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HBO Locks Uppsala University Department of Information Technology Uppsala Architecture Research Team [UART] Hierarchical Back-Off (HBO) Locks for Non-Uniform.

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Presentation on theme: "HBO Locks Uppsala University Department of Information Technology Uppsala Architecture Research Team [UART] Hierarchical Back-Off (HBO) Locks for Non-Uniform."— Presentation transcript:

1 HBO Locks Uppsala University Department of Information Technology Uppsala Architecture Research Team [UART] Hierarchical Back-Off (HBO) Locks for Non-Uniform Communication Architectures Zoran Radovic and Erik Hagersten {zoran.radovic, erik.hagersten} HPCA-9 Ninth International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture Anaheim, California, February 8-12, 2003

2 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Synchronization Basics   Locks are used to protect the shared critical section data   Common software- based solutions:  Simple spin-locks TATAS (‘84) TATAS_EXP (‘90)  Queue-based locks MCS (‘91) CLH (‘93) A:=0 BARRIER LOCK(L) A:=A+1 UNLOCK(L) LOCK(L) B:=A+5 UNLOCK(L)

3 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Raytrace Speedup Sun WildFire (WF) 14 WF

4 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Vasaloppet “Contention Problem in Sweden” Traditional cross-country ski race 55 miles … 51.6533 miles to go… CS

5 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Spin Locks Under Contention Amount of Contention Spin locks w/ backoff Critical Section (CS) Cost IF (more contention)  THEN less efficient CS … “The more important the slower it runs…” IF (more contention)  THEN less efficient CS … “The more important the slower it runs…”

6 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Queue-based Locks Amount of Contention Spin locks w/ backoff CS Cost Queue-based locks IF (more contention)  THEN constant CS cost … IF (more contention)  THEN constant CS cost …

7 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) This Talk Amount of Contention Queue-based locks Spin locks w/ backoff HBO locks CS Cost IF (more contention)  THEN more efficient CS … “The more important the faster it runs…” IF (more contention)  THEN more efficient CS … “The more important the faster it runs…”

8 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Raytrace Speedup HBO Locks Sun WildFire (WF) 14 WF

9 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART)Outline Background & Motivation  NUMA vs. NUCA Architectures  Hierarchical Back-Off (HBO) Locks  HBO  HBO_GT  HBO_GT with starvation detection/avoidance  Performance Results  Conclusions

10 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Switch Non-Uniform Memory Architecture (NUMA)  Many NUMA optimizations are proposed  Page migration  speed up accesses to “private” data  Page replication  speed up reads to “shared” data  Does not help communication…  E.g., synchronization P1 $ P2 $ P3 $ Pn $ P1 $ P2 $ P3 $ Pn $ Memory 1 2 – 10 Access time ratio...

11 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) A “new” property of NUMAs…  NUCA Non-Uniform Communication Architecture (NUCA)   NUCA examples (NUCA ratios):  1992: Stanford DASH (~ 4.5)  1996: Sequent NUMA-Q (~ 10)  1999: Sun WildFire (~ 6)  2000: Compaq DS-320 (~ 3.5)  Future: CMP, SMT (~ 10) NUCA ratio Switch P1 $ P2 $ P3 $ Pn $ P1 $ P2 $ P3 $ Pn $ Memory 1 2 – 10 NUCA optimizations are getting important for future architectures! NUCA optimizations are getting important for future architectures!...

12 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Our Goals Design scalable spin locks that exploit NUCAs  Create communication affinity  Keep the lock in the neighborhood [Mr. Rogers, 1968]  Speeds up lock handover  Lowers the access cost to critical section (CS) data  Reduce remote “probing” traffic  Portable and scalable to many NUCA nodes

13 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) The HBO Lock (the simplest HBO)  What do we need?  node_id  Compare&swap ( CAS ) atomic operation CAS (Lock_address, FREE, node_id)  lock-acquire:  If the lock-value is in the state FREE: The node_id is CAS -ed into the lock location  Else: 2 cases (for 2 levels of non-uniformity): The lock is “local”  TATAS_EXP with small backoff The lock is “remote”  TATAS_EXP with large backoff  Simple but fairly effective… Creates Communication Affinity

14 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) … The HBO_GT Lock GT = Global Throttling FREE P $ P $ P $ P $ Node 2 : Memory P $ P $ P $ P $ Node 5 : Memory FREE Lock1: Lock2: P FREE2 P Local spinning Remote spinning (w/ exp. backoff) …… FREE  CS222 (remote_node_id) FREE Lock3: 0x00000000 my_is_ spinning: 0x00000000 my_is_ spinning: Probing... (with CAS) addr(Lock1) Read a node- local flag...

15 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) The HBO_GT Lock GT = Global Throttling A couple of nanoseconds later …

16 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) … The HBO_GT Lock GT = Global Throttling FREE P $ P $ P $ P $ Node 2 : Memory P $ P $ P $ P $ Node 5 : Memory FREE Lock1: Lock2: 5 P Local spinning Remote spinning (w/ exp. backoff) …… FREE  CS55 (remote_node_id) FREE Lock3: 0x00000000 my_is_ spinning: 0x00000000 my_is_ spinning: Probing... (with CAS) addr(Lock1) Read a node- local flag... 5 P

17 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Our NUCA: Sun WildFire NUCA ratio Switch P1 $ P2 $ P3 $ P14 $ P1 $ P2 $ P3 $ P14 $ Memory 1 6 14 WF...

18 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Traditional Microbenchmark for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { LOCK(L); /* null/small Critical Section */ UNLOCK(L); }  For each thread:

19 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) NUCA-performance Traditional microbenchmark WF

20 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) New Microbenchmark critical_work for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { LOCK(L); delay(critical_work); // CS UNLOCK(L); static_delay(); random_delay(); }  More realistic node handoffs for queue-locks  Constant number of processors  Control the “amount of contention”

21 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Performance Results New microbenchmark, 2-node Sun WildFire, 28 CPUs WF 14 Fairness?

22 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Fairness Study New microbenchmark, 2-node Sun WildFire, 28 CPUs t

23 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Application Performance Raytrace Speedup WF

24 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Application Performance Raytrace Speedup WF

25 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) HBO Locks Under Contention Amount of Contention Queue-based locks Spin locks w/ backoff CS Cost HBO locks

26 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Total Traffic: Raytrace 1.11x 1.45x

27 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) Application Performance 28-processor runs

28 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART)  First-come, first-served not desirable for NUCAs  The HBO lock exploits NUCAs by  creating locality through CS affinity (stable lock)  reducing traffic compared with the test&set locks  HBO performs better under contention  Traffic is significantly reduced  Applications with contented locks scale better with HBO locks on NUCAs  Starvation detection/avoidance in the paper…Conclusions

29 HBO Locks zoran.radovic@it.uu.seUppsala Architecture Research Team (UART) UART’s Home Page Supported by Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the Parallel and Scientific Computing Institute (PSCI)

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