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Harlan Transgenic Services

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1 Harlan Transgenic Services
Harlan UK & Harlan BV Transgenic Services platforms

2 Harlan Transgenic Services
One existing platform in UK: Embryos rederivation Embryos cryopreservation Genotyping Health monitoring Increase the services panel and capacity: Association of HarlanEurope with the BioVallée transgenesis platform (Belgium)

3 BioVallée Non-profit organization funded with the support of the Walloon region and the EU Capacity: Transgenic development (vegetal and animal), Genetic analysis (DNA and RNA), Proteomics Metabolomics Goal: Create economic value in the Walloon region

4 BioVallée Creation of two spin-offs: Delphigenetics (DNA engineering) and DNAVision (Genetic Analysis) Incorporation of a new company in December: BV Transgenic Services: association between Harlan and the BioVallée Transgenesis Platform Creation of a new Harlan Services Platform:

5 BV Transgenic Services capacity
Team involved in the development of animal models from the DNA construct to the phenotype analysis Access to technologic platforms: Molecular biology laboratory SPF animal facility (with IVC racks) Genetic analysis platform Phenotyping platforms: Proteomics, microarrays, metabolomics, histo-pathology Cell culture

6 BV Transgenic Services capacity
Example of equipment: 2 Affymetrix Gene Chip Expression/High-throughput SNPs platforms Possibility to use custom microarrays 1 Real-time RT-PCR system for microarray result validation and/or low-throughput screening (ABI 7900 RTPCR) 1 Bioanalyseur Agilent 2100 for RNA-quality assessment. 1 Pyrosequencing machine 1 ABI 16 capillary genetic genotyper 1 ABI 48 capillary genetic genotyper /sequencer 1 DNA threshold system 4 PTC-100 and PCR systems Biostatistics and Bioinformatics for microarray and RT-PCR analyses (clustering, parametric and non-parametric tests, multiple testing correction, class comparison, class prediction …), and interpretation (in term of pathways,…)

7 A complete integrated transgenesis platform
Conditional targeting Gene of interest Targeting vector ES cells electroporation and selection Isolation and characterization of genomic clone Conventional targeting cDNA isolation Vector design and construction Selection cassette deletion Production of homozygous recombinant ES cells DNA sequencing Microinjection of recombinant Cells and Generation of chimerae Lentivirus production and infection E. coli Expression vector Cloning vector Genotyping Heterozygous germ line transmission mice Protein overexpression Breeding service Yeast Macro-observation Speed congenic Sanitization Proteomics Homozygous mutant mice Cryopreservation Mammalian cells Microarrays Breeding with recombinase expressing mice Phenotype analysis Human pathology Histopathology

8 The complete offer Design and construction of vectors
Targeting vectors/Lentiviral vectors Expression vectors Cloning vectors Cell culture ES cells culture (transgenesis) Eukaryote cells culture Stable transfection in eukaryote cells (overexpression of proteins) Production of lentivirus Genotyping Southern Blot PCR (detection on agarose gel) Genome scanning (speed congenic, genetic background identification) SNP/microsatellite detection Zygosity test

9 The complete offer Animal facility Mice breeding (managed by Harlan)
Generation of chimera (microinjection/aggregation/lentiviral infection) Production of VAS males Embryo rederivation Embryo cryopreservation (01/2008) Transgenic mice phenotyping Macro-observation Histopathological analysis Molecular analysis (Northern blot, RT-PCR, microarrays, proteomic, …)

10 Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII
A complete integrated transgenesis platform Conditional targeting Gene of interest Targeting vector ES cells electroporation and selection Isolation and characterization of genomic clone Conventional targeting cDNA isolation Vector design and construction Selection cassette deletion Production of homozygous recombinant ES cells DNA sequencing Microinjection of recombinant Cells and Generation of chimerae Lentivirus production and infection Step III Genotyping Heterozygous germ line transmission mice Step III: Generation of Chimerae Step V Breeding service Macro-observation Step IV: Mice breeding Speed congenic Sanitization Proteomics / metabolomics Step V: genotyping Homozygous mutant mice Cryopreservation Step VI: embryo services Microarrays Breeding with recombinase expressing mice Phenotype analysis Step VI Step IV Human pathology Histopathology Step VII

