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1 European Commission Research DG, Directorate Industrial technologies FP7 and Green Chemistry Theme NMP- Opportunities for 2009 Impulse /COST 21 Conference,

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Presentation on theme: "1 European Commission Research DG, Directorate Industrial technologies FP7 and Green Chemistry Theme NMP- Opportunities for 2009 Impulse /COST 21 Conference,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 European Commission Research DG, Directorate Industrial technologies FP7 and Green Chemistry Theme NMP- Opportunities for 2009 Impulse /COST 21 Conference, PG Brussels 16 October, 2008 Frédéric Gouardères

2 2 Seven framework Programme NMP approach and green chemistry Opportunities for 2009- pre- announcement Joint call on Biorefineries

3 3 FP7 Challenges: an increasing role for EU Research Objective “Lisbon”: to become the most dynamic and most competitive knowledge-based economy within 10 years Objective “Göteborg”: sustainable development (environment, health, economy, employment) “Barcelona” targets: 1,9%  3,0% of GDP with 2/3 financed by private sector; towards 700,000 researchers European Research Area (ERA): …Integrating, reinforcing, structuring RTD capacities, improving coordination of policies, overcoming fragmentation of efforts… and stimulating investment in RTD

4 4 Research Growth and Jobs EducationInnovation GENERATE AND USE NEW KNOWLEDGE … Lisbon strategy Triangle of Knowledge

5 5 Europe’s RTD intensity as world competitor 3.17 2.67 1.84 2.99 1.34 1.07 % GDP RTD intensity in world regions Source: “Key RTD Figures 2007 on Science, Technology and Innovation” - Towards a European knowledge Area

6 6 The new FP7 is aimed at increasing the potential for economic growth and at strengthening European competitiveness by investing in knowledge, innovation and human capital. FP7 budget: 50.5 Billions € (2007-2013)

7 7 FP7 –Structure and New Budget Cooperation – Collaborative research – 32.4 Billions € 10 Thematic approaches Cooperation – Collaborative research – 32.4 Billions € 10 Thematic approaches People – Human Potential – 4.7 Billions € Marie Curie actions, mobility People – Human Potential – 4.7 Billions € Marie Curie actions, mobility Ideas – Frontier Research - 7.5 Billions € includes the establishment of a European Research Council, Ideas – Frontier Research - 7.5 Billions € includes the establishment of a European Research Council, Capacities – Research Capacity - 4.2 Billions € Incl. potential research capacities of EU small and medium-sized Enterprises Capacities – Research Capacity - 4.2 Billions € Incl. potential research capacities of EU small and medium-sized Enterprises

8 By courtesy of Airbus © Copyright CERN © Copyright ESA Success through co- operation

9 9 FP7 2007-2013 ‘Cooperation’ - 10 themes

10 10 NMP Strategic Framework NMP – Technology coverage Upstream Technology Development Multi-sectoral Potential Small / Medium scale projects Downstream Technology Integration Multi-sectoral Benefits Cross / Single-sector Integration Large scale projects Nanosciences Nanotechnologies Materials Technologies Production Technologies NMP

11 11 NMP Strategic Framework NMP Life Cycle Strategy ERC Future and Emerging Technologies Breakthrough technologyStep change Enabling technologiesTechnological innovation Industrial application Knowledge generation New Ideas Basic research Applied research / Demonstration / Validation Knowledge deployment New products / Services Long term applied research New systems Market Open topics for broadly defined range of applications Focused topics with precise fields of application NMP

12 12

13 13 EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS Definitions ?? Provide a framework for stakeholders, led by industry, to define research and development priorities in the medium to long term. Play a key role by covering the whole economic value chain and by mobilising public authorities at national and regional levels. GREAT SUPPORT OF NATIONAL INITIATIVES Fostering effective public-private partnerships, technology platforms have the potential to contribute significantly to the renewed Lisbon strategy. Orienting FP7 to better meet the needs of industry.

14 14 European Technology platforms Knowledge for Growth

15 15 Industry EuropaBio Downstream Users National groups Sustainable Chemistry TP …A Forum of Stakeholders

16 16 NMP WP Establishment Timetable 2009 Mid JanTheoretical discussion at PC Meeting Jan-JuneAdvice/consultation from external sources / Coordination with other Programmes e.g. ICT MarchTopics presentation at PC Meeting MayFirst draft text July-SeptConsolidation phase SeptFinal text OctoberLaunch of the InterService Consultation (EC) NovemberOpinion of the Committee NovemberAdoption by the Commission and publication of the calls

17 17 Towards a more sustainable production – green chemistry Enviromentally friendly approaches towards zero wastes. Minimisation of non renewable resources uses (incl. Energy), Use of alternative feedstocks Innovative processes such SCF, Ionic liquids, green solvents. New plants, miniaturised and flexible production. Novel synthetic pathways (reduction of number of steps, protection groups, atom economy) Catalysis and natural processes Safety concerns, control of risks Contribution to standards and methods Economic impacts ( contribution to growth, new jobs, new markets). Different consumption paradigms/ consumers attitude

