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Computing Curriculum - Computer Engineering (CCCE) A Model For Computer Engineering Curricula in the Next Decade Victor P. Nelson, David L. Soldan, Andrew.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing Curriculum - Computer Engineering (CCCE) A Model For Computer Engineering Curricula in the Next Decade Victor P. Nelson, David L. Soldan, Andrew."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing Curriculum - Computer Engineering (CCCE) A Model For Computer Engineering Curricula in the Next Decade Victor P. Nelson, David L. Soldan, Andrew McGettrick, John Impagliazzo, Pradip Srimani, Mitchell D. Theys, Joseph L. A. Hughes IEEE Computer Society / ACM Computing Curricula – Computer Engineering Task Force

2 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 20042 Presentation Outline  Introduction to CC2001/CCCE  Overview of the CCCE Main Report  Appendix A – The Computer Engineering Body of Knowledge  Appendix B – Sample Computer Engineering Curricula  Summary and “Plea for Reviewers"

3 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 20043 Computing Curricula 2001 (CC2001)  Joint effort of IEEE–CS and ACM  Began in 1998 to revise/update 1991 model curricula  Address developments of past decade and endure through the next decade  Separate volumes (plus overview volume): oCCCS - Computer Science (Published) oCCCE - Computer Engineering (Iron Man) oCCSE - Software Engineering (Report to IEEE/ACM) oCCIS - Information Systems (2002 IS curric. adopted)

4 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 20044 CCCE Task Force l Dave Soldan, Chair l James Aylor l Alan Clements l Gerald Engel l Esther Hughes l Joseph Hughes l Ron Hoelzeman l Robert Klenke l Douglas Lyon l Andrew McGettrick l Danial Neebel l Victor Nelson l Ivor Page l Gregory Peterson l Robert Sloan l Pradip Srimani l Mitch Theys l Murali Varanasi

5 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 20045 Computer Engineering Task Force  Established 2001 - representing diverse interests/ institutions  Charge:  Define characteristics of CpE graduates  Define the CpE body of knowledge  Define the CpE core requirements  Identify sample curriculum implementations  Curricular Guidelines  Math, science & engineering core  Emphasize design and creativity  Laboratory experience  Industry-standard modern tools

6 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 20046 CCCE Report Structure What is a Computer Engineer? What should he/she be able to do? KnowledgeSkillsAttitudes CPE Curriculum

7 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 20047 CCCE Volume Outline 1.Introduction 2.Computer Engineering as a Discipline 3.Principles 4.Overview of the Body of Knowledge 5.Integration of Engineering Practice into the Computer Engineering Curriculum 6.Professionalism 7.Curriculum Implementation Issues 8.Institutional Challenges Appendix A: Knowledge Areas and Knowledge Units Appendix B: Sample Curricula

8 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 20048 What is Computer Engineering ? Computer engineering embodies the science and the technology of design, construction, implementation and maintenance of the hardware and the software components of modern computing systems and computer-controlled equipment. Computer engineers are solidly grounded in the theories and principles of computing, mathematics and engineering, and apply these theoretical principles to design hardware, software, networks, and computerized equipment and instruments to solve technical problems in diverse application domains.

9 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 20049 Defining the CPE Body of Knowledge l Hierarchical Structure  Disciplinary subfields (e.g., digital logic)  Units or thematic modules (e.g., switching theory)  Topics (e.g., number systems) l Core vs. Elective Units  Core = should be included in all programs  Elective = inclusion based on program objectives and/or student interest l Organization of BOK does not imply organization of courses or a curriculum!

10 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200410 Body of Knowledge Knowledge Areas (1)  CE-ALG - Algorithms and Complexity  CE-CAO - Computer Architecture & Org.  CE-CSE - Computer Systems Engineering  CE-CSG - Circuits and Signals  CE-DBS - Database Systems  CE-DIG - Digital Logic  CE-DSP - Digital Signal Processing  CE-ELE - Electronics  CE-ESY - Embedded Systems

11 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200411 Body of Knowledge Knowledge Areas (2)  CE-HCI - Human Computer Interaction  CE-NWK - Computer Networks  CE-OPS - Operating Systems  CE-PRF - Programming Fundamentals  CE-SPR - Social and Professional Issues  CE-SWE - Software Engineering  CE-VLS - VLSI/ASIC Design  CE-DSC - Discrete Structures  CE-PRS - Probability and Statistics

12 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200412 CE-CAO. Computer Architecture & Organization CAO0. History & overview of computer architecture CAO1. Fundamentals of computer architecture CAO2. Computer arithmetic CAO3. Memory system organization and architecture CAO4. Interfacing and communication CAO5. Interface subsystems CAO6. Processor systems design CAO7. Organization of the CPU CAO8. Performance CAO9. Performance enhancements CAO10. Multiprocessing

13 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200413 CSE 3: Life Cycle [core] Minimum core coverage : 2 hours Topics: 1.Nature of life cycle, role of life cycle model. Quality in relation to the life cycle. 2.Influence of system size on choice of life cycle model and nature of system – agility issues. 3.Different models of the life cycle – strengths and weaknesses of each. 4.The concept of process. Process improvement. Basis for this is information. 5.Gathering information. 6.Maturity models. Standards and guidelines. Learning objectives: 1.Recognize the need for a disciplined approach to system development and explain the elements of this in particular contexts. 2.Explain how data should be gathered to inform process improvement.

14 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200414 Computer Engineering Curriculum Structure Computer Engineering Topics (1.5 years) Math & Science (1 year) CCCE Core Topics (1 year) Additional CPE Topics Required Or Elective Additional Courses for Institutional & Program Objectives or Electives (1.5 yrs)

15 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200415 Engineering Practice in the CPE Curriculum  Ability to Design Design across the curriculum Capstone design experience  Laboratory experience  Ability to use modern tools  Ability to work on teams  Communication skills  Business, entrepreneurial, etc.

16 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200416 Professionalism Issues  Computer engineers design and implement systems that affect the public  Computer engineers should understand:  Ethical and professional responsibility  Legal issues (IP rights, patents, etc.)  Liability issues  Social context of engineering actions

17 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200417 Creating the Complete CPE Curriculum  Chapter 7 presents general guidelines  App. B presents four examples of using CCCE in implementing CPE Curricula: 1.Created by a Computer Science Department 2.Created by an Electrical & Computer Engineering Department 3.Interdisciplinary program between CS and Engineering 4.3 and 4 year programs in the U.K.  Each includes objectives, curriculum model, mapping onto CCCE BOK, course descriptions

18 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200418 Completion of the CCCE Project l Ironman CCCE Volume (June 2004)  Wide review being solicited  Reviews due in August, 2004 l Integration of Review Comments (October 2004) l Final CCCE Volume by FIE 2004  Submitted to IEEE-CS and ACM Printing and distribution in 2005

19 American Society of Engineering Education, June 22, 200419 Review Comments Welcome  Review comments from many parties desired and welcome!  CCCE Iron Man Report available now (review form to be posted June 27):  IEEE-CS Computing Curricula Web Site:

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