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Module 10 Programming ___tell computers what to do

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1 Module 10 Programming ___tell computers what to do
Problem solving with computers Problem → Solution → Algorithm → Programming → Execution Problems: mean, median, mode, max, min, search Generations of programming languages Machine, assembly high level, very high level, natural Examples of program languages Programming techniques procedure oriented programming object-oriented programming Programming examples

2 Programming Program – a set of detailed, step-by-step instructions that directs the computer to do what you want it to do Programming language – a set of rules that provides a way of telling the computer what operations to perform

3 Problem Solving with Programming
Main steps Defining the problem Planning the solution Designing an algorithm Coding the program Testing and executing the program Maintaining and documenting the program

4 Defining the Problem Develop a written agreement that specifies:
The input data The desired output Example: Input: a list of numbers Output: the mean of the numbers

5 Planning the Solution Find out a solution to the problem
Algorithm – a detailed, step-by-step solution to the problem Flow chart or pseudo code can be used as a tool Check the solution Carry out each step of the algorithm with pencil and paper Example: Given a[1], a[2], ……, a[100] n = 100 s ← 0, s ← s+a[1], s ← s+a[2], …, s ← s+a[100] mean = s/n;

6 Planning Tools Flowchart – a pictorial representation of the algorithm
Start read a[i] i=1, …, 100 s = 0 i =1 s = s +a[i] i = 100? Stop s / i Yes No i = i +1 Flowchart – a pictorial representation of the algorithm Pseudo code – English-like language e.g. Input: a[i], i = 1, …, 100 s ← 0 for i from 1 to 100 do s ← s + a[i] output: s / n

7 Algorithm Implementation / Program Coding
Translating the algorithm from the planning stage into a program in a formal programming language All languages have syntax rules (grammar) Similar to grammatical rules The computer will reject a program with even a minor syntax error Programs can be keyed into the computer by using a text editor See examples: calculate … + 100

8 Testing the Program Two phases of testing the program Translation
Converting the program you wrote into the binary instructions the CPU understands Debugging Identifying and correcting logic errors in the program

9 Translation / execution
Compiler translates the program (source module) into a machine language version (object module) If the compiler detects syntax errors, it will produce messages describing those errors If no syntax errors exist, the object module will be linked to create a load module Load module is executed by the computer Run the program to get the output


11 Maintaining and Documenting
Update the program to meet new requirement Record materials are generated at each part of the process Common examples of documentation Flowchart and/or pseudocode Comments within the source code Testing procedures Layouts of input and output records A narrative description of the program

12 Levels of Languages Lower-level languages – more like the 0s and 1s the computer itself uses Higher-level languages – more like the languages people use Divided into five generations

13 Five Generations of Languages
Machine language Assembly languages High-level languages Very high-level languages Natural languages

14 Machine Language Programs and memory locations are written in strings of 0s and 1s Add the numbers in registers s1 and s2 and put the result in t0 Problems with machine languages Programs are difficult to write and debug Each computer has its own machine language Only option available to early programmers

15 Assembly Languages Substitute mnemonic codes for 0s and 1s
For example => add $t0, $s1, $s2. Use names rather than binary addresses for memory locations Require an assembler to translate the program into machine language Still used for programming chips and writing utility programs

16 High-Level Languages (HLL)
Transformed programming Programmers could focus on solving problems rather than manipulating hardware Programs could be written and debugged much more quickly Requires a compiler to convert the statements into assembly /machine language Each computer has its own version of a compiler for each language

17 Very High-Level Languages
Also called fourth-generation languages (4GLs) Considered nonprocedural languages The programmer specifies the desired results, and the language develops the solution Programmers can be about 10 times more productive using a fourth-generation language than a third-generation language

18 Natural Languages Resemble written or spoken English
Programs can be written in a natural syntax, rather than in the syntax rules of a programming language The language translates the instructions into code the computer can execute

19 Examples of High Level Programming Languages

20 FORTRAN The first high-level language Stands for FORmula TRANslator
Used primarily for engineering, mathematical, and scientific tasks Good for numerical computation

21 COBOL Stands for COmmon Business-Oriented Language
Used primarily for business requirements Processes large data files Produces well-formatted reports

22 BASIC Stands for Beginners’ All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
Developed to teach programming to college students Became very popular with the introduction of the microcomputer

23 C Originally designed to write systems software
Offers the ease of use of a high-level language with the efficiency of an assembly language Very portable – can be used with virtually every combination of computer and operating system

24 Java A network-friendly programming language that permits a piece of software to run directly on many different platforms Allows programmers to write one version of the program, rather than a separate version of each platform Very useful for Internet development Java applets can run in the user’s Web browser

25 Algorithm Designs The algorithm must be correct.
Can stop in reasonable amount time Give the correction answer / solution Robust The algorithm should be efficient Use less amount of time to complete the computation Use less amount of memory space to carry out the compute

26 Program Design Structured Programming
Get input: from keyboard, file, generate automatically Computation on the input by the algorithm the core of the program implementing an algorithm Output the result to screen, file, in certain format

27 Procedure Oriented Programming
Features: linear style, the program has a main stream Fortran, basic, C are languages for POP Common features Data type and variable: integer, floating point, list, etc Modular: routine, procedure, function and library Programming constructs: serial, selection/branch, repetition/loop

28 Program constructs There are basic three programming constructs
Sequential do things one by one in sequence Selection: do one thing under a condition; do another thing under another condition If statement Repetition: do the same thing for many times For loop A program consists of a combination of the three construct

