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Weight Management: Overweight and Underweight Chapter 9.

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1 Weight Management: Overweight and Underweight Chapter 9

2 Distribution of Body Weights in American Adults


4 How Does Canada Do?? 47.9% of Canadian Adults were overweight in 1998

5 Provinces

6 Fattest Cities in Canada ??

7 What about kids ?? 19811996 GirlsOverweightObese132279 BoysOverweightObese1123310

8 Fat Cell Development During periods of growth in late childhood/earl y puberty, # on fat cells increase During periods of excess intake, fats cell size increases When fat cells have reached their maximum size, the cell number increases Even with fat loss, the cells may shrink but not the number

9 LPL Levels and Set Point Theory LPL (Lipoprotein Lipase) -- located on adipose cell membranes and promote fat storage -- higher the activity level of LPL, the more efficient storage of fat is -- after weight lose, LPL increases, increasing fat deposition

10 The Weight-Cycling Effect of Repeated Dieting Each period of dieting results in a resetting of your “homeostatic set point”. Therefore, each loss is followed by a gain even larger than the loss

11 The ob Protein: Leptin

12 Leptin’s Action in the Body: Negative Energy Balance

13 Leptin’s Action in the Body: Positive Energy Balance

14 The Psychology Weight Cycling Where does this “I’m not happy with my appearance” come from?

15 Comparison of Average Women, Barbie and Store Mannequins “Average”WomenBarbie Store Mannequins HeightWeight Dress size BustWaistHipsBMI 5’ 4” 145 lbs. 11 -14 36 - 37” 29 - 31” 40 - 42” 24.97 6’ 0” 101 lbs 4 39” 19” 33” 13.7 6’ 0” Not available 634”23”34”

16 BMI of Miss America Winners

17 Jamie Lee Curtis Interview on Dateline following her Cover Story in More Magazine

18 Aggressive Methods of Weight Control Drugs: Sibutramine - suppresses appetite by inhibiting uptake of serotonin Orlistat - inhibits pancreatic lipase activity lowering the efficiency of fat digestion and absorption Over the counter: Benzocaine, Acutrim, Dex-A-Diet, Phenyldrine, Phenoxine,

19 Aggressive Methods of Weight Control Herbal: St. John’s Wort Ma Huang - Ephedrine (Nature’s Own Fat Burner!!) CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

20 Aggressive Methods of Weight Control Surgery: Suction lipectomy - Liposuction Stomach restriction - Gastric Bypass Surgery

21 Surgical Methods of Weight Control Gastric Bypass

22 More Reasonable Methods for Weight Loss Weight Loss Eating Plans: - emphasize Adequacy - smaller portions (e.g. grazing) - emphasize Complex Carbs - select Fats wisely - emphasize Nutitional Density - drink lots of water - increase Physical Activity

23 More Reasonable Methods for Weight Gain Weight Gain Eating Plans: - Energy Dense Foods - Regular Meals - Add Extra Snacks - Juice & Milk - Physical Activity builds Muscle

24 Athlete Eating Disorders - Female Athlete Triad

25 Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating Disorders The Vicious Cycle:

26 Anorexia Nervosa - refusal to maintain healthy body weight ( Usually < 85% of healthy body weight ) - intense fear of gaining body weight - see themselves in unrealistic way - restrictive and binge-and-purge types

27 Bulimia Nervosa - relatively normal body weight - see themselves in unrealistic way - purge and non-purging types

28 Binge Eating Disorder - normal and obese body weight - see themselves in unrealistic way - rarely purge - behavioral disorder

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