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BABS 502 Moving Averages, Decomposition and Exponential Smoothing Revised March 6, 2009
Moving Averages Ft(1) is average of last m observations
Issue is to choose m Most appropriate if series is random variation around a mean This is the case if all autocorrelations are near zero Not intended as a forecasting method - best for smoothing a series and determining patterns Lags behind an increasing series Calculated in a spreadsheet using Average function or using the MAV transformation in NCSS
Moving Average Example
Decomposition Method Represent series
Additively as Yt = Tt + St + Ct + It Multiplicatively as Yt = Tt St Ct It where Tt is the trend component at t St is the seasonal component at t Ct is the cyclical component at t It is the irregular or noise component at t
Decomposition Methods
Some comments Cyclical components not usually included since they cannot be forecasted and are hard to determine A plausible approach for understanding time series behavior Suggest the following general forecasting approach; Deseasonalize data – use a forecasting method for stationary or trending series on the deseasonalized data and then reseasonalize. This may be sub-optimal since the two effects can be estimated simultaneously Multiplicative version available in NCSS approach is ad hoc See help file
Single Exponential Smoothing
One-step ahead forecast is the weighted average of current value and past forecast Ft(1) = a(Current Value)+ (1-a) Past Forecast = aXt+ (1-a) Ft-1(1) Alternative representation Ft(1) = Ft-1(1) + a [ Xt - Ft-1(1) ] To apply this we need to choose the smoothing weight a The closer a is to 1, the more reactive the forecast is to changes
Single Exponential Smoothing
Recursive function: Ft(1) = aXt+ (1-a) Ft-1(1), Ft-1(1) = aXt-1+ (1-a) Ft-2(1), etc Backward substitute: Ft(1) = aXt + (1-a)aXt-1 + (1-a)2 aXt-2 + (1-a)3 aXt-3 +… When a = 0.3 this becomes Ft(1) = .3Xt+ .7*.3 Xt-1 + (.7)2 *.3Xt-2 + (.7)3 .3Xt-3 + … = .3Xt+ .21 Xt Xt Xt-3 + … This is the justification for the name “exponential” smoothing. “Age” of data is about 1/a which is the mean of the geometric distribution.
Single Exponential Smoothing Example
Single Exponential Smoothing
Today’s level = a * Today’s value + (1-a)*Yesterday’s Level Tomorrow’s forecast = Today’s level Lt = a Xt + (1- a) Lt-1 Ft(k) = Lt for all k The level represents the systematic part of the series
Simple Exponential Smoothing Spreadsheet Example
Single Exponential Smoothing NCSS Output
Batting Averages 0.320 0.350 0.380 0.410 0.440 1 27 52 78 104 Time avg Batting Average a=.24
Some Comments on Exponential Smoothing (Gardner, 1985)
Starting Values - need F0(1) to start process. Possible Choices Data Mean Backcasting It is identical to an ARIMA(0,1,1) model. In inventory applications can choose to minimize replenishment costs. Can let vary with t and control it adaptively. Parameter is chosen to minimize one step ahead forecast error.
Some Comments on Out of Sample Testing
When comparing methods out of sample be sure to check how the out of sample forecast is computed and what information is assumed known. In some programs – exponential smoothing is applied one step ahead out of sample so that it uses more data than other methods.
Double Exponential Smoothing
In a trending series, single exponential smoothing lags behind the series
Double Exponential Smoothing
Double Exponential Smoothing tracks trending data better; but forecasts may not be good after a few periods
Double Exponential Smoothing
The model: Separate smoothing equations for level and trend Level Equation Lt = a(Current Value) + (1 - a) (Level + Trend Adjustment)t-1 Lt = aXt + (1 - a) (Lt-1 + T t-1) Trend Equation Tt = b(Lt - Lt-1) + (1 - b) Tt-1 Forecasting Equation Ft(k) = Lt + k Tt
Double Exponential Smoothing
Linear Trend Model Yt=0+1t is too inflexible. Requires a constant trend. Basic idea - introduce a trend estimate that changes over time Similar to single exponential smoothing Issue is to choose two smoothing rates, a and b. Referred to as Holt’s Linear Trend Model in NCSS Trend dominates after a few periods in forecasts so forecasts are only good for a short term.
