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CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Connecticut Geospatial Information Systems Council.

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Presentation on theme: "CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Connecticut Geospatial Information Systems Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Connecticut Geospatial Information Systems Council

2 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Welcome and Comments from GISC Chairperson CIO Diane Wallace CT Department of Information Technology

3 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Agenda: Old Business Review minutes of April 25 meeting Report of Working Groups Data and Inventory Assessment (Jim Spencer) Training and Education (Sandy Prisloe / Peter Sandgren)  DEMHS GIS Project Update (Michael Varney) Update of USGS grants Strategic and Business Planning Integration and Analysis Supplemental Assistance New Business Other

4 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Data Inventory & Assessment Working Group Current Activities Comprising the following 13 Core Framework Data Theme Sub-Committees: –Administrative & Political Boundaries –Base Map Imagery (Ortho, Oblique, and Scanned Imagery) –Cadastral Information –Census and Demographics –Critical Infrastructure –Elevation and Bathymetry –Geodetic Control –Geographic Names and Places –Hydrography –Land Use and Land Cover –Transportation Legend Critical to DEMHS HSGIS Project In Place Still Needed

5 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Data Inventory & Assessment Working Group Current Activities Chair looking for additional members of the Working Group. Next Working Group Meeting to be scheduled for next week. Contact Jim Spencer at 594-2014 for details. Working Group needs help with developing membership of the 13 Subcommittees. Subcommittees should be comprised of those knowledgeable or interested in the associated themes (i.e. Industry acknowledged experts).

6 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Transportation Subcommittee CGISC – Data Working Group Subcommittee is meeting on a continual basis. Comprised of Chairs from DOT and DPS, and reps. from DPS, DOT, Regional and Municipal Governments. Attended training on ESRI’s ArcGIS Network Analyst. extension and Geodatabase Design courses. Training was designed to provide attendees a functional understanding of the design needs for a new road network database model. Group is working on establishing funding sources (i.e. HLS & NHTSA Grants, Potential OSET E-911 funds, & DOT funds)

7 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Training & Education Working Group Activities

8 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council DEMHS GIS Project Status Enterprise Architecture Design developed from Infrastructure and Technical Meetings Database Design to use DHS data model as starting point. –Database is being constructed & State Data Collection ongoing –ETL processes being developed for datasets Municipal data collection and information –Developing self service municipal update interface for data collection and updating. Application is in development Next Steps: Installation of in-house hardware / software environment Continue database loading and assessment process

9 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Connecticut Geospatial Information Systems Council Other Business

10 CT Geospatial Information Systems Council Next Meeting: June 27, 2007 2:30 p.m. Dept. Of Information Technology, 101 East River Drive, East Hartford Conference Room 1 st Floor

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