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Religion Ch. 7 By: Grace O’Doherty. As Wide as the Universe Everyone wants to be included and accepted God’s love is universal In the parable of the great.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion Ch. 7 By: Grace O’Doherty. As Wide as the Universe Everyone wants to be included and accepted God’s love is universal In the parable of the great."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion Ch. 7 By: Grace O’Doherty

2 As Wide as the Universe Everyone wants to be included and accepted God’s love is universal In the parable of the great feast we see the scope of God’s love If people accept God’s invitation and follow him in his faith, he will welcome them into the kingdom They will only be left out of they choose to stay away

3 The Church is Universal The Church has the gift to be catholic The word catholic means universal, worldwide, total, and for all When we say the church is catholic we mean it strives to preach the good news of salvation, it adapts every culture, it teaches the total message of Jesus christ, and it proclaims the good news in every age until the end of the world The church conveys all that she believes through her doctrine, life, and worship

4 In Your Parish Your parish shares the quality of being catholic When members gather for the Sunday eucharist liturgy, the sign of the church becomes visible

5 To be All to All To be truly catholic the church must adapt the gospel to each nation and culture Jewish and Greek christians in the east and roman christians in the west used their own languages and formed their own church laws and customs Gradually these church laws and customs became distinct churches and rites A rite is the way that members of a church worship and express their catholic faith 6 major eastern catholic rights include: chaldean, syrian, maronite, coptic, armenian, and byzantine

6 Enriching and Enriched In all catholic rites there are essentials: communion with the pope; the bishop of Rome, the fullness of the gospel, and the mass with the sacraments Unity is assured by fidelity to apostolic tradition The church takes what is good and meaningful to people and combines it to christian life Throughout the whole world people of all cultures are united in Jesus and with one another

7 The Mission of Jesus The good news that Jesus came to proclaim is that every person is loved by the father and saved by his his own life, passion, death, and resurrection

8 Getting the Job Done Today Jesus commissioned the church to carry on his work The greek word for “good news” is evangel When members of the church teach, heal, serve, and live like christ they are evangelizing like him

9 Foreign and Home Missions The church sends priests, religious, and lay christians to spread the gospels in foreign countries Others evangelize in cities or rural areas in their homelands Both foreign and home missionaries teach, heal, serve, and love

10 You, A Missionary At your baptism into the church the spirit empowered you to spread the good news Like jesus, you evangelize when you explain your faith and the way you live Evangelizers must be convinced, conscious, and be able to reach out to thers

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