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EECE579: Digital Design Flows

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Presentation on theme: "EECE579: Digital Design Flows"— Presentation transcript:

1 EECE579: Digital Design Flows
Usman Ahmed Dept. of ECE University of British Columbia

2 Implementing Digital Circuits
Digital Circuit Implementation Approaches Custom Semicustom Cell-based Array-based Standard Cells Gate Arrays Structured ASICs Macro Cells FPGA's Compiled Cells

3 Implementing Logic Circuits
Design Iteration Implementing Logic Circuits HDL Logic Synthesis Floorplanning Placement Routing Tape-out Circuit Extraction Pre-Layout Simulation Post-Layout Simulation Structural Physical Behavioral Design Capture

4 Standard Cell Design Library of cells that implement different gates
Cells can have different width but all cells have same height (hence Standard Cells) Many variants of the same cell

5 Standard Cell Design Logic Synthesis
Transform the HDL description into library cells Placement Where to place a cell ? Routing Connect the placed cells.

6 Standard Cell Design Optimizations: Gate Resizing Buffer Insertion
In-place Re-synthesis

7 Standard Cell Design: An Example

8 Standard Cell Design Routing channel can be narrowed if more interconnect layers are available

9 Standard Cell Design: New Generation
Cell-structure hidden under interconnect layers

10 Standard Cell Design: Summary
Used only for the high-speed or low-power applications Very expensive, and time consuming (> $2M just for the mask costs) Very high re-spin cost

11 FPGAs FPGA: Field-Programmable Gate Array

12 What’s Inside an FPGA? Logic Blocks - used to implement logic
- lookup tables and flip-flops Altera: LABs Xilinx: CLBs

13 What’s Inside an FPGA? I/O Blocks - interface off-chip
- can usually support many I/O Standards

14 What’s Inside an FPGA?

15 Logic Block: Basic Logic Gate: Lookup-Table Inputs Bit-Stream
Function of each lookup table can be configured by shifting in bit-stream. Inputs Bit-Stream

16 Logic Clusters Several lookup tables are grouped into “clusters”
- Typically 8 to 10 lookup tables per cluster Connections between lookup tables in the same cluster are fast Connections between lookup tables in different clusters are slow

17 What’s Inside an FPGA?

18 Reconfigurable Logic:
Connect Logic Blocks using Fixed Metal Tracks and Programmable Switches

19 Reconfigurable Logic:
Connect Logic Blocks using Fixed Metal Tracks and Programmable Switches

20 Implementing Systems in an FPGA
FPGA Fabric Embedded memories Embedded PowerPC Hardwired multipliers Xilinx Vertex-II Pro High-speed I/O

21 Disadvantages of FPGAs:
"Instant Manufacturability": reduces time to market Cheaper for small volumes because you don’t need to pay for fabrication means you don’t need to be a big company to make a chip Relaxes Designers -> relaxed designers live longer! Disadvantages of FPGAs: Slower than custom or standard cell based chips Cannot get as much circuitry on a single chip Today: ~ 1M gates is the best you can do ~ 200 MHz is about as fast as you can get For large volumes, it can be more expensive than gate arrays and custom chips

22 Structured ASICs Combines good features of FPGAs and Standard Cell ASICs

23 Logic Blocks Choices Configurability Fine Grained Medium Grained
Basic gates: NAND, NOR, XOR, FF etc. Medium Grained Lookup Tables Coarse Grained Multi-input, Multi-output blocks (e.g., PLAs) Configurability SRAM cells Vias Lower Level (e.g., between M1 and M2) Upper Level (Via stacks brought up to the configurable layers)

24 Routing Fabrics Metal and Via Programmable Via Programmable
More flexibility, more efficiency Employed in most structured ASIC offerings Via Programmable Regular, easy to manufacture Metal is fixed and every segment may not be fully utilizable, → Can be Inefficient

25 Design Flows

26 Design Flows

27 Design Flows

28 Design Flows

29 Design Flows

30 Implementing Logic Circuits
Design Iteration Implementing Logic Circuits HDL Logic Synthesis Floorplanning Placement Routing Tape-out Circuit Extraction Pre-Layout Simulation Post-Layout Simulation Structural Physical Behavioral Design Capture

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