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July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB1 RPCs new schedule & QC results zSchedule yGas Volume production schedule yGlobal RPC schedule zQC results yGas Volume.

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Presentation on theme: "July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB1 RPCs new schedule & QC results zSchedule yGas Volume production schedule yGlobal RPC schedule zQC results yGas Volume."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB1 RPCs new schedule & QC results zSchedule yGas Volume production schedule yGlobal RPC schedule zQC results yGas Volume production - gluing yGas Volume production - oiling yGas Volume production - currents yProduction database Outline

2 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB2 Gas Volumes production plan at GT (Standard Units)

3 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB3 Gas Volumes Production details (Standard Units)

4 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB4 Global schedule zThe Gas Volume production sequence still has some flexibility, but not much due to time necessary for material procurement. yBOS production before BOL - Easy yBOS production before BMS - Very difficult zThe Global schedule for RPC Units production has to take into account the production status of all other components.

5 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB5 Production status - All parts

6 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB6 Readout panel production zConcern at present is for the preparation of readout panels (i.e. mounting of F.E. boards on strip panels). zMain reason for the delay is last delivery of Front End boards from Microtel. This was the first large delivery of F.E. boards for BML-D Units now under production. zHowever: this is also the most time consuming task in the production chain of RPCs.

7 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB7 Global RPC schedule Special Units not included in this schedule. We must first reach “cruise speed” in the production of Standard Units.

8 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB8 Gas Volume QC - Gluing zThe original idea (PRR) for spacer gluing QC was to prepare an external sample and measure the maximum stressing force before breaking. This test was found to be not the optimal solution for gluing QC. zDuring its production at GT BaBar prepared a machine which allows to measure, on closed gaps, if any spacer is not glued (push test). yRPC is laid on a straight table and gas flow is allowed up to a fixed pressure (5 mb). yA row of spacers is “touched” by a series of 660 gr. loads and P is measured continuously. yIf one of the spacers is not able to stand that pressure a clear jump in pressure is seen.

9 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB9 Gas Volume QC - Gluing zFilling upzLocalizing the spacer inside the row. zLocalizing rows of spacers with problems.

10 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB10 Gas Volume QC - Gluing zWe started the push test QC on our gas volumes after the “gluing crisis” and the introduction of the “washing machine”. yEvery day, before starting production, GT prepares some samples to verify glue polymerization. yOf all gas volumes produced in a day one undergoes the push test. yIf one gas volume has more than one spacer not well glued, the full production of that day undergoes the push test. yGas Volumes with more than one spacers not well glued are discarded. zProduction from 28/5 to 13/68/3672 = 0,2 % spacers not well glued 1/62 gas volume discarded (5 spacers) zProduction from 14/6 up to nowawaiting test at GT zFuture productionpush test done weekly

11 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB11 Gas Volume QC - Oiling zThe facility now at GT allows the simultaneous oiling of at least 40 gas volumes. zWhen this operation is done: xCollect a sample of the (output) oil which has been used xFill up one gas volume to high pressure (max 80 mb). If gas volume not broken (as it happens almost in all cases) the chamber is mechanically opened for visual inspection. xCut one or more pieces (10 x 10 cm 2) of oiled backelite zItems 1 & 3 are sent to the Dept. of Chemistry of Torino University

12 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB12 Gas Volume QC - Oiling - IR analysis zThe oil is first polymerized in thin films on inert support (to check the polymerization time) and then IR analyzed to detect if any contaminant is present. zOnly absorption peaks due to linseed oil present

13 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB13 Gas Volume QC - Oiling - IR analysis zThe sample of oiled backelite is IR analyzed using a micro ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) technique to detect any impurity or sign of oil degradation. zOnly absorption peaks due to linseed and bakelite present Backelite

14 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB14 Gas Volume QC - Oiling - IR analysis zFor each set on analysis we receive a written report (.doc) which is inserted in the production database. zGas Volumes oiled up to may 16th have been certified by this test. zFor Gas Volumes produced after this date we are waiting for results.

15 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB15 Gas Volume QC - Currents zFor chambers produced with “new” (2002) bakelite we decided to add a new step in the QC control chain before Gas Volumes are assembled in Units.  Before oiling, chambers are flushed in pure Argon, the HV is raised till current reaches 30  A ( ~ 2.5 kV) and the chamber is monitored for three days. Chambers with anomalous current drift are discarded (0/290 up to now). zAfter oiling chambers are flushed with ATLAS gas mixture (without SF 6 ), HV is raised up to 9 kV ( @ 20 °C) while recording the V-I characteristic.

16 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB16 Gas Volume QC - Currents Not accepted (1/44) Under observation (3/43) T = 32 °C

17 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB17 Production Database (1) zStatus of RPC production is reported in the Production Database. All parts are identified by bar-code. zBakelite plates: yDetails on all bakelite plates produced (Lecce at PanPla) yData from QC-1 (preparation) form (General Tecnica) zGas Volumes: yData from QC-2 (assembly) form (General Tecnica) yPush test results (Napoli at General Tecnica) yCurrent test results (Roma2 at General Tecnica - work in progress) yData from QC-3 (oiling) form (General Tecnica) yIR analysis results (Torino University)

18 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB18 Production Database (2) zReadout panels: yResults of Burn-in and bench test of F.E. boards (separate DB in Roma2) yMounting of F.E. boards on strip panels (Roma2) zSupport panels: yProduction data of support panels (Protvino) zRPC Unit assembly: yDetails of all parts which are in a Unit (Lecce)

19 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB19 Production Database (3) zThe Production database is available on the web via a user interface at (link from the RPC ATLAS page). zWarning: Data are not all up to date. yStill need some sensibilization of the production sites to transfer data in due time. ySome problems with 2001 production data which we are trying to recover. zQC results are accessible with queries via the user interface. Some are already implemented. Others are now being developed.

20 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB20 User Interface (1) Query result to trace back all components in a Unit.

21 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB21 User Interface (2) Query result to verify Gas Volume production status.

22 July 18 2002S. Patricelli ATLAS TMB22 Conclusion zGas Volume for ATLAS production schedule is still compatible with ATLAS schedule. zMain concern at the moment is the schedule for Readout Panel production. zTime for special chambers still to be “allocated” in the schedule. This will be done only after “cruise speed” for Standard production is reached. zQC in Gas Volume production with new technique is under control for gluing, oiling and currents. zProduction Database needs some update for 2001 production (mostly bakelite). zAll QC results as described are in the D.B. Need to implement more queries (web interface) to extract statistical information.

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