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N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MAR ITIM MIL JØSATSING NIF - KURS Økonomisk og miljøvennlig.

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Presentation on theme: "N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MAR ITIM MIL JØSATSING NIF - KURS Økonomisk og miljøvennlig."— Presentation transcript:


2 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MAR ITIM MIL JØSATSING NIF - KURS Økonomisk og miljøvennlig drift av skip Tirsdag 25 januar Morten Østby Programrådgiver

3 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram R&D Areas: MARITIME - A Cluster Oriented R&D Programme The Research Council of Norway 199419951996199719981999200020012002 Time Limited thematic programmes 1. Waterborne Transport & Logistics 2. Ship Operation 3. Ship Building & Building Technology 4. Ship Systems & Equipment Short Sea Shipping Waterborne Transport - SeaTraLog MARITIME IT Operation MARINOR MARITIME IT Yards GREENSHIP Ship Operation & ICT Maritime Environmental Research- MARMIL

4 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Stimulate to Environmental Friendly Design and Operation of Ships and Offshore Vessels Make Environmental Investments Profitable for the Owner Make Environmental Operation to a Competitive Advantage Main Goal: MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH

5 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Steering Committee Terje C. Gløersen, Norw. Ship Owners Ass. (chairman) Rolf Kjær, Color Line ASA Per Magne Einang, Marintek Jens H. Koefoed, Norw. Maritime Directorate Ola Dønnem, Grieg International Ole Martin Moe, Kværner ASA Per Inge Flakke, Smedvig ASA Kjell Einar Olsen, Det Norske Veritas Terje E. Gautesen, Bergesen dy ASA Knut M. Skaar, Seatrans ANS Sveinung Oftedal, Nor. Dep. of Env.(observer) Paul F. Sørensen, (representing RCN) Program Manager: Morten Østby, DNV MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH

6 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Three Part Programs Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships PP 1 Environmental Management and Training PP 2 Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships PP 3

7 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 1 - Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships Ballast Water Management and Decision Support - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.3 Increased Knowledge of Crude Oil during Sea Transportation CRUCOGSA - HiV (-97, 98, 99) PP 1.4 Ship Scrapping MD/DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 4.5 Environmental Assessment of Ship Transpor- tation in a Life Cycle Perspective NTNU (-98,99,00, 01) PP 4.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships MARINTEK (-99, 00) PP 4.6 Improved International Statistical Data on Pollution from Ship Operation - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.1 EU Concerted Action - Ballast Water Sampling - UNIFOB (98, 99) PP 1.2

8 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Improved International Statistical Data on Pollution from Ship Operation - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.1 OBJECTIVE Develop the Principals for Collection of Ship Related Environmental Data such as Operational, Accidental and Avoidable Emissions to Air and Discharges to Sea Divided on Ship Types, Trades and Geographical Areas Identify a System for Collection, Storage and Analyses of Environmental Data Identify the Framework and Plans for an Environmental Information System including Permanent Routines for Reporting

9 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Phase I: Sources and Geographical Location Inventory List Definition of Selected Pollutants Assembly of Environmental Statistics (Specified format in a limited scale) Perform a ‘Demonstrator’-Project Phase II: Specification of a IT-Based Evaluation System Definition of the Evaluation System Plans for Establishing a Centre/Secretary Phase III: Implementation of a Permanent Global Data Collection System Method of Work Improved International Statistical Data on Pollution from Ship Operation - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.1

10 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Ballast Water Management and Decision Suppport - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.3 OBJECTIVE To develop a risk based ballast water management approach that will contribute to the prevention of transfer of harmful organisms in ballast water A three phase study: Phase 1- Pre-study - Identify Principals for Incompatibility atlas Phase 2- Integration Phase - Further development of project including focus on risk assessment Phase 3 - Detailing of the system

11 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram OBJECTIVE Document the environmental impacts by taking into use different environmental management tools Reduce the uncertainties related to data collected based on present practise Form the basis for comparison between different transport modes Form the basis for evaluating optimal transport solutions (modal or intermodal) Environmental Assessment of Ship Transpor- tation in a Life Cycle Perspective NTNU (-98,99,00, 01) PP 1.4

12 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Scope of Work Environmental Assessment of Ship Transpor- tation in a Life Cycle Perspective NTNU (-98,99,00, 01) PP 1.4 The project has two phases : Phase one: Perform a screening analysis and to identify appropriate methods to be used to evaluate environmental performance of ship transportation in a life cycle perspective. Phase two: Test the recommended methods on new case studies, improve weighting models and develop databases for environmental life cycle evaluation of ship transportation. International co-operation will be an important part of this phase

