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MINOS-EURONET Networking in micro-nanosystems in Europe Dan Dascalu IMT-Bucharest
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Content Purpose of the MINOS project Purpose of the MINOS project Activities Field A network of networks Tools Our profile
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Proposal full title MIcro-NanOSystems EUROpean NETwork pursuing the integration of NMS and ACC in ERA Proposal acronym: MINOS -EURONET
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Proposal description (1). micro- and nanosystems The proposal has a pan-European focus on one strategic objective in IST, namely micro- and nanosystems. The proposal is addressing the following objectives: (1) Revealing and promoting the research competences from NMS and ACC, namely competences which are relevant for the development of the field of micro- nanosystems at the European scale; (2) Facilitating the participation of NMS and ACC organisations to EU programmes and other activities in the field of micro- nanosystems; Performing extensive networking at the pan-European scale in the field of micro-nanosystems. (3) Performing extensive networking at the pan-European scale in the field of micro-nanosystems.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Proposal description (2) The proposal is put forward by 18 partners. The backbone of this powerful consortium is constituted by the Western research organisations which are coordinators of 8 other big projects in FP6. This cluster is totalling 159 different organisations, which provides a critical mass for pan European networking. This cluster of 8 independent projects is covering a broad spectrum of technologies and applications, requiring broad multidisciplinary science and engineering and displaying an exciting potential of cooperation for NMS and ACC.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Content Purpose of the MINOS project Activities Activities Field A network of networks Tools Our profile
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Proposal description (3) Activities, organized in four work packages for support activities devoted, respectively, to: extensive networking, using an integrated communication platform; creation, maintenance, promotion and linking of databases of researchers, research and industrial organisations, enhancing the visibility of potential partners from NMS and ACC and promoting participation to EU programmes; the organisation, with the same purpose of brokerage events and seminars, primarily in NMS and ACC, and also of strategic workshops related to new technologies organisation of three annual editions of a new European research conference devoted to “Microsystems as a platform for integrating technologies ”.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Content Purpose of the MINOS project Activities Field Field A network of networks Tools Our profile
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Thematic areas and objectives Detailed objectives of the strategic direction in priority 2 (IST) are, among others : to integrate sensing, actuating, computing, processing devices including power optimisation in a wide range of materials (such as plastic, textile, paper, and concrete) in particular for flexible and/or portable applications; to improve and to intensify the interaction between man, machine, ambient, and device, integrating very different ‘properties’, sciences, environments and technologies exploring the application potential of micro-nano technology and the integration of nano dimensions in macro and micro systems; to research the interconnect and integration technologies required to establish the nano to macro interface and to have ‘nano’ interacting with their ambient.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Common call priorities 2 and 3 A common call with priority 3 (NMP) was launched in order to develop new medical instruments and/or intelligent diagnosis equipment for healthcare of the future, using advanced biosensors (including biological sensors). Significant applications are expected from the integration of technological developments - in particular of biosensors and smart and hybrid materials that may interact with their surroundings, precision engineering, micro- and nano-fluidics, and opto/electromagnetic methods with greater knowledge of the interactions between biological and non-biological systems.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Convergence of technologies After the first successful calls, the evolution of the field seems to be already dominated by mixed technologies, or the convergence of micro-nano-biotechnologies. This tendency is expected to continue also in the last calls of FP6, as well as in FP7. Indeed, the overall trend seems to be the convergence of IST (including microtechnologies), nanotechnologies and biotechnologies. New materials (such as polymers used in microsystem technologies) are an important factor for innovation. Nanofluidics and nanochemistry are also expected to play an important role ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for health will continue to remain, perhaps, an important topic, with new micro-nanosystems for diagnosis and healthcare.