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First Results From a Hydro + Boltzmann Hybrid Approach DPG-Tagung, Darmstadt, 10.03.08, Hannah Petersen, Universität Frankfurt.

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Presentation on theme: "First Results From a Hydro + Boltzmann Hybrid Approach DPG-Tagung, Darmstadt, 10.03.08, Hannah Petersen, Universität Frankfurt."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Results From a Hydro + Boltzmann Hybrid Approach DPG-Tagung, Darmstadt, 10.03.08, Hannah Petersen, Universität Frankfurt

2 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.082 Thanks to… My collaborators: Gerhard Burau Jan Steinheimer Marcus Bleicher Horst Stöcker For financial support:

3 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.083 Outline  Motivation  Model Description  Initial State  Hydrodynamic Evolution  Freeze-out  Time Evolution  Multiplicities  and v 2 Excitation Function  Conclusion and Outlook

4 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.084 Motivation I Investigation of differences between UrQMD: non-equilibrium (Boltzmann) transport approach hadron-string and resonance dynamics UrQMD+Hydro: non-equilibrium initial conditions ideal hydrodynamic evolution for the hot and dense phase Freeze-out via hadronic cascade

5 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.085 Motivation II Fix the initial state and freeze-out  learn something about the EoS and the effect of viscous dynamics 1) Non-equilibrium initial conditions via UrQMD 2) Hydrodynamic evolution or Transport calculation 3) Freeze-out via hadronic cascade (UrQMD)

6 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.086 Initial State I coupling between UrQMD initial state and hydrodynamic evolution at: contracted nuclei have passed through each other initial NN scatterings have proceeded energy is deposited hadrons are represented by a Gaussian with finite width with the proper normalisation (J.Steinheimer et al., arXiv:0710.0332, PRC in print)

7 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.087 Single Event – Initial State Energy density distribution at E lab =40 AGeV, t = t hydrostart = 2.83 fm  Event-by-event fluctuations are naturally taken into account  (GeV/fm³) In e0=146 MeV/fm3!!!

8 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.088 (3+1)d Hydrodynamic Evolution Ideal relativistic one fluid hydrodynamics and Hadron gas equation of state (EoS) No phase transition included Baseline check All hadrons with masses up to 2.2 GeV are included (consistent with UrQMD) (D. Rischke et al., Nucl. Phys. A 595, 346 (1995))

9 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.089 Freeze-out I hydrodynamic evolution until  < 730 MeV/fm³ (≈ 5 *  0 ) in all cells isochronous freeze-out is performed via the Cooper-Frye formula with boosted Fermi or Bose distributions f(x,p) including  B and  S rescatterings and final decays calculated via hadronic cascade (UrQMD)

10 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0810 Freeze-out II Distribution of the cells at freeze-out Important inhomogeneities are naturally taken into account (A.Dumitru et al., Phys. Rev. C 73, 024902 (2006))

11 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0811 Baryon density distribution Time evolution of the baryon density is smooth 1) in the reaction plane2) in a central cell B/0B/0

12 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0812 Multiplicities  Both models are purely hadronic without phase transition, but different underlying dynamics  results for particle multiplicities from AGS to SPS are surprisingly similar  strangeness is enhanced in the hybrid approach due to local equilibration full lines: hybrid model dotted lines: UrQMD-2.3 symbols: experimental data   KP

13 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0813 Excitation Function  Resonance excitations and non-equilibrium effects in intermediate energy regime lead to a softening of the EoS in pure UrQMD calculation  hybrid calculation with hadronic EoS just raises as a function of beam energy

14 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0814 Elliptic Flow  Smaller mean free path in the hot and dense phase leads to a better description of the data  at lower energies: hybrid approach jumps to the pure UrQMD value  analysis with different EoS including a phase transition is needed (H.P., Phys. Rev. C 74, 064908 (2006))

15 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0815 Conclusion and Outlook First results from the comparison of a transport and a hybrid calculation with the same initial conditions and freeze-out Multiplicities are surprisingly similar Strangeness is enhanced due to local equilibration and v 2 excitation functions are different Further studies of different EoS with explicit phase transition are needed

16 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0816 Backup E lab (AGeV)t start (fm)t hydro (fm) 212.422.93 48.784.21 67.174.78 86.215.09 115.295.18 204.005.92 303.276.35 402.836.84 802.008.62 1601.4110.73

17 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0817 Dependence on Freeze-out Variation of the freeze-out criterium does not affect the meson multiplicities Higher values are for E lab =40 AGeV while lower values are for E lab =11 AGeV

18 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0818 Dependence on t start Variation of starting time by a factor 4 changes results only by 10 %

19 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0819 Pion Spectra Rapidity and transverse mass spectra for pions are very similar at 40 AGeV, but differ at 160 AGeV due to different

20 Hannah PetersenDPG-Tagung, 10.03.0820 Excitation Function  AGS energies: All EoS lead to similar results in the hybrid approach  SPS energies: UrQMD has soft equation of state due to resonance matter like the bag model with 1. order phase transition

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