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Mach Cone Studies in (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Philip Rau, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker, Giorgio Torrieri Institut für Theoretische Physik.

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Presentation on theme: "Mach Cone Studies in (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Philip Rau, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker, Giorgio Torrieri Institut für Theoretische Physik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mach Cone Studies in (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Philip Rau, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker, Giorgio Torrieri Institut für Theoretische Physik Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main LHC Workshop CERN, 31. 5. 2007

2 Contents I.Introduction Measured Two- and Three-Particle Correlations Measured Two- and Three-Particle Correlations I.(3+1)d hydrodynamical approach Jet Evolution Jet Evolution Two- and Three-Particle Correlations Two- and Three-Particle Correlations  Different Energy and Momentum Deposition  15 GeV jet  30 GeV jet  1500 particles total multiplicity I.Conclusion

3 Two-Particle Correlation F. Wang [STAR Collaboration], Nucl. Phys. A 774, 129 (2006)  Sideward peaks  4 < p T trig < 6 GeV/c  0.15 < p T assoc < 4 GeV/c Peaks reflect interaction of jet with medium

4 Three-Particle Correlation Au+Au central 0-12% Δ2Δ2 Δ1Δ1     J. Ulery [STAR Collaboration], arXiv:0704.0224v1

5 Hydrodynamical Approach

6 (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamik  Assume: Near-side jet not influenced by medium  Bag Model EoS with a 1 st order phase transition Bjorken cylinder Bjorken cylinder initial radius r = 3.5 fm initial radius r = 3.5 fm  0 = 1 fm/c  0 = 1 fm/c

7 Energy Deposition We compare: We compare:  15 GeV jet  30 GeV jet  1500 particles total multiplicity Jet deposits its energy and momentum within t = 1 fm/c within t = 1 fm/c in equal time intervals in equal time intervals

8 Energy and Momentum Deposition within t = 1 fm/c of a 15 GeV jet

9 Jet Evolution t = 6.4 fm/c Creation of a bow shock

10 Momentum Distribution t = 6.4 fm/c

11 Freeze-out Stopped hydrodynamical evolution after t=6.4 fm/c Stopped hydrodynamical evolution after t=6.4 fm/c  Isochronous freeze-out  Cooper-Frye formula Considered a gas of  and  Considered a gas of  and  Using the Share program Using the Share program  for a 50 3 grid  and 40 events

12 Particle Correlations  Clear Jet Signal  No Mach Cone

13 A. Filippone, Energy and Momentum Deposition in equal time intervals of a 15 GeV jet

14 Jet Evolution t = 6.4 fm/c Mach Cone like signal

15 Momentum Distribution t = 6.4 fm/c

16 Particle Correlations  Mach Cone like signal

17 Single and Multiple Energy and Momentum Deposition of a 30 GeV jet

18 Jet Evolution single multiple bow shock energy and momentum deposition t = 6.4 fm/c

19 Momentum Distribution singlemultiple energy and momentum deposition t = 6.4 fm/c

20 Two-Particle Correlation  Jet Signal single multiple energy and momentum deposition

21 Three-Particle Correlation single multiple energy and momentum deposition

22 Conclusion I. Two- and Three-Particle Correlation Sideward peaks appear and reflect Sideward peaks appear and reflect interaction of jet with medium interaction of jet with medium I. Hydrodynamical approach and Freeze-out Bag Model EoS Bag Model EoS Bjorken-like expansion Bjorken-like expansion  Jet visible independent of nature of energy deposition  Evolution of a Mach Cone depends on  Energy and Momentum deposition  Jet Energy

23 Backup

24 Jet Quenching Suppression of the Suppression of the away-side jets away-side jets in Au+Au collisions in Au+Au collisions 4 < p T trig < 6 GeV/c 4 < p T trig < 6 GeV/c p T assoc > 2 GeV/c p T assoc > 2 GeV/c Compared to p+p collisions Compared to p+p collisions Jet Quenching J. Adams [STAR Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 072304 (2003)

25 Freeze-out Results  Jet Signal  Particles with p x enhanced E jet = 15 GeV deposition single

26 High Energy  Jet Signal E jet = 30 GeV deposition multiple

27 Origin of Sideward Peaks

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