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PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 1 David Toback Texas A&M University For the CDF.

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Presentation on theme: "PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 1 David Toback Texas A&M University For the CDF."— Presentation transcript:

1 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 1 David Toback Texas A&M University For the CDF collaboration Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback Texas A&M University For the CDF collaboration

2 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 2 Outline The CDF detector and tools are working so well that the next generation of more sophisticated analyses are coming out with 2 fb -1 of data 1. Dijets: Mass and Met 2.  b+jet+Met 3. Lepton+  +b+Met: Model-independent searches and a first measurement of the tt  Cross Section 4.  +jets and  +Met: Model- independent searches and new limits on Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Hot off the presses!

3 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 3 New Physics in Dijets W’ Z’ Excited quark RS Graviton Look for Mass Bumps Sensitive To Lots of Models Dijet Mass (GeV) New Particle Mass (GeV)

4 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 4 New Physics in Dijets+Met Lepto- Quark Lepto- Quark Squark Also Sensitive To Lots of Models

5 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 5  b+jet+Met Model-independent search in the  +b+jet+Met final state Sensitive to a number of different models Potential to observe an excess in multiple distributions No evidence for new physics

6 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 6 Compare with 20 times the data and a better detector  b+jet+Met In Run I with 85 pb -1 a small excess was observed Potential anomaly not confirmed

7 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 7 Search in l+  b+Met Another example of a CDF Model- independent search for new physics Natural extension of the  +lepton+Met search Potential to observe an excess in multiple distributions

8 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 8 Natural extension of the l  bMet analysis Require 3 jets and H T >200 GeV

9 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 9 More natural solution for FCNC problems than mSUGRA Gauge-Mediated SUSY Breaking Models Early Universe Later Universe Warm Dark Matter CDF Run I ee  +Met candidate event Nanosecond lifetimes

10 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 10  +Jets New model independent search in the  +2 jet final state No evidence for new physics Limits on GMSB in progress

11 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 11 New model independent search in the  +Met New tool: Sophisticated mechanism to measure the significance of the Met measurement  +Met No evidence for new physics Can straightforwardly separate QCD backgrounds with no intrinsic Met from EWK that does

12 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 12 Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Optimize the  +Met analysis for 0 ns lifetime: Significant Met and Large H T Complement to the Delayed Photon Analysis No evidence for new physics Approaching the Cosmology Favored Region Set limits for zero and Non-zero lifetimes

13 PANIC 2008 November, 2008 Searches using Photons and/or Jets at CDF David Toback, Texas A&M University 13 Conclusions The LHC era has started but the Tevatron is still collecting data and leading the search for Supersymmetry and Beyond the Standard Model Physics The next generation of sophisticated tools and model- independent searches at CDF may well prove to make the discovery we all hope is just around the corner “Don't look back — something might be gaining on you." -Satchel Paige

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