13 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation NTNU (-98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.4 Identification of: Ship Systems and Energy Use, Emissions and Discharges to include Life Cycle Phases and Processes to include Appropriate Reference Systems Project Tasks: System Boundaries and Functional Units Environmental Impact Models and Performance Evaluation Reference Ships and Best Available Technology Application and Interpretation Recommended Practice Method of Work

14 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To Establish a Better International Framework to Ensure Satisfactory Scrapping of Ships with Respect to both Human Safety and Environmental Consequences Ship Scrapping MD/DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.6 OBJECTIVE

15 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Ship Scrapping MD/DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.6 Identification of: Trends on Ship Scrapping with Respect to Location and Volume Types and Quantities of Harmful Substances on board a Ship Potential Environmental Hazards Associated with Ship Demolition Project Tasks: Case Studies Assessment of Effects on the Local Communities - Site Inspections Legal Aspects International Regulation Environmental Accounting - Material Inventory Dossier Scope of Work

16 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Ship Scrapping MD/DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.6 The work complies of two main tasks: To identify trends on ship scrapping with respect to location and volume in order to enable a first approach on evaluating the potential environmental burden associated with this activity. Further to establish a basis of knowledge in relation to type and quantity of environmental harmful substances that found on board a vessel due to be demolished Method of Work

17 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Identify trends in the ship scrapping industry –On location (the scrapping sites of the world) –On volume (the past and future predictions) Identify substances of environmental concern –Present in ship structure, systems and components Identify routines on disposal and handling –Removal and treatment of hazardous waste Distribution of scrapping candidates as a function of flag state Ship Scrapping - Phase 1

18 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Conclusions in brief Main scrapping centres: India/Bangladesh/ Pakistan (80% of world market) Expected growth in the scrapping markets Demand for increased capacity might open for the arrival of other non OECD scrapping nations (Vietnam, Phillipines) Substances of concern: Asbestos/ PCB/ Hg/ Pb/ TBT/ Zn/ Hydrocarbon residues No waste reception facilities identified Steel recovering, material and waste handling carried out with no protective measures Ship Scrapping - Phase 1 - Conclusions

19 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Measures by the Shipping Industry –Develop format and guidelines for an inventory list (‘Shipboard Inventory Dossier Environment’ SIDE) of waste on board vessels for scrapping –Develop guidelines for preparing a vessel for scrapping including removal of operational waste prior to arrival at the scrapping location Measures related to Scrapping Facilities –Mapping of working and waste disposal practices at a typical scrap yard –Develop a "Ship Breaking Industries Best Practice Guideline" as a basis for improving work practices Evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of scrapping of ships in OECD-countries in relation to facilities in the Far East - Opportunities and limitations Ship Scrapping - Phase 2

20 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships Marintek (99, 00) PP 4.6 OBJECTIVE The primary objective of this study is to undertake an examination of greenhouse gas emissions reduction possibilities through different technical, operational, and market-based approaches

21 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships Marintek (99, 00) PP 1.6 Evaluation of emissions based on current technology as well as the potential for reductions by utilisation of new technological solutions Evaluation of operational initiatives for reducing the emissions (improved maintenance, weather routing, speed reductions, etc. Evaluation of incentive regimes (rules and regulations, fiscal regimes) and how they should be designed to spur implementation of the different abatement measures Evaluation of the potential for reduced emissions through various market based approaches Scope of Work

22 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Three Part Programs Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships PP 1 Environmental Management and Training PP 2 Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships PP 3

23 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 2 - Environmental Management and Training Ship Environmental Accounting System DNV (-97 and 98) PP 2.1 Guidelines on Environmental Management based on the ISM Code - NSA (-97) PP 2.2 Guidelines on Environmental Reporting for use by Shipping and Offshore Companies - NSA (-97) PP 2.3 Establishment of a Database for Onboard Chemicals - NSA (-97) PP 2.4 Training Programs on Environmental Issues for Maritime Personnel - ( -99, -00 and -01) PP 3.2

24 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Objectives: Ship Environmental Accounting System PP 2.1 To Develop a Simple System for Calculation of Operational Emissions to Air, Discharges to Sea and Deliveries to Shore for the Major Pollutants onboard a Ship during Normal Operation

25 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To develop a brief Guidelines for Environmental Management in shipping companies and ship management companies, in the spirit of and in accordance with the format of the ISM Code, and at an ambition level equal at least to that of the ISO 14001 Standard for Environmental Management Guidelines on Environmental Management based on the ISM Code PP 2.2 OBJECTIVE

26 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Develop a guideline for Environmental Management with basis in the requirements in the ISM Code Identify and specify the environmental elements in the ISM Code, and perform a review of MARPOL, ISO14001, EMAS and other relevant schemes to identify any additional or specific items and aspects Identify overlapping requirements and requirements which are specified within each standard/-code, such that difference and similarities are shown The format of the Guidelines is the one underlying the publication by the ICS/ISF: "Guidelines on the application of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code" Guidelines on Environmental Management based on the ISM Code PP 2.2 Scope of Work

