Group B) S. boydii (Group C) S. sonnei (Group D) Biochemistry TSI K/A with NO gas LIA K/A Urea – Motility - All ferment mannitol except S. dysenteriae S. sonnei may show delayed lactose fermentation
Shigella species Virulence factors
Shiga toxin – is produced by S. dysenteriae and in smaller amounts by S. flexneri and S. sonnei. Acts to inhibit protein synthesis This plays a role in the ulceration of the intestinal mucosa.
Shigella Clinical significance
Causes shigellosis or bacillary dysentery. Transmission is via the fecal-oral route. The infective dose required to cause infection is very low ( organisms). There is an incubation of 1-7 days followed by fever, cramping, abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea (due to the toxin)for 1-3 days. This may be followed by frequent, scant stools with blood, mucous, and pus (due to invasion of intestinal mucosa). It is rare for the organism to disseminate. The severity of the disease depends upon the species one is infected with. S. dysenteria is the most pathogenic followed by S. flexneri, S. sonnei and S. boydii.
Salmonella Salmonella
Classification has been changing in the last few years. There is now 1 species: S. enteritica, and 7 subspecies: 1, 2 ,3a ,3b ,4 ,5, and 6. Subgroup 1 causes most human infections 2000 sub species
Salmonella Clinically Salmonella isolates are often still reported out as serogroups or serotypes based on the Kauffman-White scheme of classification. Based on O and H (flagella) antigens The H antigens occur in two phases; 1 and 2 and only 1 phase is expressed at a given time. Polyvalent antisera is used followed by group specific antisera (A, B, C1, C2, D, and E) Salmonella typhi also has a Vi antigen which is a capsular antigen.
Salmonella Biochemistry Virulence factors
TSI K/A + gas and H2S: S. typhi produces only a small amount of H2S and no gas , and S. paratyphi A produces no H2S LIA K/K with H2S with S. paratyphi A giving K/A results Urea – Motility + Citrate +/- Indole - Virulence factors Endotoxin – may play a role in intracellular survival Capsule (for S. typhi and some strains of S. paratyphi) Adhesions – both fimbrial and non-fimbrial
Salmonella Clinical Significance – causes two different kinds of disease: enteric fevers and gastroenteritis. Both types of disease begin in the same way, but with the gastroenteritis the bacteria remains restricted to the intestine and with the enteric fevers, the organism spreads Transmission is via a fecal-oral route, i.e., via ingestion of contaminated food or water.
Enterobacteriaceae Proteus, Providencia, and Morganella
Are all part of the NF of the GI tract (except Providencia). All motile, with Proteus swarming PA + Lysine deamination + (LIA R/A) Urea + for most, strongly + for Proteus TSI variable (know the reactions for each in the lab!) Indole – only P. mirabilis is -
Proteus, Providencia, and Morganella
Virulence factors Urease – the ammonia produced may damage the epithelial cells of the UT Clinical Significance UT infections, as well as pneumonia, septicemia, and wound infections
Enterobacter sakazakii
a Gram-negative rod-shaped pathogenic bacterium. It is a rare cause of invasive infection with historically high case fatality rates (40–80%) in infants. From contaminated infant formulas E. sakazakii as a now classified into a new genus, Cronobacter, comprising five species For survivors, severe lasting complications can result including neurological disorders.
Three ways infant formula get contaminated with Cronobacter sp. ?
a) Through the raw material used for producing the formula; b) through contamination of the formula or other dry ingredients after pasteurization; and c) through contamination of the formula as it is being reconstituted by the caregiver just prior to feeding. Can other foods also be contaminated? Cronobacter sp. has been detected in other types of food, but only powdered infant formula has been linked to outbreaks of disease.
