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Buildings on Campus TCNJ Employees TCNJ Students TCNJ Eateries Nearby Colleges Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 JEOPARDY.

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Presentation on theme: "Buildings on Campus TCNJ Employees TCNJ Students TCNJ Eateries Nearby Colleges Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 JEOPARDY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Buildings on Campus TCNJ Employees TCNJ Students TCNJ Eateries Nearby Colleges Potpourri 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 JEOPARDY

3 This building is the home to not one, but two places where you can buy and eat hot food

4 This building is famous for the Clock Tower

5 This building is the newest one on campus

6 This building was once called Commons, but was recently renamed

7 This building is Where INCD 140 meets on Wednesday nights

8 This person is in this room right now

9 This person is responsible for the “Transformation”

10 This person is the President of TCNJ

11 This person is famous for her coffee shop

12 These people are in charge of computer assistance

13 These students usually live in either Travers or Wolfe

14 These students will be in the classroom for many years to come

15 These students often lack on-campus involvement

16 These students do not have a foreign language requirement

17 These students busy

18 This is a dining hall for faculty on campus

19 This is the only place on campus to buy alcohol

20 This place is run by a sweet, small lady

21 This is the campus Supplier of food Service

22 This is the nearest Pizzaria

23 The nearest Ivy to our campus

24 A self proclaimed “Public Ivy”

25 This is the Community College that is in TCNJ’s county

26 This University is not recognized as an institution for higher learning

27 This is a nearby public college with many campuses

28 The celebration that occurred a few weeks ago

29 Mold has caused this building to be uninhabitable

30 The host of Jeopardy

31 This is the nearest mall to TCNJ

32 The grade Jason gets for this

33 What is: The Brower Student Center

34 What is: Green Hall

35 What is: The Spiritual Center

36 What is: Eickhoff Hall

37 What is: Bliss Hall

38 Who is: Professor Pan

39 Who is: Provost Stephen Briggs

40 Who is: President R. Barbara Gitenstein

41 Who is: Edith

42 Who are: The members of IT

43 Who are: Freshmen

44 Who are: Education majors

45 Who are: Off-campus students

46 Who are: Elementary Education M/S/T

47 Who are: Students of TCNJ

48 What is: The 1855 Room

49 What is: The Rathskellar

50 What is: Edith’s Place

51 What is: Sodexho

52 What is: Two Brothers Pizza

53 What is: Princeton

54 What is: TCNJ

55 What is: Mercer Community College

56 What is: Cluck U-Chicken

57 What is: Rutgers

58 What is: The Sesquicentennial

59 What are: The new apartments

60 Who is: Alex Trebek

61 What is: The Quakerbridge Mall

62 What is: An A+


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