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Rzeszow University of Technology provides technical education since 1951 State university with higher education at 5 faculties: - Mechanical Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Rzeszow University of Technology provides technical education since 1951 State university with higher education at 5 faculties: - Mechanical Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rzeszow University of Technology provides technical education since 1951 State university with higher education at 5 faculties: - Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Management and Marketing (non- engineering) Number of students: 16 000 Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator BASIC INFORMATION

2 Rzeszow University of Technology AVIATION TRANING CENTER

3 High professional qualifications of the academic staff Good equipment for the research works (laboratories, computer systems etc.) Various forms of international exchange and co-operation Organization and participation in scientific conferences and meetings Providing education within five different domains (the only school in Poland training pilots for civil aviation) Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator BASIC CHARACTERISTICS

4 Aircraft design Jet engines Avionics Aerodynamics Structures Materials engineering and processing Mechanics Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator RESEARCH FIELDS RELATED TO AEROSPACE

5 Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND AERONAUTICS DEPARTMENTS: Department of Materials Science Department of Applied Mechanics and Robotics Department of Manufacturing Techniques and Automation Department of Manufacturing Processes and Production Organisation Department of Computer Science Department of Machine Design Department of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics Department of Casting and Welding Department of Plastic Working Department of Aircrafts and Craft Engines Department of Thermodynamics Department of Avionics and Control Department of Automotive Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines

6 Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND AERONAUTICS Main research fields Experimental investigations of turbojet engine injectors Prediction of flows in industrial applications Fundamental aspects of Computational Fluid Dynamics Research and design in FEM modelling - 2D, 3D Optimization techniques Aircraft design and optimization On-board equipment integration Avionics and Aeronautical Systems System integration Flight control systems, fly-by wire systems

7 Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND AERONAUTICS Main research fields Intermetallic-phases based alloys- technology, structure, properties and application Metallurgical factors and technologies affecting microstructure and mechanical properties of alloys for airspace industry (e.g. alloys of Al, Ti, Ni) Theoretical modelling and experimental verification of properties of modern materials under mechanical loading, fracture mechanics of composite materials; research on fatigue Dynamics of high speed cutting process of materials applied to aeronautic objects Development of special technologies of metal forming, design of the forming machines and attachments of manufacturing processes; numerical analysis (FEM) of forging, extrusion, drawing, rolling and other processes Rapid prototyping Manufacturing technology and properties of fabrications made by powder metallurgy methods Casting technologies, tests and investigations for airspace products

8 Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND AERONAUTICS Some examples of research activity of Departments scientific fields staff technical equipment

9 MAIN FIELDS OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY Structural stability and decohesion of single and two-phase titanium alloys in creep and fatigue conditions - fine structure superplasticity; Dynamic and metadynamic recrystallization in steels and titanium alloys; Development of titanium alloys surface layers by laser treatment; Numerical modelling of behaviour of the alloys during plastic deformation and fracture; Metallurgical factors and technologies affecting microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys; Substructural deformation mechanisms in nickel alloys and kinetics of strengthening second phase particle growth in nickel based superalloys; Thermodynamics of metal liquid solutions especially in copper alloys; Manufacturing technology and properties of fabrications made by powder metallurgy methods. Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE

10 Struers cutting-off and polishing devices used for preparation of metallographic specimens and thin foils by chemical and electrolytic polishing and etching; Light microscope Nikon Epiphot 300 (DIC) equipped with high resolution digital camera Nikon DS-5 and image analysis software Aphelion 2.3, stereoscopic microscope Zeiss Stemi 2000-C, microscope Neophot 2; Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LABORATORY OF LIGHT MICROSCOPY

11 vacuum sublimation devices Jeol and Balzers, transmission electron microscope Tesla BS540, scanning electron microscopes: Jeol JSM 50A, CDS (with field emission) and Philips Novascan (equipped with EDS Link ISIS – Oxford Instruments); LABORATORY OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE

12 Thermal analyser SETSYS Evolution (DTA, DSC, TMA), X-ray diffractometer ARL-XTRa equipped with high temperature chamber, absolute dilatometers LS-4 (continuous cooling and isothermal conditions), emission spectrometer ARL 3460 used for titanium, iron and aluminium alloys; LABORATORY OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND DETERMINATION OF CHEMICAL AND PHASE COMPOSITION Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE

13 hardness testing machine INSTRON Testor 930/250 (for Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell method), microhardness tester Metsuzawa-Seiki (Knoop or Vickers intender), universal mechanical testing machine UTS 100 (software for user programming of the test sequence, temperature range up to 1100°C, protective atmosphere - vacuum, Ar, He), hydraulic testing machine INSTRON 8801 (temperature range up to 1100°C, protective atmosphere - vacuum, Ar, He), Charpy impact machine (impact energy 300J), device for pin-on-disc sliding wear testing and determination of friction coefficient T-01M, device for surface roughness measurements; LABORATORY OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES TESTING IN STATIC AND DYNAMIC CONDITIONS Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE

14 vacuum inductive melting furnace Balzers (T max = 1850 o C, charge up to 10 kg), devices for determination of liquid alloy components activity, vacuum furnaces and pumps. LABORATORY OF THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF LIQUID ALLOYS Rzeszow University of Technology - coordinator DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE

15 Rzeszow University of Technology – coordinator DEPARTMENT OF AIRCRAFTS AND CRAFT ENGINES Research activities: mathematical modeling of physical and operational aircraft features, modeling of an aircraft transportation tasks domain in a multitypes, multipurpose aviation system, optimization of an aircraft shape and features on the given tasks domain, flight trajectory optimization, optimum tasks distribution in a multitypes, multipurpose aviation system, stochastic flight dynamics, stochastic flight dynamics, optimization of construction and diagnostic process of flow duct of jet engine, optimal power unit's choose for aircraft with precized task's set.



18 Rzeszow University of Technology – coordinator DEPARTMENT OF AIRCRAFTS AND CRAFT ENGINES Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-UAV

19 Rzeszow University of Technology– coordinator Rzeszow University of Technology – coordinator DEPARTMENT OF FLUID MECHANICS AND AERODYNAMICS CFD TECHNIQUES

20 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS IN LOW SPEED WIND TUNNEL Rzeszow University of Technology– coordinator Rzeszow University of Technology – coordinator DEPARTMENT OF FLUID MECHANICS AND AERODYNAMICS

21 Rzeszow University of Technology– coordinator Rzeszow University of Technology – coordinator DEPARTMENT OF AVIONICS AND CONTROL Didactic and research activities: control systems theory, flight control systems, digital control systems, onboard data recording systems.

22 Rzeszow University of Technology– coordinator Rzeszow University of Technology – coordinator DEPARTMENT OF MACHINE DESIGN Research work Represented branch of mechanical engineering and operating. Branches of specialization: construction, load capacity and reliability of mechanical power transmission systems, assemblies and elements, computer graphics in machine elements design. Department is carrying out scientific research relating to the following problems: formation of mating conditions of spur crossed gears (constructional and machining ones) with geometric point - like contact and gears with concave-convex profiles, modification of construction and model testing of gears with high transmission ratios (harmonics and trochoid gears). Department workers developed series of prototypes of gears and a few of them were patented. Besides all that subject matter we specialized and from which department workers are also occupied in: selection of operating parameters of large-size rolling bearings and slide bearings and dynamics of power transmission systems of working machines.

23 RAPID PROTOTYPING Rzeszow University of Technology– coordinator Rzeszow University of Technology – coordinator DEPARTMENT OF MACHINE DESIGN

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