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What is the TRC? [Technology Resource Center]. Who and Where We Are Location: Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Room 229A Personnel: Lorna Gagneux,

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Presentation on theme: "What is the TRC? [Technology Resource Center]. Who and Where We Are Location: Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Room 229A Personnel: Lorna Gagneux,"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the TRC? [Technology Resource Center]

2 Who and Where We Are Location: Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Room 229A Personnel: Lorna Gagneux, Manager 301-583-5214 Scott Shelton, Business Systems Training Developer, 301-322-0480 Edward Schelb, Instructional Designer/Developer, 301-322-0021 Marjani Kane-Morris, Instructional Technologist, 301-386-7576 Video Systems: Gary Eldridge, Manager, Video Systems, 301-322-0010 Marshall Johnson, Cable Station and Video Services Supervisor, 301-322-0011

3 What are the objectives of the TRC Provide training with classroom technologies and techniques for student engagement – Smart Podium and Smart Notebook – Extron Instruction Station Media Controller – Document Cameras – Personal Response “Clickers” – Airliner Wireless Tablet – Just-in-time tutorials Just-in-time tutorials

4 What are the objectives of the TRC To assist faculty with development of interactive learning objects and course components To assist faculty with development of interactive learning objects and course components

5 What are the objectives of the TRC Introduce and train faculty to an array of free and commercial multimedia development tools – TRC Web 2.0 Training Wiki TRC Web 2.0 Training Wiki – TRC portal site at myPGCC >Technology Services – The League for Innovation in Community Colleges – CIT2008 CIT2008 – STEMtech 2010 – Coming Soon! Build a Learning Object Repository using Google sites and YouTube

6 What are the objectives of the TRC Provide support to eLearning Services with Blackboard training for faculty teaching face-to-face coursesBlackboard training – How to: Using Blackboard - Advantages for Face to Face Faculty How to Request a Blackboard 9 Course Site How to Log In to Blackboard How to Access Your UserID and Password in Owl Link How to Navigate from the Blackboard 9 Welcome Page How to Add Contact Information How to Add Announcements in Blackboard 9 How to Add an Item or Syllabus to Course Content Areas How to Create Folders and Add Documents in Blackboard How to Add Assignments in Blackboard How to Create a Discussion Board How to Manually Add Items to the Grade Center

7 What are the objectives of the TRC Business Systems Training Development for Colleague and Owl Link – Online student tutorials in Owl Link Login Credit Registration Non credit registration – Faculty tutorials in Owl Link Faculty tutorials in Owl Link – Faculty and staff tutorials at the Owl Link Desktop icon Faculty and staff tutorials at the Owl Link Desktop icon Available at instruction station desktops and admin computer desktops

8 What are the objectives of the TRC Video Systems Division > Faculty and Staff > Video Systems www.pgcc.eduVideo Systems Oversight of the college cable television station Video production and videotaping requests Oversight of the student information channel Support to credit and non credit Television, Radio and Films courses Video support to multimedia instructional projects

9 When you need us TRC Website > Faculty and Staff > Technology Resource CenterTechnology Resource Center Training Requests Web 2.0 Self-Paced Training Just-in-Time Classroom Technology Tutorials Blackboard Tutorials

10 Other important items Faculty Directory> Faculty and Staff > Faculty DirectoryFaculty Directory – If you are not listed send an email to – You must have a college GroupWise account to be listed in the Faculty Directory GroupWise Training> Faculty and Staff > GroupWise and Skillport Workshop RegistrationGroupWise and Skillport Workshop Registration

11 Other important items Blackboard course site How to request a site for a face to face course To teach online contact the eLearning office at 301-322-0463 eLearning website –

