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L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo1 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARKS IN PORTUGAL Different Models Different Experiences.

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1 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo1 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARKS IN PORTUGAL Different Models Different Experiences

2 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo2 Introduction Different models and different histories Models depended on the will of promoters Partnership, leadership, means and attitudes Private company OK, other models also Academy, local authorities and facilitators Right resources at right time – champions, leadership and enthusiasm

3 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo3 The Cases 8 Full Members with 10 projects, including all Founders and 2 Associate Members So 12 Parks, 4 Greater Lisbon, 4 Northern Portugal, 3 Central Portugal, 1 Madeira 6 operating, 4 Greater Lisbon, 1 Northern Portugal, 1 Madeira Island Space for other new ventures, especially in Southern Portugal and in the Azores Islands

4 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo4 Greater Lisbon All 4 Greater Lisbon Parks are operating: 1 large S&T Park (Taguspark) with University campus for 3,000 students; 1 urban Technology Park (Lispolis) linked to a State Technology infrastructure; 2 Parks in South Bank – a Research Park (Madan Park) somehow connected to a nearby Technology Pole (Mutela Tecpark)

5 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo5 1 – Taguspark (i) Incorporated in 1992 as private company Equity € 20 million to acquire 60 hectares and act as investment promoter Government gave € 5 million to Academy to subscribe 25% with condition that new company offered 40 hectares free of charge Others agreed, getting right to favourable prices of land

6 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo6 1 – Taguspark (ii) Oeiras City took 16% and made Integrated Plan – 360 ha with housing and leisure Tagusparque invested so far € 100 million Others invested € 200 million 160 users, 7,000 people, 1,000 students Animating relations companies / University Joint projects for applied research Unavoidable for technology or innovation

7 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo7 2 – Lispolis (i) In 1989 Ministry of Industry expropriated and gave to INETI 12 ha next to campus In 1991 INETI and others formed Lispolis In 1993 INETI built and gave to Lispolis the Center for Incubation and Development Since 1994 INETI built 6 more buildings

8 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo8 2 – Lispolis (ii) Some promoters dropped, but Lispolis has now 16 Members, including Universities Lispolis manages well CID (42 incubated) and the whole Pole on behalf of INETI 40,000 m2 built and 75 tenants, 8 buildings to be raised up to 2005, all by third parties Dependence harms decision power Lisbon big city has many other priorities

9 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo9 3 – Mutela Tecpark On Lisnave shipyard’s 11,000 m2 funded in 1994 to incubate staff spin-offs Founder Almada City changed attitude when Lisnave decided to close the shipyard Property given first to State and afterwards to a new real estate Investment Fund PTM/A is tenant and sub-lets spaces to CINTEC, 25 new companies and 4 others

10 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo10 4 – Madan Parque (i) In 1995 Madan Parque was created in Faculty of S&T campus, also in Almada Association Faculty / City / Uninova In 2001 Almada City donated 2.5 hectares American model of Research Parks In 2004 first grant of funds to build central building and Incubator 20 technology based start-ups incubated

11 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo11 4 – Madan Parque (ii) Active without buildings, in Uninova and Faculty facilities Participation in joint projects is permanent, giving Madan Parque great visibility Synergies and complementarities between neighbours Mutela and Madan should be exploited by Almada Coordinated leadership could be the key

12 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo12 Northern Portugal Northern Portugal had more difficulty to start the process but has found its way: 3 medium Technology Parks in industrial environments – Tecmaia, already in operation, Avepark and Portuspark, with links to different Universities; 1 small Research Park (UPTEC) run by the Oporto University next to its campus

13 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo13 5 – Tecmaia (i) In 1991 creation of APCTP led to attraction for STP’s in Northern Portugal In 1999 a multinational delocalized and left an estate of 10 hectares and building worth € 7 million that the Government had to pay Maia City bought it to install Tecmaia Open in 2001, 10,000 m2 are now full with 33 companies and 350 workers – Waiting list for 5,000 m2

14 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo14 5 – Tecmaia (ii) Expansion possible up to 80,000 m2 by new buildings in the available land Company incorporated by Maia City and Agencies linked to Ministry of Economy – now 51% equity Maia City, 9.9% APCTP No funds or aids, only Bank credit and risk of shareholders Enthusiasm of Maia City similar to Oeiras

15 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo15 6/7/8 – APCT Porto Formed in 1992 by Universities, companies and Government, APCTP decided to build 3 small Poles € 15 million paid 60 hectares in Maia, 49 hectares in Feira and 38 hectares at Taipas Maia project abandoned in 1997, Taipas and Feira infrastructured in 2000 Still no building in 2004

16 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo16 6/7 – Avepark and Portuspark Sold Maia land against Tecmaia equity Sold Taipas pole to new Avepark, keeping 15% of € 500,000 equity, main shareholders Guimarães City and Minho University Sold Feira pole to new Portuspark, keeping 15% of € 500,000 equity, main shareholders Parkinvest, City and Aveiro University Both will build very soon

17 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo17 8 – UPTEC APCTP will build UPTEC, a small pole of 2 hectares close to Oporto University campus APCTP will be a holding company, but each pole will have a particular behavior All 4 Parks of Northern Portugal – Tecmaia, Avepark, Portuspark and UPTEC – will be managed by private companies with a common minority shareholder, the APCTP

18 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo18 Centre Portugal Center Portugal may have 3 projects: 1 small Technology Pole (Tagus Valley) linked to a Polytechnic School; 1 medium Technology Pole (Parkurbis) linked to Inner Beira University; 1 small Research Park (Tecnopólo de Coimbra) linked to the old University plus a large multipurpose Technology Park

19 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo19 9 – Tagus Valley Promoted by Abrantes City and others Reuse industrial complex – 15 hectares and 30,000 m2 buildings – can grow to 150 ha Abrantes City owns premises and is ready to convert property into equity Selected 4 out of 7 new companies to install in the incubator using available premises Mayor real champion, Nersant has services

20 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo20 10 – Parkurbis Led by Covilhã City with University Created in 2001 – € 2.5 million equity with Portugal Telecom, University and others 10 ha infrastrutured, head office under construction – expansion to 200 hectares Appointed a Scientific Committee Mayor real champion, University has S&T potential in some areas

21 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo21 11 – Tecnopólo de Coimbra Coimbra is difficult to understand Association formed in 1998, partners included University, City and all other relevant entities of Coimbra, including Pedro Nunes Institute, successful incubator 2 ha available close to University campus 2nd phase 130 ha with municipal support Right partners but lack of real champions

22 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo22 Madeira Island Madeira Island holds an operating Park (Madeira Tecnopólo) which is already an instrument of regional development lodging Madeira University and a Congress and Exhibition Center It will certainly be the heart of knowledge in the island

23 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo23 12 – Madeira Tecnopólo (i) In 1993 Regional Government decided Pole In 1996 joined Funchal City for Congress Center – 42 ha in central Funchal Technopole opened in 1997 with BIC, Assoc. Energy Environment and University Close to University as knowledge developer Land expropriated from private owners, 70% kept by Regional Government

24 L.Maltez,Tecparques, 2004.11.09 Parallel Session, MICTI Conference - Maputo24 12 – Madeira Tecnopólo (ii) One building belongs to Madeira Tecnopólo – all others belong to the Region Tecnopólo will build 3 new buildings Region will build Regional Archives with documents from discoveries Regional Government, anchor projects, leadership linked to regional development Responsibles would prefer Association

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