Double Exponential Smoothing Example
a = b=0.020 L72 = T72 = 0.013 F72(1) = = F72(1) = *2 = 5.942
Damped Trend Models Problem with a trend model is that trend dominates forecast in a couple of periods. Approach - introduce trend damping parameter Level Equation Lt = aXt + (1 - a) (Lt-1 + T t-1) Trend Equation Tt = b(Lt - Lt-1) + (1 - b) Tt-1 Forecasting Equation Available in SAS ETS and at Rob Hyndman’s website where he has R and Excel implementations of all exponential smoothing methods.
Seasonality A persistent pattern that occurs at regularly spaced time intervals quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily Data may exhibit several levels of seasonality May be modeled as multiplicative or additive Should be included in systematic part of forecasting model Detected visually or through ACF
Monthly US Electric Power Consumption
Seasonal Data Example Monthly US Electric Power Consumption
Exponential Smoothing with Trend and Seasonality
Exponential Smoothing with trend does not track or forecast seasonal data well
Exponential Smoothing with Trend and Seasonality
The Holt-Winters Model tracks the seasonal pattern
Holt-Winters’ Exponential Smoothing Equations
Level Equation: Lt = a(Current Value/Seasonal Adjustmentt-p) + (1-a)(Levelt-1 + Trendt-1) Lt = a(Deseasonalized Current Value) Lt = a(Xt/It-p) + (1-a)(Lt-1 + Tt-1) where It-p = Seasonal component
Holt-Winters’ Exponential Smoothing
Generalizes Double Exponential Smoothing by including (multiplicative) seasonal indicators. Separate smoothing equations for level, trend and seasonal indicators. Allows trend and seasonal pattern to change over time Must estimate three smoothing parameters Equations more complicated but implemented with software One of the best methods for short term seasonal forecasts
Holt-Winters’ Exponential Smoothing Equations
Trend Equation: Same as double exponential smoothing method Tt = b(Change in level in the last period) + (1 - b) (Trend Adjustment)t-1 Tt = b(Lt - Lt-1) + (1 - b) Tt-1
Holt-Winters’ Exponential Smoothing Equations
Seasonal Equation: It = g(Current Value/Current Level) + (1-g)(Seasonal Adjustment)t-p It = g(Xt/Lt) + (1-g)It-p where p is the length of the seasonality (i.e. p months) Forecasting equations: Ft(k) = (Lt + kTt)It-p+k for k=1,2, …, p Ft(k) = (Lt + kTt)It-2p+k for k=p+1,p+2, …, 2p
Holt-Winters’ Exponential Smoothing Equations Summary
Lt = a(Xt/It-p) + (1-a)(Lt-1 + Tt-1) Level Equation Tt = b(Lt - Lt-1) + (1-b)Tt Trend Equation It = g(Xt/Lt) + (1- g)It-p Seasonal Factor Equation Forecasting equations: Ft(k) = (Lt + kTt)It-p+k for k=1,2, …, p Ft(k) = (Lt + kTt)It-2p+k for k=p+1,p+2, …, 2p
Holt-Winters’ Exponential Smoothing Example
Holt-Winters’ Exponential Smoothing Example
Holt-Winters Further Comments
Can add damped trend to this model too. Additive version also available but multiplicative model is preferable. Note the HW model combines additive trend with multiplicative seasonality. Missing values cannot be skipped, they must be estimated. Outliers have a big impact and could be handled like missing values This is a special case of a “state space model”. Different computer packages give different estimates and forecasts. Excellent reference: Chatfield and Yar “Holt-Winters forecasting: some practical issues”, The Statistician, 1988,
Applying Exponential Smoothing Models
Plot data determine patterns seasonality, trend, outliers Fit model Check residuals Any information present? Plots or ACF functions Adjust Produce forecasts
Using Exponential Smoothing in Practice
Important issue is how frequently to recalibrate the model Possible choices Every period Quarterly Annually The point here is that the model can be determined by analysts, programmed into a forecasting system with fixed parameters and recalibrated as needed.
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