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Fp7: Activities (example) ICT Technology Pillars : Nano-electronics, photonics and integrated micro/nano-systems multi-functional integrated micro-nano-bio-info systems Process, device and design technologies to improve size, density, performance, energy efficiency,manufacturing and cost-effectiveness for components, systems-on-a-chip, systems-in-a package and integrated systems; basic photonic components for wide range of applications; high- performance/high-density data storage systems; very large area/highly integrated display solutions; sensing, actuating, vision and imaging devices; ultra low power systems, alternative energy sources/storage; heterogeneous technologies/system integration; multi-functional integrated micro-nano-bio-info systems; large-area electronics; integration in different materials/objects; interfacing with living organisms; (self-)assembly of molecules or atoms into stable structures.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Content Purpose of the MINOS project Activities Field A network of networks A network of networks Tools Our profile
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 The backbone of the network The characteristic of this project is given by the presence in the project consortium of eight coordinators of big FP6 projects 5 NoEs and 2 IPs (mostly from IST) and a Marie Curie Training by Research Networkare involved. These projects are representing a very powerful cluster, providing a unique pool of potential connections for the human resources in NMS and ACC.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Nanobiotechnologies Nano2Life (Bringing NANOtechnologies TO LIFE), NoE, priority 3, NMP. Scientific and technological area: Nanobiotechnology area of complex and integrated novel sensor technologies. Application domain: Health care, pharmaceuticals, environment, security, food safety, etc. The network support the development of nanoparticles and nanofluidics handling, integrated systems: cells, lab- on-chip. Expected implications: To keep Europe as a competitive partner the field of nanobiotechnology. Nano2Life intends to tackle fragmentation, to durably integrate organizations, to interface two worlds: nano and bio, to translate science into economic benefits and educate society about nanobiotechnologies.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Micro-nanotechnologies for health HEALTHY AIMS (Nano scale materials and sensors and microsystems for medical implants improving health and quality of life), IP in priority 2, IST Scientific and technological area: Technologies involved: RF Communications and power source for implanting into the human; Biocompatible materials; Micro-electrodes; Micro- assembly techniques, Sensors and actuators to fit inside the body. Application domain: New implantable medical devices: Cochlear implant; Retina implant and glaucoma sensor; FES for upper and lower limbs; Artificial intra-urethral sphincter; Sphincter sensor; Intracranial pressure sensor for long term implant (>10 years). Expected implications: Usage of microsystems and nanotechnology in the medical sector, thus ultimately improving the quality of life for citizens across Europe.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Food quality and safety GOOD FOOD (Food Safety and Quality with Microsystems), IP in priority 2, IST Scientific and technological area: Micro and Nanotechnology (MST and M&NT): Micro fluidic system for residue concentration; Integrated optical sensor combined with smart CMOS camera detector; Gas sensors array based on metal oxide and cantilevers; Single chip array of gas sensors on micro machined membranes; Electronic tongue. Application domain: Food safety and quality: fast antibiotics residues screening; Pesticide detection; detection of toxigenic fungi using molecular markers (DNA); Detection of Food borne pathogens; Multisensing Microsystems integration for food control. Expected implications: Developing the new generation of analytical methods based on Micro and Nanotechnology (MST and M&NT) solutions for the safety and quality of food.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Artificial olfaction GOSPEL (General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level), NoE in priority 2, IST Scientific and technological area: Artificial olfaction: Gas sensor systems realized in MSTechnology; nanostructured sensitive layers; innovative bio-inspired data analysis; integration of electronics with the sensors; microsystem packaging. Application domain: Quantitative assessment of gases and odors; Understanding of the biological sense of smell and mimic its relevant functions. Expected implications: A landscape of European capability in artificial olfaction; identification of services required by industry, development of the offering and putting in place the necessary legal and organisational structures to implement them. GOSPEL will develop multi-disciplinary approaches to this subject through a comprehensive training and exchange programme.