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Replacing and Replacing and and are milestones at present.

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2 Replacing and Replacing and

3 and are milestones at present.

4 Locations in current DTD 

5 What is wrong?  Hard to render properly in Arboreal.  Hard to render properly anywhere.  Violates „spirit“ of XML.

6 A modest proposal  Allow an emph attribute on, etc.  Treat emphasis as language is currently treated.  The attribute is inherited by children.  An tag allows shorter emphasized passages.

7 Advantages  Easy to determine if we are in emphasized text by examining the container hierarchy.  Attribute frees us from having to worry about tag „overlap“.  We have already implemented this strategy for language coding.

8 Conversion II can write a program to convert to the new format. PParser sees <emph> and starts applying emphasis attribute until <emph.end>. IIn a second pass, we move attribute to the parent, if all children have it.

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