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Berlin, Knowledge by Networking 2007 Scientific Library Services and Information Systems: “Digitisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Berlin, Knowledge by Networking 2007 Scientific Library Services and Information Systems: “Digitisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Berlin, Knowledge by Networking 2007 Scientific Library Services and Information Systems: “Digitisation Initiative” Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Dr. Ralf Goebel

2 Information Infrastructure in Germany Information Infrastructure in higher education and research in Germany: Not a centrally coordinated effort:  DFG: Funding Programmes and political leadership in the community  Other Science Organizations: Max Planck, Fraunhofer, Helmholtz, Leibniz, Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, Wissenschaftsrat  BMBF: Federal Ministry for Education and Research  BKM: Commissioner for Cultural and Media Affairs  Federal States: Information Infrastructure Programs for Higher Education

3 The German Research Foundation  central public funding organisation for academic research in Germany  promote academic excellence on a competitive basis (20.000 projects/year)  serve science / the humanities in all fields  support of young researchers  encourage international cooperation  foster links between science and industry  improvement of scientific information infrastructures Who we are What we do 1,3 bn (regular) + 0,38 bn (extra) Regular budget (1,3 Bn):

4 DFG Digital Information Initiative „The objective is the implementation of an integrated digital environment for the provision of scientific information.“ Fundamental shift: people are online (data, office, calendar, blog, wikipedia, films, hit lists, second life). 95% online! Paper -> Digital (75.000 new printed publications per year) Internet and Web 2.0 are creating new structures of science / portals / services Open Access (R&D 70:30) Now or never … (Google) Digital World

5 / National Licenses

6 Google, Micosoft, Yahoo,... rare books, special collections [Google] 18th/19th century out-of-print works DFG: Quality and open access

7 German Imprints in the 16th and 17th Century - full-text access

8 DFG-Browser

9 Out-of-print-works DFG plans to invest about 9 million Euros per year to make out-of- print works accessible to the scientific community – based on the DFG national distributed library plan and the DFG supported subject-specific virtual libraries. We now are in state of talking with the publishers, the libraries and other stakeholders and we believe that there are solutions we can find. Subject-specific virtual libraries

10 Open Access Repositories Long Term Preservation Electronic publications should be freely available to academics and scientists via the internet. In order to achieve this objective, the DFG will support both open access journals and the additional publication of research results. DFG will support the implementation of a system of networked repositories in Germany. Its architecture will support its embedding into larger European structures and secure the long-term availability of digital publications and data. At a first step DFG offers support in the implementation of the LOCKSS system. Digitalization projects will be asked to deliver a digital copy to the German National Library and the „Kopal archiving system“. http://www.lockss.org / http://kopal.langzeitarchivierung.de

11 1998 - Sorbonne Declaration (France, Italy, UK; Germany): „that Europe is not only that of the Euro, of the banks and the economy: it must be a Europe of knowledge as well.“ 1999 – Bologna Study: „international labour market.“ 2000 - Lisbon European Council: „to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy “ 2003 Berlin – „European educational area“ – Europäischer Bildungsraum. 2005 – Bergen: „knowledge-based society.“ 2007 London – „We recognise the important influence higher education institutions... in defining and transmitting the values on which our societies are built.“ The Bologna process (1)

12 2010 - „We will take 2010 as an opportunity to reformulate the vision that motivated us in setting the Bologna Process in motion in 1999 and to make the case for an European Higher Education Area (EHEA) underpinned by values and visions that go beyond issues of structures and tools.“ The Bologna process (2)

13 Digital Libraries Initiative „The Digital Libraries Initiative is a flagship project of the Commission's overall strategy to boost the digital economy.“ „Europe's cultural industries: audiovisual, media, publishing, libraries, museums and more.“ And everyone wins when they can visit Europe's best museums and libraries or watch European film productions online from their living rooms and school desks.“ „Once digitised, our cultural and scientific heritage can, for example, play a key role in the future growth of sectors such as learning and tourism“. EU Commission: Information Society and Media

14 Reading Skills (risk group) of 15 year old students (German States): OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Information Society

15 Information Society

16 The scientific impact of nations / economic wealth King, David A., 2004: The scientific impact of nations, nature, vol. 430: 311-316.

17 The scientific impact of nations / economic wealth / reading skills (1) King, David A., 2004: The scientific impact of nations, nature, vol. 430: 311-316.

18 King, David A., 2004: The scientific impact of nations, nature, vol. 430: 311-316. The scientific impact of nations / economic wealth / reading skills (2)

19 Digital Libraries Initiative The European Digital Library

20 The objective is the implementation in Germany of an integrated, digital environment for the provision of scientific information in all disciplines and subjects by 2015. DFG Vision

21 Berlin, Knowledge by Networking 2007 Scientific Library Services and Information Systems: “Digitisation Initiative” Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Dr. Ralf Goebel

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