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Non-silicon microtechnologies 4M (Material Micro Manufacture: Technologies and Applications), NoE in priority 3, NMP. Scientific and technological area: Micro- and Nano- Technology. Application domain: New generation of sensors, actuators and systems for safety and security of people and environment. Expected implications: Development of Micro-and Nano-Technology (MNT) for batch-manufacture of micro-components and devices into user-friendly production equipment, processes and manufacturing platforms. 4M will unify the currently fragmented European R&D expertise on non-silicon microtechnologies into a European Centre for MNT process and product development.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Micro- and nanofabrication PATENT-dfmm (Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture), NoE, in priority 2, IST. Scientific and technological area: Micro & Nanosystem Technologies. Application domain: Micro and nanotechnology based products. Expected implications: Major advances in the performance of communications, transportation and control systems, radical improvements in the accuracy and sensitivity of environmentally sensed data, bio- chemical devices awaited with the potential to improve healthcare and medicine; solving key challenges in the fields of modeling and simulation, test, reliability and package engineering; creation of a “Virtual Institute” for Design for Micromanufacture Methodology DfMM research for M&NT based products.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Micro- and nanotechnologies for electronic communications AMICOM (Advanced MEMS for RF and Millimeter Wave Communications), NoE in priority 2, IST. Scientific and technological area: Micro and Nano Systems. Application domain: Micro and Nano Systems; Mobile and Wireless Systems; safety of road. Expected implications: AMICOM will solve major technological issues; will develop a generic platform of knowledge to assess smart systems for advanced information and communication applications. The microsystems will feature innovative functionalities, such as circuit redundancy, reconfigurability and power management.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Manipulation at micro- and nanoscale ASSEMIC (Advanced Methods and Tools for Handling and Assembly in Microtechnology), Training by Research Network, Marie Curie actions. Scientific and technological area: Micro-handling and – assembly: New tools and systems for ultra precision positioning accuracy (micro- and nano-range); Industrial production issues and manufacturability of assembled MEMS. Application domain: Assembly of MEMS; biological applications. Expected implications: The development of a number of system and tools prototypes for handling and assembly in MST, various micro grippers and a haptic interface device for telemanipulation; enhancement of the quality of European research training in the field of Micro-handling and assembly.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 A cluster of “new instrument”-type projects The above projects were selected for their connection with certain application domains such as health (Healthy Man), food industry (Good Food), environment and security (GOSPEL), communications (AMICOM), which are connected to priorities and needs of NMS and ACC. Moreover, another factor was their connection to new materials in microtechnologies (4M), micro-nano (PATENT), nano-bio (Nano2Life) and micro-nano-bio (ASSEMIC) focus. The orientation towards mixed technologies, or converging technologies (see above) will be an important feature of the activity. Extremely representative for this evolution it is the presence in the above cluster of two NoEs from NMP, namely 4M and Nano2Life, whereas two others: Nanofun-Poly and Inside.Pores accepted to be associated to the above cluster. So did also SENSATION, an IP from IST (again micro- nanosystems ).
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05
Attractive The MINOS cluster although created for integration of NMS and ACC in the field, should be extremely attractive for Western Europe itself. This due to the “leverage” effects in the micro-nanosystems field: materials, processes, structures etc. developed for one application can be successfully used in other applications. Therefore, MINOS-EURONET project is providing a kind of “platform” for the exchange of information in micro-nanosystems and related fields). Following the present developments, the focus will be on integrating technologies, typically micro-nano- biotechnologies (we are also speaking about mixing technologies or the convergence of technologies).