18 18 NMP Calls 2009-2010 2009 – Calls to be launched in Nov 2008 Total ~ 250 M€ 2010 – Calls to be launched in July 2009 Total ~ 350 M€

19 19 Funding Schemes 3 classes of Collaborative projects Small or medium scale focussed projects < € 4 million EC funding requested Large scale integrating projects (critical mass) > € 4 million EC funding requested SME-targeted projects: at least 35% to SMEs Draft WP - NMP

20 20 Activity 1: Nano S&T 1.3: Health, Safety and Environment Impacts Activities towards the development of appropriate solutions for the use, recycling and final treatment of nanotechnology-based products – SMFRP – Joint call with Theme Environment Exposure scenarios to nanoparticles – CSA Draft WP - NMP RELEVANT

21 21 Activity 2: Materials 2.3: Novel biomaterials and bioinspired materials Biomimetic gels and polymers for tissue repair – SMFRP Draft WP - NMP RELEVANT

22 22 Activity 2: Materials 2.4: Advances in chemical technologies and materials processing New biomass-based composite materials and their processing - SME-TP targeted project Draft WP - NMP RELEVANT

23 23 Activity 2: Materials 2.5: Using engineering to develop high performance knowledge-based materials Light high-performance composites - LSIP Draft WP - NMP

24 24 Activity 2: Materials 2.6: Coordinated activities and international cooperation Novel membranes for water technologies – SICA (specific International cooperation action) for African countries and Mediterranean partner countries Draft WP - NMP RELEVANT

25 25 Activity 3: New Production 3.2: Adaptive production systems Innovative pathways for sustainable chemical production - LSIP Adaptive control systems for responsive factories - SMFRP Draft WP - NMP RELEVANT

26 26 Activity 4: Integration Development of nanotechnology-based systems for molecular diagnostics and imaging - LSIP Reducing the environmental footprint of energy intensive industries – LSIP Innovative and knowledge-based tooling industry - SME-TP Organisation of NMP events of EU Presidencies – CSA ERA-Net on high value added textiles and fibre-based materials Draft WP - NMP

27 27 CALL 2009 will be lauched in nov 2008 EVALUATION in 2 stages. Closure date of First Stage: FEB 09 (?) 10 page proposal: S&T content + expected impact 2 pages: consortium+estimated financial resources Indicative closure for Second Stage: JUL 09 (?) Draft WP - NMP

28 28 Evaluation criteria and thresholds S&T quality4/5 Implementation3/5 Impact3/5 Overall12/15 Implementation is not considered in stage 1 and the overall threshold is 8 For LSIP, in stage 2 the threshold for Impact is 4 Draft WP - NMP

29 29 FP7 Information FP7 Information EU research: Research programmes and projects:

30 30 Work Programme 2009 Biorefineries Joint Call Budget lCommon budget from Themes lBudget foreseen: Total 57 million €  Theme 2 - Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology - 10 million €  Theme 4 - Nano-sciences, Nano-technologies, Materials and new Production Technologies - 7 million €  Theme 5 - Energy – 30 million €  Theme 6 - Environment (Including Climate Change) – 10 million €

31 31 Context EU-25 Energy Imports Source: Slides from EC Green Paper « A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy COM(2006)105 final

32 32 Context EU-27 Energy mix (~1800 Mtoe) RES: 6% (60% biomass, 30% hydro, 10% new RES) Oil: 38% Gas: 24% Coal: 18%Nuclear: 14% Source: European Commission DG TREN, Eurostat

33 33 Work Programme 2009 Biorefineries Joint Call Call Topics lAims at the research, development and integration of innovative technologies to prove the viability of advanced biorefineries taking into acount the entire value chain and sustainability issues lIt will be implemented through two topics  Sustainable Biorefineries  Enhancing exchange of information, synergies and cross-fertilization between projects in the field of Biorefineries

34 34 Work Programme 2009 Biorefineries Joint Call Topic: Sustainable Biorefineries lScope further:  sustainable processing of biomass into building blocks for the production of bio-based chemicals, materials, second generation biofuels, power and heat  biorefineries shall demonstrate performance, sustainability and feasibility at least at pilot scale in an integrated approach  address the entire value chain from biomass feedstock production, logistics and pre-treatment to development of thermo-chemical and bio-chemical technologies, including bio-technological routes, for the conversion of different types of biomass feedstock into bio-based products, energy  address utilisation and upgrading of residues and process waste streams, purification and upgrading of various products to final marketable services to consumers  consider upgrading and integration of new stable materials and of new non-enzymatic high-selective catalysts,  describe integration and optimisation aspects of all the main biorefinery sub-systems

35 35 Work Programme 2009 Biorefinery Joint Call in Brief Relevant general documents available include:  EC Rules for participation  Rules for submission, evaluation, selection, award  Standard model grant agreement  Guide for beneficiaries  Guide to Financial Issues All documents listed above and additional ones can be found at: Further call-specific documents : These are available on the following site:

36 36 Call published on 3 September 2008 with submission deadline 2 December 2009 at 17.00.00 (Brussels local time) Gateway to information Functional mailbox : Work Programme 2009 Biorefinery Joint Call Submission Deadline


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