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Geistgeschichte (national schools) Positivism (psychological or economic) (Combined) NietzscheMarxFreud !!! ??? StructuralismStructuralism Culture studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Geistgeschichte (national schools) Positivism (psychological or economic) (Combined) NietzscheMarxFreud !!! ??? StructuralismStructuralism Culture studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geistgeschichte (national schools) Positivism (psychological or economic) (Combined) NietzscheMarxFreud !!! ??? StructuralismStructuralism Culture studies ''Postmodernism'' Hermeneutics Contemporary political criticism

2 Hermeneutics of suspicion Paul Ricoeur, Freud and Philosophy, 1970. 'the decision to look upon the whole of consciusness as ''false'' consciousness' (plus a promise of truth)

3 Marxism in literary theory Karl Marx 1818-1883 Friedrich Engels 1820-1835 Wellek on M&E as critics and as theorists Examples of orthodox Marxist critics: Georgi Plekhanov Georgy Lukacs

4 Marx and Engels's criticism (limited output) The Holy Family: Or, Critique of Critical Criticism, 1844 Franz von Sickingen controversy (Ferdinand de Lasalle): 1859 (letters) Engels's letters from the 1880s and 1890s

5 Marx and Engels as theorists The German Ideology, 1845 Communist Manifesto, 1947 The so called Grundrisse (1850s) Revision of Hegelian dialectics of history Destutt de Tracy, Eléments d'idéologie, 1817-1818

6 Ideology and consciousness according to Marx Reality (or 'base') (or being) production relations of exchange Ideology (or 'superstructure') (or consciousness) representation of value turns into capital 'ritual' consciousness 'institutions' Alienation 'Real' Consciousness

7 'Historical life-process' Consciousness Ideology LIFE-PROCESS (UNCONSCIOUS)

8 Examples Georgi Plekhanov, French Drama and Painting in the 18 th Century, 1905 - class and its ideology (i.e. literature) György Lukács, Theory of the Novel, 1914 - integrated civilizations (cf. Bakhtin's epic and novel or Benjamin's The Storyteller)

9 More elaborate (?) recent examples Antonio Gramsci, Prison Notebooks (1926- 1937), 1971 Frankfurt School (1930 - 1950s) Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man, 1964. Louis Althusser, Ideology and the Ideological Apparatus, 1968 Franco Moretti, 'Dialectic of Fear' (1978)

10 Notions / Revisions / Analyses Karl Popper, The Poverty of Historicism, 1956 Leszek Kołakowski, Główne nurty marksizmu, 1976 Raymond Williams, Marxism and Literature, 1977

11 Notions / Revisions / Analyses (2) Base and superstructure Determinism Productive forces Reflection and mediation Hegemony Tradition – institution – formation Medium and social practice Alienation

12 Possible exam questions on this Benjamin's notion of the storyteller (good answer edges on Marxism) What is ideology / discuss art as part of ideology / the view of literature in Marx's German Ideology or stg like that Stg about Marx's notion of representation and alienation

13 BA exam qq on this (none)

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