11 The new services offer Step III: Generation of Chimerae
Microinjection of ES cells into blastocyst Lentivirus mice production (under development, 06/2008) Step IV: Mice breeding: mouse house in Harlan facilities Step V: Genotyping Mouse genotyping Speedcongenic Genetic monitoring Step VI: Embryos services Sanitization Embryos Cryopreservation (Package 5, under development (01/2008)) (Package 1) (Package 2) (Package 3) (Package 4)

12 Microinjection of ES cells(Package 1)
Access to genetically modified ES cells bank ( ex: IGTC). Goal of the service: provide a genetically modified animal from a “blast” (screen between the sequence of the gene of interest and the genetically modified ES cells bank )

13 blastocyst Re-implantation (ICR-CD1 pseudopregnant female)
Positives clones blastocyst Re-implantation (ICR-CD1 pseudopregnant female) Cells Integration in the embryo Microinjection Of ES cells In host embryo (C57BL6) heterozygote Homozygous For the mutation X X WT “C57Bl” Black Or ICR-CD1 Chimeric mice

14 Microinjection of ES cells
Microinjection station

15 Microinjection of ES cells
C57BL6 blastocyst

16 Microinjection of ES cells
Client request Information regarding the conditions of culture of the ES cell Culture of the cells Microinject into blastocysts Freeze a part Delivery of at least 3 chimerae OR Microinjection of maximum 150 blastocysts Stop

17 Sanitization – Embryos rederivation Package 4
Goal: to clean dirty animals (non pathogen free) to be able to use it in a SPF environment No possibility to clean live animals Uterus is a pathogen free environment (at least for the pathogen described by the FELASA)

18 Sanitization – Embryos rederivation
Two possibilities: hysterectomy or embryo transfer Hysterectomy: take the pups just before birth cleanly and give it to a foster mother. Risk: foster refusal and contamination during the hysterectomy (virus, MHV by example) Embryo transfer: Take the embryos before the implantation stage, wash it in sterile medium and reimplant it into a pseudopregnant female. This is the safest way to decontaminate a strain.

19 Sanitization – Embryos rederivation
Embryos collection: The time mating in rodents can easily be identified by the vaginal plug that leave the male after the act. That’s also the mating that induce the ovulation and the hormonal changes necessary to the preparation of the uterus to receive embryos.

20 Sanitization – Embryos rederivation

21 Sanitization – Embryos rederivation Embryos re-implantation

22 Sanitization – Embryos rederivation
Client request Heterozygous Homozygous Colony amplification Need at least 2 males and host strain Need at least 2 males and 10 females Breeding and embryos transfer Health status of the recipient mothers as best guarantee Send at least 3 breeding pairs to the client

23 Genotyping (Package 2) Detection of genetic modifications by PCR
The key factor of a good genotyping result is to begin by a good PCR protocol setup (primers design, best buffer and best PCR cycle). That’s the first obligatory step of our genotyping service (protocol transfer or complete setup based on the DNA sequence). Our goal is to detect the WT and the mutant in the same reaction tube.

24 Genotyping: the service
The package: different possibilities: Setup of PCR protocol Transfer of client protocol DNA extraction Genotyping of 1 to 24 samples Genotyping of more than 24 samples

25 Genotyping: the service
Client request No Client PCR conditions Obtain the DNA information Yes Client protocol transfer PCR conditions setup Not OK PCR of samples 1 to 24 OK Stop PCR of samples up to 24

26 Speedcongenic (package 3): introduction
Congenic strains or co-isogenic strains are genetically identical except for a local part of their genome defined by a mutation, an allele or a locus. The development of such strains sharing the same genetic background allows to study the effects of mutations in avoiding the artifacts due to a unknown, a variable or a mixed genetic background.