27 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To develop a brief Guidelines for Environmental Reporting for use by shipping companies and ship management companies in connection with Annual Reporting OBJECTIVE Guidelines on Environmental Reporting for use by Shipping and Offshore Companies PP 2.3

28 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram

29 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To establish an effective environmental training program based on the project results for the research program Maritim miljøsatsing – MARMIL Environmental Training based on Results from MARMIL - Marintek PP 3.2 OBJECTIVE

30 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram  Co-operate with other projects with the program to establish education and training material covering the project results  Adjust the training material to different types of learning systems used by the participating shipowners  Utilise the results from the project ’Flexible learning system for the shipping industry (A project supported by the Research Council of Norway under the program ’Ship Information and Communication Program)  Develop and test a demonstrator based on the results from the project ’Green Efforts on Existing Ships’ Guidelines on Environmental Management based on the ISM Code PP 2.2 Scope of Work

31 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 3 - Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships Methods for Determination of Emissions from Ships - MARINTEK (-98) PP 5.1 Alternative Fuel for Propulsion and Power Generation- MARINTEK (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 5.2 Reduction of VOC-Emissions during Offshore Loading - MARINTEK (-97, -98 -99) PP 5.3 Sewage Treatment Jets Vacuum (-98, -99, -00) PP 5.6 Efficiency Ship Machinery Arrange-ment (ESMA) - Kværner (-98, -99, -00) PP 6.2 Green Efforts on Existing Ships MARINTEK (-98, 99, 00, 01) PP 4.4 Ozone Treatment of Ballast Water Barber Ship Mangement ( -99, -00) PP 5.7

32 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Identifisere og gjennomføre enkle miljøforbedrende tiltak for et rederi på dets eksisterende flåte. Knytte de miljøforbedrende tiltakene opp mot tilgjengelige tekniske løsninger for enkel implementering på eksisterende systemer. Både teknisk godhet, miljøforbedrende tiltak og økonomi skal inngå i vurdering. De enkelte tiltakene vil iverksettes på eksisterende pilotskip, og miljøgevinst samt økonomi vil bli monitorert i løpet av prosjektet. MÅL Green Efforts on Existing Ships MARINTEK (-98, 99, 00, 01) PP 4.4

33 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Gi en sammenfattende vurdering med utstyrs- og metodebeskrivelse for: Forenklet måleopplegg, avgassmålinger Alternative metoder og prosedyrer for overvåkning av utslippstilstand for motoranlegg under drift i skip (kontinuerlige målinger) Methods for Determination of Emissions from Ships - MARINTEK (-98) PP 5.1 Målsetning

34 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Bidra til et enhetlig opplegg for verifikasjon av utslippsnivå fra motoranlegg i skip, primært knyttet til oppfølging av MARPOL Annex VI Gi nyttig basiskunnskap ifm. arbeidet i IMO/MEPC og ved oppfølging av fremtidig regelverk for reduksjon av skadelige avgassutslipp (internasjonalt og nasjonalt). Gi grunnlag for etablering av event. norske utstyrs- og tjenesteleveranser ifm. fastlegging/oppfølging av avgassutslipp knyttet til fremtidig regelverk Methods for Determination of Emissions from Ships - MARINTEK (-98) PP 5.1 Nytteverdi

35 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram  Dokumentere miljøgodhet (inkl. fremstilling av drivstoff)  Status for relevant teknologi (gassmotor, gasslagring, fyllesystem)  Tilgang på naturgass (Norge, Norden, Europa)  Regelverk for aktuelle skipstyper  Potensielle trade/skipstyper  Pris/avgifter (Norge, Norden, Europa) Gas Propulsion of Ships - Phase 1 Marintek PP 5.2 Målsetning Klarlegge barrierer for gassdrift med forslag til løsninger og beskrive potensialet for gassdrift (Norge, Norden, Europa)

36 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To advance the competence in the industry for development of cost effective solutions for reduction of VOC emission from crude oil storage and tanker transport, based on known technology To provide a footing for governmental authorities to formulate appropriate requirements Overall objectives Reduction of VOC-Emissions during Offshore Loading - MARINTEK PP 5.3

37 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To further develop an efficient computational tool to be used in conceptual design of VOC recovery and control systems To compute gas volume flow and gas composition in defined system cases To perform evaluations of the energy consumption, complexity and functionality of VOC emission control systems based on combinations of measures to depress evaporation and VOC recovery systems based on recondensation and absorbtion Overall objectives Reduction of VOC-Emissions during Offshore Loading - MARINTEK PP 5.3

