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Social Inclusion by Proactive Design InclusiveByDesign Kick-off meeting 12 February 2001 Heraklion, Crete, Greece morning session.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Inclusion by Proactive Design InclusiveByDesign Kick-off meeting 12 February 2001 Heraklion, Crete, Greece morning session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Inclusion by Proactive Design InclusiveByDesign Kick-off meeting 12 February 2001 Heraklion, Crete, Greece morning session

2 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 2 of 34 Meeting agenda (I) 9:30 – 13:00 Morning session  Welcome  Introduction of the participants  Presentation of the project objectives and of the work plan  Discussion on the general approach  Definition of “success criteria” (reg. best practice examples)  Internal evaluation strategy  Dates and places for subsequent project meetings Welcome

3 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 3 of 34 Meeting agenda (II) 14:30 – 18:00 Afternoon session  Data collection approach of project phase 1  Expected contributions of partners to the preliminary report  Dissemination policy  Management issues  Consolidation of meeting outcomes and agreement on next steps  Preliminary agenda for the 2 nd project meeting Welcome

4 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 4 of 34 Participants  Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) – Institute of Computer Science (ICS)  Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) – Istituto di Ricerca sulle Onde Elettromagnetiche “Nello Carrara” (IROE)  Institut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V. (ITA) an der Universität Kaiserslautern  Valter Fissamber and Associates Ltd. (VFA) Welcome

5 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 5 of 34 Project objectives and work plan Objectives & work plan Welcome

6 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 6 of 34 Call for proposals  DG Employment and Social Affairs  Preparatory actions to combat and prevent social exclusion / promote social inclusion  These preparatory actions should be policy- focused (transnational exchange) rather than related to specific action to combat social exclusion directly  Aim of the call for proposals: to develop the basis for co-operation between the Member States in order to combat social exclusion Objectives & work plan Welcome

7 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 7 of 34 Priority areas Objectives & work plan Welcome 1. promoting a better understanding of social exclusion, in particular through commonly agreed indicators; 2. issues relating to mainstreaming the promotion of inclusion in Member States employment, education and training, health and housing policies; 3. priority actions for particularly vulnerable groups; and 4. community-level cooperation on promoting social inclusion.

8 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 8 of 34 Other requirements  Proposals should also take the new forms of exclusion connected with the emerging knowledge society into account.  Maximum duration: 18 months, start before 31 December 2000  80% subsidy rate, 20 % contribution by the partners Objectives & work plan Welcome

9 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 9 of 34 Proposal full title  Social Inclusion by Proactive Design  Preparatory measure on combating social exclusion in the knowledge economy and society by mainstreaming employment, vocational training and education through technologies designed for all Objectives & work plan Welcome

10 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 10 of 34 Problem  New risks for exclusion from the knowledge economy and society  Inaccessibility of new technologies (here: Information Society Technologies – IST) for certain groups of users, e.g.: –Elderly –Immigrants –Users with disabilities –Children –Etc. Objectives & work plan Welcome

11 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 11 of 34 Working hypothesis  It is expected, that proactively designed IST products / services, within a suitable policy context, will have a positive impact on (some) non-monetary indicators of social exclusion. NB: InclusiveByDesign will not attempt to prove this hypothesis! From a scientific point of view, the project aims to develop certain hypotheses (technical, organisational, policy-oriented) and to deliver them as the outcome to be tested by others, i.e., the project is a type of explorative study. Objectives & work plan Welcome

12 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 12 of 34 Universal Design  Universal Design in the Information Society is the conscious and systematic effort to proactively apply principles and methods, and employ appropriate tools, in order to develop IT&T products and services which are accessible and usable by all citizens, thus avoiding the need for a posteriori adaptations, or specialised design. Objectives & work plan Welcome

13 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 13 of 34 Reactive vs. proactive  Reactive: applied on an already existing technology in order to alleviate inherent accessibility and quality problems. –Delayed –Costly –Restricted in use  Proactive: influencing the design of a new technology in a way which ensures that accessibility and quality problems are not going to appear. Objectives & work plan Welcome

14 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 14 of 34 Objectives 1. Identification of successful (“best practice”) examples to design, develop and promote technologies and services in the knowledge economy and society, inclusive to, and accessible by, all its citizens; and 2. Promotion of policy recommendations to stimulate, facilitate or support proactive measures in IST design, development and use towards mainstreaming employment, vocational training and education in the knowledge economy and society. Objectives & work plan Welcome

15 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 15 of 34 Approach  Collecting, analysing and disseminating successful examples with a proven or expected positive impact on some of the indicators of social exclusion  Perspectives: –Product / service perspective (i.e., technologies and business processes) –Policy perspective (i.e., local / regional and national / European focus)  Areas of interest: –Employment –Vocational training –Education Objectives & work plan Welcome

16 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 16 of 34 Two-phase approach Objectives & work plan Welcome Technology FORTH-ICS Business ITA Local/Regional CNR-IROE National / EU VFA Survey Case Studies Survey Preliminary Report Final Synthesis and Evaluation Report Case Studies Survey 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 month product / service perspectivepolicy perspective

17 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 17 of 34 Dissemination  Project web site (February 2001)  Preliminary report on trends and practices (due August 2001)  Final project report (due May 2002)  Other potential dissemination channels: –Conferences –Discussion groups –Supporting organisations Objectives & work plan Welcome

