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Web-GIS and interactive systems. Hugo Ahlenius UNEP/GRID-Arendal.

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Presentation on theme: "Web-GIS and interactive systems. Hugo Ahlenius UNEP/GRID-Arendal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web-GIS and interactive systems

2 Hugo Ahlenius UNEP/GRID-Arendal

3 About... UNEP centre based in Arendal, Norway (Ottawa, Geneva, Stockholm) UNEP key polar centre Founded 1989

4 Transition of focus the power of geographical communication make it accessible for better decisions Data GIS, Remote Sensing Data GIS, Remote Sensing Information

5 Technology Geographical Data & Information for the Internet: –Software –Standards –Catalogue services (metadata)

6 Case study: Baltic Atlas data & graphics (and more) Baltic Sea drainage basin popular + stats where showing...



9 Baltic Atlas Interactive map Implemented using ESRI ArcSDE + ArcIMS Functionality Popular!


11 Other examples Arctic Environmental Atlas Globalis




15 More... + the future web data access –download –integrate web integration

16 Conclusion + relevance Access Progress Communication Use Just a tool, not the means in itself

17 Thank you! Hugo Ahlenius

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