Most frequent notified enteric disease
Campylobacter Campylobacteriosis Most frequent notified enteric disease The organism – G-ve, motile, spiral rod C. jejuni & C. coli Thermophile (25 to 43 deg. C)
Campylobacter Exponential Slender, curved shaped growth morphology
Campylobacter Characteristics - thermophile, survives > 1 hour on
hands & moist surfaces - survives refrigeration - can revert to VBNC
Campylobacter The illness - incubation – 2 to 5 days
- febrile prodrome - watery/bloody diarrhoea, abdominal pain & nausea
Campylobacter The illness, continued
- infective dose – to cells - any age group; infants < 1 year & young adults; males up to 45 years - Rx – fluids, ? erythromycin (resistance)
Campylobacter Sources - human – faecal-oral person-to-person
- animal – ruminants, cats, dogs, flies, birds
Campylobacter jejuni
Campylobacter Sources - food – raw poultry, raw milk, offal, red
meat - environment – faeces from infected animals contaminate soil & water
Yersinia enterocolitica
Yersiniosis The organism – small G-ve rods of family Enterobacteriaceae Geographical variation in pathogenic serotypes Serotype O:3 in NZ
Yersinia enterocolitica
Characteristics - grows at wide range of temperatures (0 to 44 0 C), aerobically & anaerobically - withstands freezing & survives in damp soil
Yersinia enterocolitica
The illness - incubation – 7 days - abdominal pain (confused with appendicitis) - headache, fever, diarrhoea, nausea & vomiting (children – watery, mucoid diarrhoea)
Yersinia enterocolitica
The illness, continued - infective dose – unknown - children < 4 years & adults years - Rx – antibiotics when serious
Yersinia enterocolitica
Sources - human – person-to-person, hospitals - animal – primary source is pigs (tongue & tonsils), companion animals, rats & insects - food – pork & pork products - environment – drinking & surface water, sewage sludge
Yersinia enterocolitica
Listeria monocytogenes
Listeriosis (invasive disease & non-invasive enteritis) The organism – G+ve ovoid to rod-shaped bacterium Widespread in environment and a non-invasive gastroenteritis.
Listeria monocytogenes
Characteristics - grows in wide range of temperatures (1 to 45o C) - survives freezing - aerobic & anaerobic conditions
Listeria monocytogenes
The illness – invasive form - incubation – 30 days - flu’-like symptoms, diarrhoea, vomiting, meningitis, septicaemia, spontaneous abortion
Listeria monocytogenes
The illness – invasive form, continued - infective dose – 100 to cells - pregnant women, newborn babies, the elderly & AIDS patients - Rx – penicillin, ampicillin +/- gentamicin
Listeria monocytogenes
The illness – non-invasive - incubation – 18 hours - diarrhoea, fever, muscle pain, headache, abdominal cramps & vomiting
Listeria monocytogenes
The illness – non-invasive - infective dose – > 100 thou. cells/gm - all individuals susceptible - Rx - penicillin, ampicillin +/- gentamicin
Listeria monocytogenes
Sources - human – person-to-person rare - animal – diseased animals shed in faeces, contamination of red meat; silage - food – ready-to-eat cooked food with long shelf-life - raw foods - environment – widespread in soil, water & sewage (Hospitals & occupational exposure)
Listeria monocytogenes
Vibrio, Aeromonas & Plesiomonas
General Characteristics of Vibrio, Aeromonas and Plesiomonas
Similarities to Enterobacteriaceae Gram-negative Facultative anaerobes Fermentative bacilli Differences from Enterobacteriaceae Polar flagella Oxidase positive Formerly classified together as Vibrionaceae Primarily found in water sources Cause gastrointestinal disease Shown not closely related by molecular methods
Morphology & Physiology of Vibrio
Comma-shaped (vibrioid) bacilli V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus are most significant human pathogens Broad temperature & pH range for growth on media 18-37C pH (useful for enrichment) Grow on variety of simple media including: MacConkey’s agar TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile salts Sucrose) agar V. cholerae grow without salt Most other vibrios are halophilic
Vibrio spp. (Family Vibrionaceae) Associated with Human Disease
Epidemiology of Vibrio spp.