12 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES LOCATION:Marlboro Hall Room 2066 (2nd floor across from classroom M2068) RESERVATION/SERVICE COUNTER 301-322- 0482 or301-322- 0488 FULL-TIME STAFF Donald Rodriguez, Manager M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.301-322-0489( Michael Saar, Evening Supervisor M-F 2:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. 301-322-0487( Michael Lemerise, Daily Supervisor M-F 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.301-322-0484( Marvin Palmer, Weekend Supervisor T-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 301-322-0486(

13 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DELIVERY HOURS OF OPERATION SEMESTER Monday-Friday 8:00am-10:15pm Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm Sundayclosed INTER-SESSION Monday-Friday9:00am-4:15pm Saturdayclosed Sundayclosed

14 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES WALK-UP SERVICES PROVIDED IN MARLBORO HALL ROOM 2066 Photocopying Operator assistance is available. Training is done by the users department. Copier access codes are required to operate the machines. These codes are cleared and redistributed monthly. The division secretary or designee is responsible for distributing the access code to the departmental faculty and staff. Faxing Operator assistance is available. The monthly code, which allows access to operate the copiers, also enables the fax machine. Incoming fax will be placed in an “in box” and will be held for thirty days. Overhead transparency supplies Clear write-on sheets transparency sheets for the copier

15 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES HOW TO SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT FOR DELIVERY: 1)phone in reservation- call reservation counter numbers or staff numbers 2)walk up-at service counter in M-2066 copier room3)written request* allow for campus mail delivery *Please provide the following information: 1)Instructor name 2)course abbreviation 3)building & room number 4)date of delivery 5)class start time 6)class end time 7)equipment required 8)contact phone number EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR CLASSROOM DELIVERY COMPUTER COMPUTER PROJECTOR VCR (VHS FORMAT)TELEVISION DVD PLAYERCD PLAYER VHS CAMCORDER35MM SLIDE PROJECTOR AUDIO CASSETTE PLAYER/RECORDER RECORD PLAYER All classrooms have network and internet access

16 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES SPECIAL HANDLING OF EQUIPMENT College Extension Center To schedule equipment at an off campus extension center, please contact the on-site coordinator. Laurel College Center Nancy Grinberg(410) 772-4162 University Town Center Dennis Huffman (301) 277-5934 ext 309 Andrews Air Force Base Lynn Luby (301) 322-0778 Off Campus personal check out Must come to M2066 to sign out the equipment one week maximum Lap top Data projectorVHS Camcorder


18 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES SMART ROOMS Available equipment: Video/data projector (ceiling installed) Computer (inside instructor workstation) VHS/DVD combination player Document camera (visual presenter) Sympodium (annotation device) Recommendation: Bring your presentations or documents on a flash drive.

19 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES EQUIPMENT RELATED SERVICES Classroom Support Emergency on-site technology assistance in the use of classroom technology. Equipment Training Scheduled instruction to mobile or installed classroom technology equipment Equipment repair Please report any malfunctioning audio visual equipment to the AVTS “Help Line” ext.0404 Recommendations Assistance is available to identify an equipment solution to support instruction. Specifications Specifications are provided for equipment purchases.

20 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES HOW TO SCHEDULE LIBRARY MATERIALS Materials for viewing in the classroom are reserved with Media Booking of the Learning Resources Division. Located in; Accokeek Hall (1 st floor behind circulation desk) Phone 301-322-0478on campus x0478 After arranging for the materials, please contact one of our office supervisors and they will schedule the appropriate equipment needed to accompany the booking

21 AUDIO VISUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES PRODUCTION SERVICES *Recording services: Programs from Comcast Cable or FM radio broadcasts can be recorded. *Duplications: Copying of DVD, CD, audio cassette or VHS video tapes *copyright policies apply LIGHT & SOUND SERVICES Event consultationsTechnical solutions to assist with pre-planning conferences, meetings and presentations. Technical supportAn on-site technician may be scheduled when technical requirements indicate. Event scheduling:All rooms, equipment and staff requests must be scheduled through the college Life Services office. Shakira Sawyer 301-322-0848 ext. 0848

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