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SFU Library and Student Learning Commons SFU Deans’ 3 Year Planning Retreat November 1, 2006 Lynn Copeland.

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1 SFU Library and Student Learning Commons SFU Deans’ 3 Year Planning Retreat November 1, 2006 Lynn Copeland

2 Why Library and SLC services? 87% of 3,000 college and 800 high school students NOT information literate ETS survey cited in Chronicle of Higher Education Sponsored NFIL, NEA, CED, USCC/ICW October 18, 2006

3 ‘Good’ n,.gov quality n Print more authoritative than online n 63% id’d relevant materials in online jls

4 ‘Bad’ n Trusted print, even mass media n Could not identify biased web sites n Overemphasized irrelevant results (50%)

5 Conclusion n Results may be different at SFU n Nevertheless SFU library needs to continue to work with faculty to meet this challenge.

6 Library activities/op. budg. 2004-05 (SFU=1)

7 Library funding priorities 2007-08 n Collections: –Lift to base budget (one-time 05/06, 06/07) S Two year base deficit $238,000 S Expected increases$370,000 Total$608,000 S Request$400,000 –Numeric datasets$100,000 n Operations: –Status quo Library 3 year plan due June 2007 Library reports to VPR SLC reports to VPA


9 Student Learning Commons - Serving n Undergraduates n Grad students (theses) n EAL students n First Nations students n Students with disabilities n Mature/returning students

10 Mission Provide visible and accessible gateway to student academic support services: n Writing, learning support n Library research assistance n Computer assistance Through: n Workshops, personal consultation, online resources, classroom collaborations w. faculty and instructors

11 Current resources n Director n Knowledge skills co-ordinator n Learning skills co-ordinator n Receptionist (.5 plus.5 funded library) n Peer educators n Resources n Funding $315,000

12 Activity level n TBD

13 Plan 2007-10: SFU Surrey, Vancouver n Stabilize SLC services at Surrey n Develop SLC services at SFU Vancouver Additional resources: n 1 FTE Surrey n.5 FTE Vancouver n Op. exp. (Surrey)

14 Plan 2007-10: Services & Resources n Support current services growth n Develop online services n Develop EAL services n Expand curricular services Additional Resources: n EAL co-ordinator n Sessional tutors n Online developer n.5 clerical (currently funded SFU Library)

15 Plan 2007-10: Services & Resources (2) n Expand graduate services (tutors -- paid) n Specialized workshop instruction (WebCT esp. portfolios, Word, ppt etc.) Additional Resources n Workshop instructors (contract)

16 Plan 2007-10: Space n Create service space at SFU Vancouver n Improve YWSLC space at SFU Surrey n Expand space Bennett Library Resources required: one-time

17 Plan 2007-10: Relationships - Internal n SLC Advisory Committee n SLC Articulation Committee n Faculty/instructor relationships: –Build on librarian liaison program –SCUTL nonvoting member n Operational relationships –Student Services, FAL, FAN, ACS, Library reference etc.

18 Evaluation Ongoing: n Statistics n Feedback n Best practices benchmarks n Collaborative eval. w. faculty/instructors, Inst. for Ed. Research n External evaluation

19 Plan 2007-10: Cost summary EAL co-ordinator$80,000 SLC Surrey co-ordinator$80,000 SLC Van co-ordinator (.5)$40,000.5 receptionist (curr. library) $22,000 Specialized tutors (temp)$9,000 Spec. workshop instr.$1,500 Online content dev.$2,000 YWSLC op$10,000 Total incremental (2007/08)$244,500

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