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Supernova Legacy Survey Cosmology, Spectroscopy, and Progenitors T. Justin Bronder, DPhil Candidate Oxford University Isobel Hook, Supervisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Supernova Legacy Survey Cosmology, Spectroscopy, and Progenitors T. Justin Bronder, DPhil Candidate Oxford University Isobel Hook, Supervisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supernova Legacy Survey Cosmology, Spectroscopy, and Progenitors T. Justin Bronder, DPhil Candidate Oxford University Isobel Hook, Supervisor

2 Overview Background on ‘Type Ia Cosmology’ Supernovae Legacy Survey Overview –Goals –Methods Photometry and Spectroscopy –Year 1 Cosmology Results Quantitative Spectroscopy of Hi-z SNe Ia –Goals / Methods / Results Brief intro to other SNLS Science –Ex) SNe Ia Hosts and Delay Times –Future work: Quantify evolution? Constrain progenitors?

3 Background Hydrogen? No H 2 present:H 2 present: General group? Type I supernovaeType II supernovae Other properties? SiHeneitherPhotometry/spectral properties Specific type? IaIbIcIIpIInII... - defining Type Ia Supernovae

4 Background Hydrogen? No H 2 present:H 2 present: General group? Type I supernovaeType II supernovae Other properties? SiHeneitherPhotometry/spectral properties Specific type? IaIbIcIIpIInII... - defining Type Ia Supernovae

5 Background (cont) Cosmological utility as ‘standardizeable candle’ –Variance in B’ peak magnitude –Peak mag. correlates w/ decline rate of light curve – empirical correction reduces peak magnitude deviations enough for cosmological use –Chart SNe Ia with z to determine matter / dark matter content in the Universe ‘s’ parameter – Goldhaber et al 2001

6 Cosmological constraints come from many sources Combine with Type Ia supernova surveys = ‘Cosmological Concordance Model’

7 Results inconsistent with  M =1 spatially flat cosmology (SNe too faint) SN data favor  >0 What is dark energy? Differentiate via the equation of state <w = p 

8 Background (cont) Issues / Concerns / Criticisms –Understanding of SNe Ia physics Extensive agreement (theory / observation / models) on basic model: –C/O White Dwarf exceeds M Ch –Thermonuclear runaway disrupts WD, late time – radioactive decay of unstable nuclear burning products Many questions follow: –Progenitor scenario – Single or Double Degenerate –Burning front – Detonation / Deflagration / Both –‘homogeneity’? Case of 1991T, 1991bg –Host dependence? Early galaxies host dimmer SNe Ia –Type Ia Cosmology Statistics and Systematics Luminosity calibration Evolution Extinction

9 SNLS collaboration Chris Pritchet: U. Victoria Ray Carlberg: U. Toronto Andy Howell: U. Toronto Mark Sullivan: U. Toronto Arif Babul: U. Victoria David Balam: U. Victoria Sara Ellison: U. Victoria F.D.A. Hartwick: U. Victoria Henk Hoekstra: CITA Don Neill: U. Toronto Julio Navarro: U. Victoria Kathy Perrett: U. Toronto David Schade: HIA Pierre Astier : CNRS-IN2P3, Paris Eric Aubourg Christophe Balland Luc Simard: HIA Peter Stetson: HIA Sidney van den Bergh: HIA Jon Willis: U. Victoria Isobel Hook: U. Oxford Justin Bronder: U. Oxford Richard McMahon: U. Cambridge Reynald Pain: CNRS-IN2P3, Paris Saul Perlmutter:LBNL Robert Knop: U. Vanderbilt James Rich: CEA-Saclay Nic Walton: U. Cambridge Eric Smith: Vanderbilt University Greg Aldering: LBNL Lifan Wang: LBNL Rachel Gibbons: LBNL Vitaly Fadayev: LBNL Stephane Basa Sylvain Baumont Sebastien Fabbro Melanie Filliol Ariel Goobar: Stockholm Delphine Guide Julien Guy Delphine Hardin Nicolas Regnault Tony Spadafora: LBNL Max Scherzer: LBNL Harish Agarwal: LBNL Herve Lafoux Vincent Lebrun Martine Mouchet Ana Mourao Nathalie Palanques Gregory Sainton Canada, France, UK, US, Sweden, Portugal

