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Eco-indicator 99 with an aid of SimaPro 5.1 software an aluminium window MIPS concept uses Material Intensity per Service unit means of municipal transport:

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Presentation on theme: "Eco-indicator 99 with an aid of SimaPro 5.1 software an aluminium window MIPS concept uses Material Intensity per Service unit means of municipal transport:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eco-indicator 99 with an aid of SimaPro 5.1 software an aluminium window MIPS concept uses Material Intensity per Service unit means of municipal transport: a car v. a bus Economic Input - Output Life Cycle Assessment on-line plastic v. glass milk containers

2 LCA on-line uses so-called economic input/output models developed by Wassily Leontief. The entire economy (here USA only) is divided into about 500 distinct sectors. Each sector is represented by one row and one column in a special matrix which describes total sales from one sector to others, purchases from one sector, or the amount of purchases from one sector to produce a dollar of output for the sector. The model takes into consideration all the processes needed to obtain a certain product or provide a certain service (e.g. mining, transportation, manufacturing). In order to assess the entire life cycle, all the lifetime stages have to modeled separately. Green Design Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA

3 - input data Functional unit: packaging for 1 million m 3 of milk 1. Plastic containers: 1 billion plastic containers: $ 13.5 million 2. Glass containers: 100 million bottles: $ 7.7 million, transportation: $ 0.3 million, washing: $ 0.3 million LCA for milk packaging

4 - summary Buy milk in returnable bottles !

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