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Content Purpose of the MINOS project Activities Field A network of networks Tools Tools Our profile
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Communication platform A key point of our proposal is the integration of all existing means of communication (conventional and electronic) in one platform of communication, as shown in the diagram below.“Integrated” means that all means will be used concurrently, in an optimised manner. Apart from the databases, the input point in the electronic communication system (ECP) is unique (info exchange, in the e-room region), but the information will be disseminated through all appropriate means of communication.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05
New e-tool for networking, debate, consultation of specialists Electronic space (e-Room) installed on one server and providing communication for a virtually unlimited number of participants: Managing a number of “networks” Each network contains a number of “projects” (or “working groups”), grouped in “activity areas”. Each working group has autonomy and privacy The networks themselves are created top-down, but can be enlarged bottom-up, at the initiative of “project” managers (attributing the access rights to participants: when and what each participant is accessing) One participant can have access to various “projects” (working groups) belonging to different networks with just one password Ideal for foresight studies
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05
SSA in the benefit of NMS/ACC Dissemination of information A better visibility of potential Eastern participants to EU programmes Exchange of information Est-West Direct contacts Brokerage Scientific events Policy
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Added value of databases Created in ROMNET-ERA for the inventory of Romanian centres Also completed with data from other Eastern countries in MINAEAST-NET Open for interaction with Western partners through MINOS-EURONET
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 FP6 SSA Projects coordinated by IMT for integration in ERA and Pan-European Networking ROMNET-ERA Romania 100%
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 FP6 SSA Projects coordinated by IMT for integration in ERA and Pan-European Networking PC7 PC6 Last Call 2004 2005 200620072008 MINOS-EURONET MINAEAST-NET ROMNET-ERA MINAEAST: Micro and Nanotechnologies going Eastern Europe through Networking MINOS: Micro and Nanosystems European Network pursuing the integration of NMS and ACC in ERA
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 nanoLINK The nanoLINK web portal A platform for cooperation between different projects and the corresponding networks Common databases Open for new interactions Education and training Technology transfer
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05
Main futures Oriented mainly towards applications related to life quality Converging technologies, e.g. micro-, nano- biotechnologies Exploiting the human potential of Eastern Europe Paying special attention to education and training (at the global scale)
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Search by country
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Example search by Country
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Search by Keyword - nano
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Search by domains - diagram
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05
Internet Web page Communication platform
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Exchange of information Information introduced in electronic and conventional media should have a versatile format, in order to circulate them using various channels of communication. The appropriate means of communication should be used in each case, e.g. penetrating the usual channels of communication, accessing the usual sources of information for each target group, and each country. The networking (exchange of information) is the main objective of this proposal. The networking (exchange of information) is the main objective of this proposal. MINOS- EURONET is starting with an enormous potential for networking at the European scale, and has the adequate means in achieving broad and effective dissemination in a unique pan European “network of networks”. Orientation of activities through the convergence of technologies it is also an ambitious target.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Content Purpose of the MINOS project Activities Field A network of networks Tools Our profile
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 In brief, about IMT IMT (founded in 1993) was the first research unit from Eastern Europe devoted to (focusing on) microtechnologies (micro-system technologies). Becoming a national institute in 1996, IMT also included a nanotechnology laboratory. Since 2002, IMT was leading a virtual nanobiotechnology centre, called CENOBITE. This infrastructure, financed by a national programme, was using the model of NoE. Starting 2005, IMT cordinates RO-NANOMED, a Romanian network devoted to integration into the NanoMedicine European Technological Platform. This network will support a common research facility in nanobiotechnologies, in the technological area of IMT.
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 About IMT (continued) The “technological platform” at IMT supports research, education and innovation. A Science and technology park in micro- and nanotechnologies (MINATECH-RO) and a Centre for technology transfer in microengineering are developed. The strategy of IMT-Bucharest, developed in 2004, is focussed on the development of convergent technologies, basically micro-nano-biotechnologies. This strategy is linked to the participation in FP6. In 2005 IMT is full partner of 9 research projects from FP 6 (and it is also involved in 5 SSA and CA from FP6, as well as in Leonardo programme and Eureka initiative). Some of the above mentioned FP6 projects are related to the “bio” field (including applications in health).
IMT in FP6
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 IMT in FP6 projects: Specific activities related to “bio ” MI Lab on Chip (STREP, NMP) IMT: Microfluidics for molecular imaging ToxiChip (STREP, IST) INTEGRAMplus (IP, IST IMT: biomaterials Nano2Life (NoE, NMP) IMT: Just associate member MINOS-EURONET (SSA, IST) IMT: coordinating networking in micro-nano- biotechnologies
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Final comment Experience of IMT-Bucharest: Research and development in micro- and nanotechnologies Integration of R&D, education and innovation Networking at the national and European scale Availability of novel e-tools for knowledge sharing, developed and tested in other SSA, plus conventional tools of dissemination, integrated in a communication platform More information: Contact:
4 M workshop, Sinaia, 30.09.05 Thank you!
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