27 Speedcongenic : classic backcross
Goal: Transfer a mutation from a genetic background to another. Transfer a mutation from a donor strain to a host strain. At least 10 generations, 2 to 3 years

28 Speedcongenic A B F1 B Mendel X + X + + +
Build a congenic strain quicker than by a classical backcross: Take advantage of the variation of the mendelian statistic: A B F1 B Mendel X + X + + +

29 Speedcongenic 50 % + 25 %

30 Speedcongenic: marker-assisted selection
Mice strains differ genetically. Some genes are different (allele) but differences non coding regions are more available and informative to discriminate strains We use genetic markers to differentiate strains in the speedcongenic process. We use microsatellites or SNPs (highest availability in the genome and highest variability between strains even substrains). Microsatellites are small sequences present all along the genome that can be amplified by PCR with the same primers pair and can produce different sizes amplicons between strains. We are talking about polymorphism

31 Speedcongenic Classical backcrossing Speedcongenic F1 50 % N2 75 % 79-80 % N3 87,5 % 92-94 % N4 93,8 % 97-99 % N5 96,9 % 99,9 % N10 Speedcongenic: 5 generations in 1 year to obtain a congenic strain

32 Speedcongenic: marker-assisted selection
At each generation, we genotype weaned animals to detect heterozygotes. The genome of these animals is then analysed for the microsatellites chosen for their polymorphism between the two strains of interest (host and donor strain). The animal that possesses the most of host microsatellites is used as founder for the next generation. 100 microsatellites spaced approximately by 15 cM are tested during the process.

33 Speedcongenic: marker-assisted selection
Balb/cJ C57BL6/J 129X1/SvJ D1MIT316 226 227 229 D1MIT430 127 119 123 D1MIT169 225 221 D1MIT215 167 159 151 D1MIT102 86 90 D1MIT159 146 206 194

34 Speedcongenic: the package
Obtain information (donor strain, host strain, localization of the mutation, PCR conditions and receive animals) Client request Breeding DNA extraction Heterozygous screening Mouse House Microsatellites analysis Identification of the two best N+1 breeder Send best N5 animals

35 Genetic monitoring Analysis of the genome of mice to identify a genetic contamination or to confirm the inbred status of the strain. Are you sure about the genome of your animal? Are you really working with congenic strains? Is the control animal that you use the best one? These questions are important to ask before to begin an experiment and to avoid unexpected results or bad conclusions.

36 Genetic monitoring The quick scan (analysis of 20 microsatellites)
Analysis of large colonies to confirm the absence of genetic contamination, Confirm the genetic background of a strain (do I work with a CBA or a C3H) The genome scan (analysis of 100 microsatellites) Identify a genetic contamination Confirm the inbred status after backcrossing The genome scan + (analysis of 5000 SNPs) Allow the discrimination between 20 strains Sharp analysis of the genome Useful in positional cloning

37 Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII
A complete integrated transgenesis platform Conditional targeting Gene of interest Targeting vector ES cells electroporation and selection Isolation and characterization of genomic clone Conventional targeting cDNA isolation Vector design and construction Selection cassette deletion Production of homozygous recombinant ES cells DNA sequencing Microinjection of recombinant Cells and Generation of chimerae Lentivirus production and infection Step III Genotyping Heterozygous germ line transmission mice Step III: Generation of Chimerae Step V Breeding service Macro-observation Step IV: Mice breeding Speed congenic Sanitization Proteomics / metabolomics Step V: genotyping Homozygous mutant mice Cryopreservation Step VI: embryo services Microarrays Breeding with recombinase expressing mice Phenotype analysis Step VI Step IV Human pathology Histopathology Step VII

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