18 Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 18 of 34 Objectives & work plan Welcome Updated timetable [Project] month EventActivity Dec 2000 [1] Jan 2001 [2] Feb 2001 [3] Kick-off meeting; launch of project web siteIndicators and Definitions Mar 2001 [4] Questionnaires; Pretest Apr 2001 [5] Send out; Reminders; Coding May 2001 [6] Jun 2001 [7] 2 nd project meeting (29.-30.06. Florence)Data analysis Jul 2001 [8] Presentation / Documentation Aug 2001 [9] Preliminary report Case studies, survey & synthesis Sep 2001 [10] Oct 2001 [11] Virtual meetingInternal project evaluation Nov 2001 [12] Project progress and evaluation report Dec 2001 [13] Jan 2002 [14] Feb 2002 [15] Mar 2002 [16] 3 rd project meeting (8.-9.3. Kaiserslautern) Apr 2002 [17] Report preparation May 2002 [18] Final synthesis, evaluation & project reportDissemination

19 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 19 of 34 Success criteria Objectives & work plan

20 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 20 of 34 Full participation in society... “... includes equal access to the labour market, to education, to health care, to the judicial system, to rights and decision- making and participation.” Communication from the Commission “Building an Inclusive Europe” COM(2000) 79 final Success criteria Objectives & work plan

21 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 21 of 34 Social exclusion... “... goes beyond issues of unemployment and access to the labour market. It is evidenced by several types of deprivation and barriers, which alone or together prevent the full participation in areas such as education, health, environment, housing, culture, access to rights or family support, as well as training and job opportunities.” Communication from the Commission “Building an Inclusive Europe” COM(2000) 79 final Success criteria Objectives & work plan

22 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 22 of 34 Two perspectives  Product / service perspective –Inclusive technologies, Design for All, engineering approaches, etc. –Appropriate business processes, end user involvement, continuous improvement processes, management commitments, image, etc.  Policy perspective –Procurement policies, NGO activities, employment and training initiatives, “Open Universities”, etc. –National / European legislation, European support programs, Funds, awards, etc. Success criteria Objectives & work plan

23 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 23 of 34 Product / service perspective Guiding questions:  Which IST-based products / services are available in employment, vocational training and education with a potential to combat exclusion / facilitate inclusion?  What are the key characteristics of them?  How (technically and organisationally) were the results achieved?  Which are the “proactive components” in the design and development process?  How “successful” are they?  What is the context which rendered them “successful”? Success criteria Objectives & work plan

24 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 24 of 34 Policy perspective Guiding questions:  Which policy measures in employment, vocational training and education are supportive for the use of IST-based technologies 1 to combat exclusion / facilitate inclusion?  What are the key characteristics of these measures?  How do these measures exactly work?  How “successful” are they?  What is the context of these measures? 1 please notice: not necessarily designed for all! Success criteria Objectives & work plan

25 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 25 of 34 Product/service success criteria (I) Technology focus –addressing users with various abilities –effective use –efficient use –user satisfaction –acceptance on the “market” / user feedback –utility –others Success criteria Objectives & work plan

26 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 26 of 34 Product/service success criteria (II) Business focus  Enablers –broad user participation in the process of technology or service design and development (1 st priority), –business processes that ensure recognition / re-use of requirements of all users (1 st priority), –mechanisms to motivate or stimulate design for all / universal design approaches (2 nd priority), –etc. Success criteria Objectives & work plan

27 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 27 of 34 Product/service success criteria (III)  Outcomes –improved participation / inclusion of societal groups in particular social systems (1 st priority), –enlargement of the customer / user base regarding so far excluded or disadvantaged societal groups (1 st priority), –cost-efficient implementation of design for all / universal design approaches (2 nd priority), –improved user / customer satisfaction (2 nd priority), –public recognition of quality of product or service (2 nd priority), –etc. Success criteria Objectives & work plan

28 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 28 of 34 Policy success criteria (I) Local / regional policy focus  impact on non-monetary indicators (e.g., assessed by those who issued the policy, third party surveys)  cost-effectiveness (e.g., unemployment benefits vs. investments into vocational training)  qualitative measures (e.g., “quality of life”)  transferability (e.g., into other sectors, regions)  scalability (e.g., from a local to a regional focus)  others Success criteria Objectives & work plan

29 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 29 of 34 Policy success criteria (II) National / European policy focus  impact on non-monetary indicators (e.g., assessed by those who issued the policy, third party surveys)  cost-effectiveness (e.g., unemployment benefits vs. investments into vocational training)  technology indicators (e.g., technology distribution statistics)  others Success criteria Objectives & work plan

30 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 30 of 34 Evaluation Success criteria

31 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 31 of 34 Internal evaluation Assessment of the  effectiveness and  efficiency of the proposal Reporting obligations  Project progress and evaluation report (November 2001)  Section on evaluation in the final project report (May 2002) Evaluation Success criteria

32 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 32 of 34 Effectiveness “Have we done, what we promised to do?”  Coverage of the four foci, i.e., technology, business, local / regional and national / European  Coverage of the three target areas, i.e., employment, vocational training, education  identification of best practice examples according to widely accepted indicators Evaluation Success criteria

33 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 33 of 34 Efficiency Optimal use of resources  monitoring mechanism regarding progress and invested resources  periodic project meetings  web site for dissemination  use of electronic communication means Evaluation Success criteria

34 Welcome Objectives & work plan Success criteria Evaluation slide 34 of 34 Responsibilities  FORTH-ICS: Maintenance of the web site and project management  ITA: Evaluation of the work of FORTH- ICS and ITA  CNR-IROE: Evaluation of the work of VFA and CNR-IROE  VFA: Collection and synthesis of results in a preliminary and a final report Evaluation Success criteria

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