38 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To develop the process, technology and competence for cleaning of sanitary- and galley greywater from ships Objective Development of Vacuum Based Process and Technology for Cleaning of Greywater - Jets Vacuum PP 5.6 NFR financing in co-operation with SND Pilot plant to be installed on RCCL-Ship

39 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To assemble available technology making it possible to commer- cialise and certify a clean system applicable for marine applications The project covers continuous operation- and cleaning technical documentation of a research system and a pilot system, which are the basis for competence and technology development The process and technology should be adjusted to Jets Vacuum’s system technology Primarily, greywater is to be cleaned; however it is the intention that the system may be applicable for cleaning of blackwater Scope of Work Development of Vacuum Based Process and Technology for Cleaning of Greywater - Jets Vacuum PP 5.6

40 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Verification of Ozon Treatment of Ballast Water as an alternative to change of ballast water (re-ballasting) when vessel is travelling from one port to another and the need of change of ballast water is required Objective Ozone Treatment of Ballast Water - Barber Ship Management (-99, -00) PP 5.7

41 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Phase 1: Carry out together with, DnV, Norsk Ozone AS and Wilh. Wilhelmsen shipping company, the lab test in order to verify the possibility to use Ozone in connection with treatment of ballast water Preparations for and installation of a full scale pilot study. A full scale ozone generator will be installed onboard and connected to the ship's ballast system and operated by the ship's crew when needed A Wilh. Wilhelmsen Ro/Ro or PCTC vessel, managed by Barber Ship Management, will be dedicated as a project vessel Scope of Work Ozone Treatment of Ballast Water - Barber Ship Management (-99, -00) PP 5.7

42 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Phase 2: Verification of the study itself. The verification will be performed by DNV in close cooperation with the ships crew and Barber Ship Management Implementation of the result to Ship Owners, Ship Managers and International Authorities Implementation of obtained test results will be a part of the standard ballast water management plan Scope of Work Ozone Treatment of Ballast Water - Barber Ship Management (-99, -00) PP 5.7

43 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram 50% mindre utslipp til luft 10% reduksjon i LCC 20% red. i vekt av fremdriftsmaskineri Termisk virkn.grad >50% 10% red. maskineri byggekost Nye innovative maskineri- og skipskonsepter Overall objectives Efficiency Ship Machinery Arrange-ment (ESMA) - Kværner PP 6.2

44 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Kværner50% Wärtisilä (FI)25% ABB (FI)25% Finsk del 18 MNOK Norsk del 12 MNOK Totalprosjekt 30 MNOK Periode 1998/99/2000 FoU-miljøer: Marintek/NTNUHelsinki Universitet Participants and Financing Efficiency Ship Machinery Arrangement (ESMA) - Kværner PP 6.2

45 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To initiate, document and implement environmental efforts on board the new coastal ferry Objective Pilot Ship - New Coastal Ferry - TFDS (-99, -00) PP 6.3

46 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram A systematic review of alternatvie environmental technical efforts which can be implemented on existing design ('Polarlys') Important elements which are to be documented in the design phase and through the follow-up during construction and delivery are: –Reduced environmental emissions/docvumentation –Operational Costs/Savings –Operational consequences –Investment Costs Scope of Work Pilot Ship - New Coastal Ferry - TFDS (-99, -00) PP 6.3

47 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram

48 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram

49 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram

50 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram PP1 - Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships Ballast Water Management System - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) Application for EU - 5.WP, Financed by Nordisk Ministerråd Cooperation with Australia Coordinating Ballast Water Activities Ship Scrapping - MD/DNV (98, 99, 00, 01, 02) Ship Inventory Dossier Environment (SIDE) Ship Owner Best Practise - Scrapping Scrap Yard’s Best Practise Coordination Ship Scrapping Activities Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ship - (99, 00, 01, 02) New Priority Area Selection of Research Areas - Based on IMO Study Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation( NTNU) Compare different Modes of Transport Selection of Future Research Areas - Based on IMO Study

51 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 2 - Environmental Management and Training Training Program based on Results from the MARMIL Program Activity Presently on Hold

52 N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 3 - Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships Green Efforts on Existing Ships - MARINTEK (-98, 99, 00, 01, 02) Efforts under implementation on Bergesen, Color Line&Seatrans New Owners in Progress Include Simplified Methods for NOx-Emissions Sewage Treatment - Jets Vacuum (-98, -99, -00) Financed together with SND Pilot Installation on RCCL Ballast Water Treatment Technologies Ozone Treatment of Ballast Water - Barber Man.Consulting Possible other Ballast Water Projects PILOT SHIP - New Coastal Ferry - TFDS (99, 00, 01, 02) Development of Environmental Friendly Concept Compare against Reference Ship

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