29 Sequential construct Selection construct
<script type = "text/javascript"> <!-- var a = prompt("What is the value of 'a'? \n", ""); var b = prompt("What is the value of 'b'? \n", ""); var c = prompt("What is the value of 'c'? \n", ""); var denom = 2.0 * a; var det = b * b * a * c; if (det >= 0){ var root_part = Math.sqrt(det); var root1 = (-b + root_part) / denom; var root2 = (-b - root_part) / denom; document.write("The first root is: ", root1, "<br />"); document.write("The second root is: ", root2, "<br />"); } else { var root_part = Math.sqrt(-det); var real = -b / denom; var imagine = root_part / denom; document.write("The first root is: ", real,"+", imagine, "i", "<br />"); document.write("The second root is: ", real, "-", imagine,"i", "<br />"); --> </script> Sequential construct Selection construct

30 <script type = "text/javascript">
<!-- // Get input n var n = prompt("What is the value of 'n'? \n", ""); var sum =0; var i; // compute the sum for (i = 1; i<= n; i++) sum = sum + i; // display the result document.write("The sum of ", n, " = ", sum, "<br />"); --> </script> Repetition construct

31 Four programming examples
Calculate the mean of a given data set Find the max or min of a given data set Sort the given data set in increasing order Calculate the median Question : How do you find the mode of a given data set ?

32 Mean Input: a[0], …, a[n-1] Output: (a[0]+…+a[n-1])/n
Pseudo code sum = 0 for i from 0 to n-1 do sum ¬ sum + a[i] end for mean = sum/n output mean

33 <script type = "text/javascript">
<!-- // Input: data set var data_set = new Array(1, 6, 4, 6, 3, 10); // computation n = data_set.length; sum = 0; for (i = 0; i<n; i++){ sum = sum + data_set[i]; } mean = sum/n; //output document.write("<p>The mean of the data set is ", mean, "</p>"); // --> </script>

34 Find maximum Input: a[0], …, a[n-1]
Output: the maximum of a[0], …., a[n-1] Pseudo code max = a[0] for i from 1 to n-1 do if a[i] > max then max ¬ a[i] end for output max

35 <script type = "text/javascript">
<!-- // Input: data set var data_set = new Array(33, 61, 71, 10, 23, 29, 99); // computation length = data_set.length; var current_max = data_set[0]; for (i = 1; i<length; i++){ if (data_set[i] > current_max) current_max = data_set[i]; } //output document.write("<p>The maxium element is: ", current_max, "</p>"); // --> </script>

36 Sort (in increasing order)
Input: a[0], …, a[n-1] Output: a list of a[0], …., a[n-1] in increasing order Pseudo code for i from 0 to n-1 do find a[j] minium amount a[i], … a[n-1] if j is not equal to I swap a[i] and a[j] end for output a[0]

37 <script type = "text/javascript">
<!-- // Input: data set data_set = new Array(10, 6, 4, 6, 3, 1, -2); // sortting n = data_set.length; for (i = 0; i<n; i++){ min = data_set[i]; min_position = i; for (j = i; j<n; j++){ if (data_set[j] < min){ min = data_set[j]; min_position = j; } if (min_position != i) { data_set[min_position] = data_set[i]; data_set[i] = min; //output for (i=0; i<n; i++) document.write(data_set[i], ", "); //--> </script>

38 Median Input: a[0], …, a[n-1] Output: the median of a[0], …., a[n-1]
Pseudo code sort a[0], …., a[n-1] if n is odd ouput a[(n+1)/2] else output (a[n/2-1]+a[n/2])/2

39 data_set = new Array(10, 6, 4, 6, 3, 1);
n = data_set.length; for (i = 0; i<n; i++){ min = data_set[i]; min_position = i; for (var j = i; j<n; j++){ if (data_set[j] < min){ min = data_set[j]; min_position = j; } if (min_position != i) { data_set[min_position] = data_set[i]; data_set[i] = min; if (n % 2 == 0) median = (data_set[n/2-1]+data_set[n/2])/2; else median = data_set[(n-1)/2]; document.write("The median is ", median);

40 Object-Oriented Programming
Object – a self-contained unit that contains both data and its related functions Key terms in object-oriented programming Encapsulation – an object isolates both its data and its related instructions Attributes – facts that describe the object Also called properties Methods – instructions that tell the object to do something Messages – an outside stimulus that results in the change of the state of an object

41 Using Objects Programmers define classes of objects
The class contains all attributes that are unique to objects of that class An object is an instance (occurrence) of a class Objects are arranged hierarchically in classes and subclasses Subclasses are derived from classes Inheritance – a subclass possesses all attributes of the class from which it is derived Additional attributes can be coded in the subclasses

42 Activating the Object A message is sent to the object, telling it to do something The object’s methods tell it how to do it Polymorphism – each object has its own way to process the message For example, the class may have a Move method, but each subclass implements that method differently

43 Object-Oriented Languages
Java C# Visual Basic

44 C++ An enhancement of the C language
Includes all features of C Adds support for object-oriented programming Can be used as simply an improvement of C, without the object-oriented features

45 Java A pure object-oriented program
Used to create small programs called applets Applets can be delivered over the Web and run on any platform

46 C# Microsoft’s answer to Java
Has the same advantages over C++ that Java has Designed to work within Microsoft’s .NET environment .NET is designed for building, deploying, and running Web-based applications

47 Visual Basic Allows programmer to create Windows-like user interfaces
Programmer drags a control (button, text box, etc.) onto the form VB creates the code associated with that control VB is event-driven The user controls the program Previous versions supported some object technology The current version, VB.NET, is the first to support inheritance and polymorphism These two traits are required for a true object-oriented language

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