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Developing a policy on social media Judith Baines.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a policy on social media Judith Baines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a policy on social media Judith Baines

2 2 billion views a day 24 hours video uploaded every minute

3 500 million active users 25 billion pieces of content shared each month

4 Social NetworkingSocial Media “Web 2.0” User-generated content Interaction Networks People not technology

5 Possible uses for web 2.0?  Marketing / advertising  Building your brand  Service delivery News Quick Queries Information Management  Students using it for research and on- line networking; creating their own brand

6 Blogs & blogging (1)  2007-9  Students

7 Blogs & blogging (2)  Sector news Law Finance Comms.  Grad. Advance  Directors  Careers Advisers  2009 onwards

8 Blog Stats – LSE Law Careers  Average 66 hits per day  71 Email subscribers  Law Dept website biggest referrer

9 Facebook

10 Twitter

11 LinkedIn

12 Social Media - YouTube

13 Feeding the Web  Embedding Display content from one website in another  Feeds (RSS) Dynamically update one website with content from another


15 Student Workshop: Digital Footprints  Why this is important  What is your digital footprint? Finding your footprint Beware your digital footprint  Develop your online presence  Employers’ digital presence  Netiquette

16 Policy & Strategy  Early days but services starting to write policies  Do you have one?

17 Strategy  Identify the task and the desired outcomes  Choose the medium of communication that is simplest most logical and most effective  Reach your audience where they are most likely to be  Market it

18 Policy – questions to ask  Who writes it?  How often?  How is it written?  Can students say what they want?  How will you monitor it?  How will you judge whether it has been successful?  Can staff opt in/out?  When should you review it?

19 Service’s digital footprint  Do we need to control it?  Can we control it?  Should they all have the same appearance?  Personal & institutional digital footprints

20 Tips  Do experiment but start small  Get the balance right between promotion and providing valuable information  Cross-promotion is key  Dedicate plenty of time and be realistic  Get the team on board, but don’t force them?  Use students!

21 Slides & contact

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