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Online Marketing: Theory and Practice Integrated Media Fellowship November 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Online Marketing: Theory and Practice Integrated Media Fellowship November 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Marketing: Theory and Practice Integrated Media Fellowship November 2001

2 Agenda Introductions Why online Marketing strategy Marketing mix Examples Questions and answers

3 Internet Users in U.S. (in millions) Red = Internet Users in U.S (Harris Interactive); Blue = Public Radio Listeners (Spring 2001 Arbitron Nationwide)

4 Online Marketing Strategy  Integrated marketing  Part of overall marketing planning  Online opportunities  Clear purpose  Know what you do well  Unique selling proposition

5 Types of Sites  Informational –  Selling -  Service –  Company/brand sites –

6 Web Rules No field of dreams Give first, then sell Trust Pull and push Niche

7 Types of Internet Promotion  Search engines  Linking strategies  Viral strategies  Public relations  Traditional media  Email publishing  Networking  Paid advertising

8 Specific Examples  Write a title page  Use META data (keywords, page description)  Submit page to search engines and directories  Promote using traditional media  Develop a free service  Request links  Issue news releases  Capture visitor email (permission marketing)  Email newsletters, signatures, lists  Ask visitors to bookmark site, or make it home page  Research viral marketing techniques

9 Online Marketing Categories Initial Contact Return Visits Participation Loyalty and Trust

10 Online Marketing Categories: Initial Contact  Search Engines  Write a page title; make use of META tags (keywords and description); Submit to search engines and directories Minnesota Public Radio - MPR's Home Page …

11 Online Marketing Categories  Revisits: On-Air  Forward promotion depends on scope of campaign (two weeks is typical)  Heaviest promotion near deadline of offer  Revisits: Email  Publish an email newsletter  Capture visitor email addresses (request to send updates)  Install a signature in your email program  Buy a text ad in an email newsletter

12 Online Marketing Categories  Participation  Find out what visitors like best  Use open-ended questions  Consider a reward mechanism  Loyalty and trust  Privacy statement  Terms of use  Measuring response  Use your ISP’s statistical package  Purchase Web traffic analysis software

13 Holiday Programming @ MPR  Live concert at the Mall of America  Online components (postcards, content, calendar)  Print promotion (member guide, holiday card)  Membership email (18,000)

14 Stay Informed  E-mail discussion lists -  Newsletters –  Online publications –  Search engines –  Market research –  Newsgroups –

15 Using the Internet to Market Membership

16 Nothing Works In A Vacuum All Promotions work together  On-air  Online  Renewals  Direct Mail, Email  Telemarketing  Events, etc.

17 MPR On-Air Strategies  Stress the value of the service  No premiums under $120 (as of Nov-00)  Promote $1000 (& above) in almost every break  Continue to mention levels by monthly payment amount ($10 a mo/$20 a mo)  Offer combo thank you gifts at higher levels

18 Online  Follows On-air lead & uses the pledge form the same way it is used in the phone room  Offers standard premiums with pictures and detailed description  On-air, mail and email drive people to website  Make it as simple as possible and you can lead them to where you want to go  Streaming Audio  Pop-up box

19 MPR Website

20 Previous Sign-Up Method  Average Gift $59

21 Current Method  Average Gift Upon Changeover $93 with new On-air strategies $146.

22 Renewals  Mailings continue normally around drive  Pledge premiums the same for all – new, renewal or additional gift  Included in any special mailings done for drive  November 2001 – 993 with an average gift of $149.32

23 Lapsed Mail  Longer lapsed, selected names using Target Analysis  Short term lapsed, sent simple invoice  Mailed before drive with follow-up phone.  208 responded during drive with an average gift of $160.25

24 Additional/Challenge Gifts  Additional Gift mailing with follow-up phone  During the drive 218 of those mailed responded with an average gift of $137.90  Challenge message both in phone and mail

25 Emailing and Pre-Drive Mail  Gather member Email addresses on pledge form for newsletter  Email to 18,438 members, 621 responded, average gift $155.14 and 4,175 lapsed members, 136 responded, average gift $132.75.

26 Emailing and Pre-Drive Mail  Pre-drive Keepers postcard. Mailed to 17,779 Morning Show interest listeners and Keepers owners. 686 responders, with average gift of $141.60


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