10 I – SNLS Overview Populate Hubble Diagram with over ~700 Type Ia SNe (.2 <z< 1.0) to estimate w to + 0.1 CFHT ‘Megacam’ used to acquire multiple (~5 epochs monthly) points in g’r’i’z’ for 1- potential candidate ID and 2-luminosity calibration (‘stretch factor’) Candidates verified w/ 8m-class telescopes – Gemini, VLT, and Keck Publications: –astro-ph/0509195 - Gemini spectroscopy, Howell et al –astro-ph/0510447 - Measurements for Cosmology, Astier et al –‘Photometric Selection of high-z Type Ia Candidates’ – Sullivan et al –VLT Spectroscopy summary – in prep –Much more on Hi-z SNe science in the works

11 -Possible Type Ia candidates followed up with 8m spectroscopy  main purpose is candidate ID and redshift confirmation -GMOS: 0.75’’ slit range = 465-930 nm 1.34 A/binned pixel disp. 45-90 min exposure time -FORS1: 0.7’’-1.3’’ slit range = 445-1100 nm 2.69 A/binned pixel disp. 25-62.5 min exposure time

12 Example Gemini/GMOS Nod & Shuffle spectrum 2 hr exposure SN i=24.0 Wavelength

13 Host Galaxy spectrum

14 Smoothed spectrum allowing for: template host galaxy subtraction Reddening Extracted spectrum SiII

15 - latest LSS / CMB / Baryon Acoustic Peak Oscillations results added to concordance model (Allen, Schmidt, & Fabian 2002 / Spergel et al 2003 / Eisenstein et al 2005)

16 - SNLS Hubble diagram – Astier et al (accepted by A&A) -  M =.263 +.042 (stat) +.032 (sys) (flat  CDM model) - w = -1.023 +.090 (stat) +.054 (sys)

17 I – SNLS Overview Spectroscopy implications –Only 1 epoch Velocity gradients, etc. not viable –SNR to maximize number of candidates observed + identified No synthetic spectra/detailed line analysis SNR-driven error bars on any results Well suited for SNLS purposes –Candidate ID via template-matching ‘Superfit’ (Howell et al. 2002, Lidman et al. 2005) Results in Gemini/VLT data papers 72 observations - 47 confirmed Ia (Gemini, 12 months) 108 observations – 67 confirmed Ia (VLT, 18 months

18 II – SNLS Spectroscopic Science Main purpose of spectra is ID/z –More thorough analysis a necessity for Object clarification / independent identification Physical insight –Evolution / systematic checks / progenitors –Needs + survey constraints imply data set is best suited for: Quantify the distribution of spectral properties (check for evolution w/ z, environment) –Specific comparison to low-z Ia SNe population –Type Ia sub-types ? Object clarification independent of  2 fits Another parameter space to explore the systematics of this large sample for cosmology

19 II – Science w/ SNLS spectroscopy - background - expansion velocity of CaII H&K feature -May also probe for Z effects (Hoflich et al 1998, Lentz et al 2000) if measured on a high-z population

20 II – Science w/ SNLS spectroscopy - background -R{CaII} and R{SiII} – spectral feature ratios from Nugent et al.1995 -Utilized in other empirical treatments of Type Ia spectra

21 II – Science w/ SNLS spectroscopy - background - Velocity gradients / spectral feature ratios explored empirically in Benetti et al 2004 - continuum of Type Ia properties? Two different populations?

22 II – Science with SNLS spectroscopy -Equivalent Widths (EW) -Shape independent method of spectral feature strength -Folatelli 2004 – EW measurements for Type Ia – specific features -Folatelli found this measurement useful for quantifying SNe Ia spectral - homogeneity – subtype ID, correlations w/ lightcurve-shape params

23 II- EW Results – Low z Distribution of spectral properties »EW {CaII} - Check of overluminous SNe Ia

24 II- EW Results – Low z Distribution of spectral properties »EW {SiII} - smaller epoch evolution than other features - correlates to Lightcurve parameters

25 II- EW Results – Low z Distribution of spectral properties »EW {SiII} - smaller epoch evolution than other features - correlates to Lightcurve parameters

26 II- EW Results – Low z Distribution of spectral properties »EW {MgII} - clear check of underluminous objects - additional correlation to luminosity params

