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Computer Science CS 330: Algorithms Pre-Quiz Summary Gene Itkis.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science CS 330: Algorithms Pre-Quiz Summary Gene Itkis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science CS 330: Algorithms Pre-Quiz Summary Gene Itkis

2 Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2004Gene Itkis2 Summary  Analysis of Algorithms  O, o, , ,   Correctness proofs  Invariants  Recurrence Relations  Master method  Specific algorithms  General approaches/techniques

3 Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2004Gene Itkis3 Specific Algorithms  Sorting  Selection  Insertion  [Bubble]  Mergesort  QuickSort  Randomized  PQ-sort  2-Heaps  Leftist Heaps

4 Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2004Gene Itkis4 Specific Algorithms  Sorting (continued)  Special  Special sorting algorithms  Each makes special assumption on the input!!!  Radix  Bucket  Counting  Lower bounds  Comparison-only sorting algorithms:  (n lg n)

5 Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2004Gene Itkis5 Specific Algorithms  Order statistic  QuickSelect

6 Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2004Gene Itkis6 Techniques/Approaches  Greedy  Selection and Insertion sorts  Divide & Concur  Merge and Quick sorts  Binary search  “Data Structure”  PQ-sort

7 Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2004Gene Itkis7 Performance  Worst case  Best case  Expected  Probability distribution on inputs  Probability distribution on internal coin-flips  Randomized vs. deterministic algorithms  Special assumptions on input

8 Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2004Gene Itkis8 Quiz  NEXT CLASS  Closed book  1 page crib sheet  Good luck!

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