Vibrio spp. (including V. cholerae) grow in estuarine and marine environments worldwide All Vibrio spp. can survive and replicate in contaminated waters with increased salinity and at temperatures of 10-30oC Pathogenic Vibrio spp. appear to form symbiotic (?) associations with chitinous shellfish which serve as an important and only recently recognized reservoir Asymptomatically infected humans also serve as an important reservoir in regions where cholera is endemic
Taxonomy of Vibrio cholerae
>200 serogroups based on somatic O-antigen O1 and O139 serogroups are responsible for classic epidemic cholera O1 serogroup subdivided into Two biotypes: El Tor and classical (or cholerae) Three serotypes: ogawa, inaba, hikojima Some O1 strains do not produce cholera enterotoxin (atypical or nontoxigenic O1 V. cholerae) Other strains are identical to O1 strains but do not agglutinate in O1 antiserum (non-cholera (NCV) or non-agglutinating(NAG) vibrios) (non-O1 V.cholerae) Several phage types
Epidemiology of Vibrio cholerae
Cholera recognized for more than two millennia with sporadic disease and epidemics Endemic in regions of Southern and Southeastern Asia; origin of pandemic cholera outbreaks Generally in communities with poor sanitation Seven pandemics (possible beginning of 8th) since 1817 attributable to increased world travel Cholera spread by contaminated water and food Human carriers and environmental reservoirs
Recent Cholera Pandemics
7th pandemic: V. cholerae O1 biotype El Tor Began in Asia in 1961 Spread to other continents in 1970s and 1980s Spread to Peru in 1991 and then to most of South & Central America and to U.S. & Canada By 1995 in the Americas, >106 cases; 104 dead 8th pandemic (??) V. cholerae O139 Bengal is first non-O1 strain capable of causing epidemic cholera Began in India in 1992 and spread to Asia, Europe and U.S. Disease in humans previously infected with O1 strain, thus no cross-protective immunity
Pathogenesis of V.cholerae
Incubation period: 2-3 days High infectious dose: >108 CFU CFU with achlorhydria or hypochlorhydria (lack of or reduced stomach acid) Abrupt onset of vomiting and life-threatening watery diarrhea (15-20 liters/day) As more fluid is lost, feces-streaked stool changes to rice-water stools: Colorless Odorless No protein Speckled with mucus
Pathogenesis of V.cholerae (cont.)
Cholera toxin leads to profuse loss of fluids and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, bicarbonate) Hypokalemia (low levels of K in blood) Cardiac arrhythmia and renal failure Cholera toxin blocks uptake of sodium & chloride from lumen of small intestine Death attributable to: Hypovolemic shock (due to abnormally low volume of circulating fluid (plasma) in the body) Metabolic acidosis (pH shifts toward acid side due to loss of bicarbonate buffering capacity)
Treatment & Prevention of V. cholerae
Untreated: 60% fatality Treated: <1% fatality Rehydration & supportive therapy Oral Sodium chloride (3.5 g/L) Potassium chloride (1.5 g/L) Rice flour (30-80g/L) Trisodium citrate (2.9 g/L) Intravenous (IV) Doxycycline or tetracycline (Tet resistance may be developing) of secondary value Water purification, sanitation & sewage treatment Vaccines
Laboratory Identification of Vibrios
Transport medium - Cary-Blair semi-solid agar Enrichment medium - alkaline peptone broth Vibrios survive and replicate at high pH Other organisms are killed or do not multiply Selective/differential culture medium - TCBS agar V. cholerae grow as yellow colonies Biochemical and serological tests
Characteristics and Epidemiology of Aeromonas (Family Aeromonadaceae)
Gram-negative facultatively anaerobic bacillus resembling members of the Enterobacteriaceae Motile species have single polar flagellum (nonmotile species apparently not associated with human disease) 16 phenospecies: Most significant human pathogens A. hydrophila, A. caviae, A. veronii biovar sobria Ubiquitous in fresh and brackish water Acquired by ingestion of or exposure to contaminated water or food
Clinical Syndromes of Aeromonas
Associated with gastrointestinal disease Chronic diarrhea in adults Self-limited acute, severe disease in children resembling shigellosis with blood and leukocytes in the stool 3% carriage rate Wound infections Opportunistic systemic disease in immunocompromised Putative virulence factors include: endotoxin; hemolysins; eneterotoxin; proteases; siderophores; adhesins
Afimbriated Aeromonas hydrophila
Nonadherent Afimbriated Bacterial Cells and Buccal Cells
Fimbriated Aeromonas hydrophila
Adherent Fimbriated Bacterial Cells and Buccal Cells
Characteristics of Plesiomonas
Formerly Plesiomonadaceae Closely related to Proteus & now classified as Enterobacteriaceae despite differences: Oxidase positive Multiple polar flagella (lophotrichous) Single species: Plesiomonas shigelloides Isolated from aquatic environment (fresh or estuarine) Acquired by ingestion of or exposure to contaminated water or seafood or by exposure to amphibians or reptiles Self-limited gastroenteritis: secretory, colitis or chronic forms Variety of uncommon extra-intestinal infections
Characteristics of Aeromonas and Plesiomonas Gastroenteritis
Epidemiological Features Aeromonas Plesiomonas Natural Habitat Source of Infection Fresh or brackish water Contaminated water or food Fresh or brackish water Contaminated water or food Clinical Features Diarrhea Vomiting Abdominal Cramps Fever Blood/WBCs in Stool Present Absent Pathogenesis Enterotoxin (??) Invasiveness
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