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“Fruits of Our Labor… Leadership Training In the Era of MCH Leadership Competencies Version 2.0” MCH Leadership Competencies Workgroup: Update Gwendolyn.

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Presentation on theme: "“Fruits of Our Labor… Leadership Training In the Era of MCH Leadership Competencies Version 2.0” MCH Leadership Competencies Workgroup: Update Gwendolyn."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Fruits of Our Labor… Leadership Training In the Era of MCH Leadership Competencies Version 2.0” MCH Leadership Competencies Workgroup: Update Gwendolyn J. Adam, PhD, LCSW Baylor College of Medicine – LEAH Program

2 Leadership and Watermelon… Packaging is Everything Characteristics of Watermelon – relatively large, difficult to package, each is a little different Japanese grocers – no room to waste, most – no ideas – “they grow big and round” Japanese farmers – “If stores need a square watermelon – how can we provide one?” Soon the farmers invented the square watermelon – easier to package, sell and kept buyers happy

3 Leadership and Watermelon… Packaging is Everything Solution - farmers asked how it could be done Just place in square box when growing and watermelon will take on the shape of the box…

4 MCH Leadership Competencies: Recent History – “Farmers at Work” April 2004: “Future of MCH Leadership Training” – Seattle, WA - representatives from MCH training programs – first draft October 2004 – MCH All Grantee Meeting – refinement Early 2005 – MCH Competencies Work Group – representatives from MCH Training Programs, AMCHP, and CityMatCH, - formed to refine further - draft 2/2006 Final refinement – MCH Competencies Work Group meeting – Washington, DC 1/2007 Release of MCH Competencies Version 2.0 – AMCHP Annual Meeting – 3/2007

5 Packaging is Everything: Version 2.0 - A box for growing, evaluating, and promoting MCH leadership training

6 Work Group Plans: Promoting the Box – Version 2.0 At 1/2007 final meeting prior to release - Work group members identified key constituent groups / organizations in which to market Version 2.0 Took responsibility to bring to respective constituent groups / spheres of influence –AMCHP, City MatCH, MCH Training Programs, Professional Organizations, Title V Directors / Community Identified evaluation / validation of the competencies as key next step

7 Leadership Development – Version 2.0 Style: Using the Competencies MCH Training Programs: –Setting Training Objectives –Course / Training development – Leadership Portfolios MCH Professionals: –Orientation –Developing CE Plans –Job Descriptions HRSA: Evaluating Leadership and Quality Training

8 Using the Competencies – Leadership in Action: The Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) - workforce development committee assessing workforce needs based on the competencies & “MCH Adolescent Health Leadership Development Initiative” CityMatCH begins Year 2 of CityLeaders, a six month training program, in September 2008. –provides leadership training to emerging and mid-level leaders in urban maternal and child health –mentoring, coaching, and intergenerational transfer of knowledge from senior urban MCH leaders

9 Using the Competencies – Leadership in Action The Center for Educational Outcomes - Virginia Reed, George Jesien, Crystal Pariseau, Mark Law and Laura Kavanagh - developing a validation tool to field for the MCH Leadership competencies –web-based modified Delphi technique to query MCH leaders on how they rank the competencies The Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health developed an online course targeted for MCH Leaders, Maternal and Child Health Leadership Skills Development Series.

10 Using the Competencies – Leadership in Action Baylor College of Medicine – LEAH – Wendy Adam & Cassie Lauver, MCHB, developed the “Pacific MCH Leadership Competencies Project” –Developed via multiple TA sessions in the Pacific / Title V training sponsored by MCHB Division of State and Community Health –Involves 6-11 MCH related representatives from all six jurisdictions, including all MCH Directors –Introduction of, cultural applicability assessment, and integration of competencies in Pacific Basin –Monthly electronic postings on each competency with directed questions / consistent dialogue

11 MCH Leadership Competencies: Access and Updates Site contains: –MCH Leadership Competencies –Educational experiences for each competency –Suggested readings –Highlights of related activities –Bulletin boards to post your feedback


13 Strategies for Creating a Culture of MCH Leadership Using Version 2.0 Make decision to cultivate a culture of MCH leadership – purposeful Develop ideas for leadership training – organizational assessment for CE - creativity and consistency are crucial Set goal to promote group consciousness of leadership in action – recognizing & naming leadership competencies as they occur – in self and others (out loud)

14 Strategies for Creating a Culture of MCH Leadership Using Version 2.0 Focus on bringing the "just doing my job" into the leadership framework – every day Define MCH leadership development as a process that requires focus, nurturance and continual renewal Develop the process through shared activities, consistent staff discussions, and modified protocols that emphasize / support leadership development –job descriptions, orientation protocols, self assessments, evaluations

15 MCH Training Programs: Changing the Field… One Leader at a Time…

16 Programs Represented on the Leadership Competencies Workgroup MCHB AMCHP CityMatCH AUCD MCH Training Resource Center MCH Training Programs –LEAH –LEND –PPC –Nutrition –Distance Learning –Pediatric Pulmonary Centers –Schools of Public Health

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