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By Khatuna Liluashvili.

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Presentation on theme: "By Khatuna Liluashvili."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Khatuna Liluashvili

2 Background - Since 1997 - Consists of senior managers - Informal Network - Independent - Self motivated - Focus on practical, operational issues - Resulted tools and products

3 Focus of Attention - Conflict Prevention - The Post-Conflict environment - Extended or prolonged crisis environments (i.e. fragile states) –development (i.e. non-relief) initiatives –addressing the gaps (relief to development)

4 Objectives - Operational collaboration (at country or regional level) - Sharing information, knowledge and experience (practical lessons) - Improving effectiveness and innovation of CPR programming - Development of practical tools - Development of lessons learned and application in the field

5 Objectives - Collaborative mobilization and deployment of resources (human and financial) - Moving policy into practice/operations - Selection of countries or situations in which to engage jointly (possibly common programs) - Coordination of training and developing an improved capacity to respond

6 Participation OECD/DAC Members –bilateral donors with an operational mandate (human & financial resources) Standing Partners –primarily development and transition-oriented multilateral organizations involved in peacebuilding (pre, mid and post-conflict) –subject to annual review

7 Critique: - Website gives only basic information - It is impossible to find out what the Network has achieved by their program, and what the program exactly is. - Information is not open for non-members and not everybody can become a member.

8 Thank you for your attention

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