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1 Training the Trainers: gearing up the next generation Ernie Boyko Chuck Humphrey IASSIST 2005 Edinburgh.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Training the Trainers: gearing up the next generation Ernie Boyko Chuck Humphrey IASSIST 2005 Edinburgh."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Training the Trainers: gearing up the next generation Ernie Boyko Chuck Humphrey IASSIST 2005 Edinburgh

2 2 Introductions Name Affiliation Do you currently have a role in training activities? Do you have training objectives that you are trying to achieve?

3 3 Outline Setting the stage Context for training A model for training Organizing a training event Reaping the benefits Wrap-up Page 3 of handout Outline a.context b.principles

4 4 Context: Data Culture A Data Culture Perspective Articulated by Paul Bernard (1996) in “Phase Two of the Data Liberation Initiative: extending the data culture,” Government Information in Canada, Vol. 3 (1). Pages 16-24 in your handout

5 5 Figure 1

6 6 Context: statistical literacy The skills associated with using data and interpreting statistics. Two primary themes: “Statistical Literacy: the study of statistics used as evidence in arguments.” http://www.statlit.org The need for critically numerate citizens (See “An enquiry into the use of numeric data in learning & teaching,” Rice, Burnhill, Wright and Townsend)

7 7 A training model Where do you turn to get training for your data services professionals?

8 8 Training principles Peer-to-peer training Priority given to data services professionals Sensitive to regions, size of institution, backgrounds and learning styles Conducted from a service perspective Example: pages 14-15 in handout

9 9 Changes What has changed in your workplace in the past six months?

10 10 Environmental scan: a tool Demystify the processes of an environmental scan Taking stock of individual, group, regional or national situations Extracting training needs out of shared situations Example: pages 10-13 in handout

11 11 A curriculum Identifying the knowledge, skills and attitudes fundamental to data services Pages 6-8 of the handout

12 12 Identifying trainers Finding the talent Page 8: points 2 & 3

13 13 Organizing a train-the-trainers workshop Getting acquainted Review objectives Formal content presented Exercises to gather ideas and build teams Assess individual strengths and their regional distribution Identify personal development plans Page 9 of handout

14 14 Harvesting the crop An abundance of training resources are created Gathered into a training repositorytraining repository Page 9 of the handout

15 15 Wrap-up Is there value in making this information available as a “living document?” Areas that you would like to see developed further that the IASSIST Education Committee can assume. Page 9 of the handout

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