27 II – Methods – EW (cont)



30 III – Equivalent Width results Quantitative analysis –Extensive low-z data employed to generate a mean trend for branch normal SNe Ia –Comparison ‘model’ for high-z objects Ejection velocities of CaII H&K feature also measured –Gaussian fit to feature – minima of fit = blueshift  velocity –Low redshift branch normal ‘model’ computed for quantitative comparison

31 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »EW {CaII} - SNLS 1 st Year - reduced chi squared:.511

32 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »EW {CaII} - epoch and sampling ‘free’ comparison via residuals – compare SNe populations w/ K-S Test – no significant difference

33 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »EW {SiII} - SNLS 1st Year - reduced chi squared:.471

34 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »EW {SiII} - KS test results show a difference (not significant) – identifies outliers independently of photometry / typing

35 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »EW {SiII} - recall light curve – spectra correlation

36 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »EW {SiII} - most objects follow Low-z trend… shift in distribution? Significant outliers?

37 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »EW {MgII} - SNLS 1st Year - reduced chi squared:.421

38 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »EW {MgII} - K-S test results similar to EW{CaII} – note possible overluminous outliers

39 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »V ej {CaII} - SNLS 1 st Year - reduced chi squared:.372

40 III - Results Distribution of spectral properties : »V ej {CaII} - Residuals – outliers noted – trend or small numbers? Possible metallicity indication – epoch not quite early enough to match predictions

41 III - Results Quantitative look at distribution of these spectral properties shows ‘no significant difference’ at high-z –Caveat – large error bars  test for broad consistency –K-S tests on residuals support  2 results –no major / systematic shift in Ia properties at high-z –Definite differences Are these expected? Implications for SNe Ia cosmology? Object sub-typing / systematic checks / PG’s –Spectroscopic outliers noted for i) follow up investigation ii) ‘spectroscopic’ SNLS Hubble diagram to check cosmology systematics –Host Galaxy – Luminosity/sub-type correlation at low z Quantitative spectroscopy + high-z host/environment data will enable exploration of this observation  test age/metallicity and progenitor dependencies

42 IV – SNLS science [brief intro] - Sullivan et al (2003) – ‘morphological’ SNe Ia Hubble diagram - Residuals for objects in E/S0 hosts were smaller than other host types - results w/in each type still supported dark matter model - extrapolate to higher redshift – unveil population / age / evolutionary differences  clues to progenitors? … delay times?

43 IV – SNLS science [brief intro] - delay times useful in constraining PG scenarios (SD v DD) - Previous work (Madau et al 1998, Dahlen & Fransson 1999, Gal-Yam & Maoz 2004, Strolger et al 2004) gave delay times from ~ 1.0 to 4.0 Gyr - heavily dependent on SFR assumptions - no results quite explained Fe / O (Ia / CC SNe) ratio in galaxy clusters Scannapieco & Bildsten 2005 – 2-component Type Ia formation - Scannapieco & Bildsten 2005 – 2-component Type Ia formation i) ‘prompt’ – proportional to SFR ii) extended – proportional to mass - quantifies simple observation that SNe Ia are seen in all galaxy types - SNLS data: Host spectra can be used to quantify local SFR and mass = specific star-formation rate  test this model - initial results ‘agree’ – two Type Ia channels or one channel with a large range in PG system age

44 IV – SNLS science [brief intro] - other evidence for two- channel/extended PG time Ia channels? - distribution of light-curve properties (here presented by star-formation rate rather than morphology courtesy of M. Sullivan) corroborates previous observations - evidence for two PG channels or populations?

45 IV – SNLS science [brief intro] - evidence for two PG channels or populations? - additional physical insight with spectroscopy?

46 IV – SNLS science [brief intro] - evidence for two PG channels or populations? - additional physical insight with spectroscopy?

47 Conclusion Brief summary of ‘Type Ia Cosmology’ –Earlier results (Riess et al 1998, Perlmutter et al 1999) supported by SNLS –Will also constrain w for additional cosmological insight SNLS Science and Spectroscopy –Successful at main goal – object ID / redshift –Quantified analysis can also i – check for broad consistency to low-z population ii – id sub-types and outliers  exert an additional systematic control on large SNLS data set iii – combine with other SNLS science to provide insight into Type Ia physics / pg’s

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