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Robust Hybrid and Embedded Systems Design Jerry Ding, Jeremy Gillula, Haomiao Huang, Michael Vitus, and Claire Tomlin MURI Review Meeting Frameworks and.

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Presentation on theme: "Robust Hybrid and Embedded Systems Design Jerry Ding, Jeremy Gillula, Haomiao Huang, Michael Vitus, and Claire Tomlin MURI Review Meeting Frameworks and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robust Hybrid and Embedded Systems Design Jerry Ding, Jeremy Gillula, Haomiao Huang, Michael Vitus, and Claire Tomlin MURI Review Meeting Frameworks and Tools for High-Confidence Design of Adaptive, Distributed Embedded Control Systems Berkeley, CA December 2, 2009

2 2 Hybrid System Model

3 3 Backwards Reachable Set All states for which, for all possible control actions, there is a disturbance action which can drive the system state into a region G(0) in time t Backwards Reachable Set Reachability as game: disturbance attempts to force system into unsafe region, control attempts to stay safe

4 4 Reachable Set Propagation [Mitchell, Bayen, Tomlin 2005] Theorem [Computing ]: where is the unique Crandall-Evans-Lions viscosity solution to:

5 5 Backwards Reachable Set: Safety unsafe Backwards Reachable Set On boundary, apply control to stay out of red In red, system may become unsafe In blue, system will stay safe Safety Property can be encoded as a condition on the system’s reachable set of states

6 6 Computation Ian Mitchell’s level set computational toolbox for Matlab available at: 5 u v d v y inertial frame wind frame body frame Used for a variety of applications Handles 3 dimensions easily, up to 5 tractably Library of level set functions

7 7 Backwards Reachable Set: Capture desired Backwards Reachable Set Capture property can also be encoded as a condition on the system’s reachable set of states

8 8 Target Set Maneuver sequencing is accomplished by stringing together capture sets, starting from the target set and working backwards Avoid sets can be combined with capture sets to guarantee safety Unsafe Set Maneuver Sequencing Using Reachable Sets

9 9 Experimental Platform: STARMAC The Stanford Testbed of Autonomous Rotorcraft for Multi-Agent Control

10 10 Example: Collision Avoidance Pilots instructed to attempt to collide vehicles [Gabe Hoffmann]

11 11 Example: Quadrotor Back-Flip Divide flip into three modes Difficult problem: Hitting some target sets while avoiding some unsafe sets Solution: Analyze rotational dynamics and vertical dynamics separately Impulse DriftRecovery

12 12 Back-flip: Method (1) Recovery Drift Impulse Identify target region in rotational state space for each mode Use reachable sets to calculate capture basin for each target Dynamic game formulation accounts for worst-case disturbances Verify that target of each mode is contained by capture basin of next mode

13 13 Back-flip: Method (2) Identify unsafe region in vertical state space for final mode Use reachable sets to propagate unsafe set for each mode Dynamic game formulation accounts for worst-case disturbances Verify that control keeps state out of unsafe set

14 14 Assumptions and Dynamics Assumptions: 2D flip Linear drag System Dynamics:

15 15 Back-Flip: Recovery Mode Controller: Target set: Calculate reachable sets using closed- loop dynamics and worst-case disturbances

16 16 Back-Flip: Drift Mode No control input Target set: Calculate reachable sets using closed-loop dynamics and worst- case disturbances But what if motors don’t turn off instantly?

17 17 Back-Flip: Motor Turn Off (1) Model motor turn off as linear decay in angular acceleration Linear regression to get parameters:

18 18 Back-Flip : Motor Turn Off (2) Calculate forward reachable set for the motors turning off 2D Projection Convex Hull

19 19 Back-Flip: Drift Mode & Motor Turn Off Target set: Calculate motor turn off set Ensure motor turn off set is contained in drift set

20 20 Back-Flip: Impulse Mode Controller: Target set: Calculate reachable sets using closed- loop dynamics and worst-case disturbances

21 21 Back-Flip: Vertical Conditions Drift Mode: Dynamics: Decouples as 3 independent 2D systems Use reachable sets to calculate unsafe starting conditions Impulse Mode: Assume no loss of altitude during impulse

22 22 Back-Flip: Results

23 23 Back-Flip: Results

24 24 Back-Flip: Results Assumptions Validated Safety Guaranteed Reachability Demonstrated

25 25 Reachability with sampling and quantization In many embedded control applications, use digital controller to control continuous dynamics Safety and capture results available in discrete and continuous domain Problem becomes more difficult at interface: Continuous behavior: Continuous state evolution Discrete behavior: Mode switching Sampling, quantization 25

26 26 Continuous Time Verification Methods Problems: How to implement the safe continuous time control law in a digital controller? Does the discretized control law still ensure safety? Issues: Sampling Quantization Switched mode control 26

27 27 Infinite Horizon Unsafe Set: Comparisons Unsafe Initial Condition ∞ Horizon Unsafe Set without quantization and sampling ∞ Horizon Unsafe Set with quantization and sampling 27

28 28 Reachavoid Set for Two Mode System Time horizon N = 12 (2 minutes) Reachavoid Set Over 2 min Infinite Horizon Unsafe Set Desired Target Set 28

29 29 Next steps Transitions with state dependent guards at sampling instants Considerations for partial state information Overapproximations methods for continuous time reachable sets Parametrization of reachable sets by quantized control values Methods for robust optimal control


31 31 Back-Flip: Vertical Conditions (1) Initial unsafe set: Recovery Mode: Dynamics: Assume nominal trajectory Calculate the constrained reachable set within the nominal trajectory

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