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Mature DC Immature DC Antigen capture PAMP recognition and activation T cell expansion B cell expansion Figure 1. DC activation and maturation. Adapted.

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Presentation on theme: "Mature DC Immature DC Antigen capture PAMP recognition and activation T cell expansion B cell expansion Figure 1. DC activation and maturation. Adapted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mature DC Immature DC Antigen capture PAMP recognition and activation T cell expansion B cell expansion Figure 1. DC activation and maturation. Adapted from Wack, A. and Rappuoli, R. Current Opinions in Immunology 2005

2 Figure 2. Human DC subsets and lineage origins. Shortman, K and Y. J. Liu Nature Reviews Immunology 2002

3 Figure 3. Within the immune synapse formed between APCs and T cells, three signals are required for antigen-specific T cell activation. Gutcher, I. and Becher, B. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2007

4 Figure 4. APC-derived cytokines guide the differentiation of naive T cells into an effector T cell subtypes in mouse. Gutcher, I. and Becher, B. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2007

5 Figure 5. Structures of the IL-1R family. Sims, J. et al Current Opinions in Immunology 2007

6 Figure 6. TLRs localization and their ligands. Verstak, B. et al Inflammation Research 2007 Table 1. Synthetic and endogenous TLR ligands. Kanzler, H. et al Nature Medicine 2007

7 Figure 7. IRF Activation by Cytosolic Pattern-Recognition Systems; Operation of a Positive- Feedback Mechanism. Honda, K. et al Immunity 2006

8 Figure 8. Summary of TLR signaling pathways. Dunne, A. and O’Neill, L. FEBS Letters 2005

9 Figure 9. Type I IFN positive feedback loop. Adapted from Doyle, S. et al, Immunity 2002 TBK1 IKK  TRIF

10 Figure 10. Schematic representation of IRF-3 and IRF-7 activation and dimerization by virus-induced phosphorylation. Lin, R. et al. Cellular and Molecular Biology 1999

11 Figure 11. Enhanceosome formation and IFN-β gene transcription. Kenya, H. et al Immunity 2006

12 Figure 12. IL-12 family members: composition, receptors and regulatory functions. Adapted from Goriely, S. and Goldman, M. Transplantation 2007

13 IL-23 IL-27 Figure 13. Regulatory functions of IL-27. Adapted from Colgan, J. and Rothman, P. Nature Immunology 2006

14 Figure 14. The classification and structure of the PKC family of isozymes. Kheifets, V. and Mochly-Rosen, D. Pharmacological Research 2007

15 Figure 15. Model of PKCα phosphorylation. Bornancin, F. and Parker, P.J. Journal of Current Biology 1996

16 TLR3 IL-12p35 IL-27p28 IL-12/23p40 IL-23p19 Adapted from PKC  Figure 16. Schematic of PKC  activity in TLR3 and TLR4 signaling pathways. Adapted from Akira, S. and Takeda, K. Nature Reviews Immunology 2004

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