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Regulatory Impediments to the Commercialization of Stationary Fuel Cells in Ohio: Economic Development Context William M. Bowen Professor, Public Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulatory Impediments to the Commercialization of Stationary Fuel Cells in Ohio: Economic Development Context William M. Bowen Professor, Public Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulatory Impediments to the Commercialization of Stationary Fuel Cells in Ohio: Economic Development Context William M. Bowen Professor, Public Administration and Urban Studies Director, Ph.D. Program in Urban Studies and Public Affairs

2 Regional Economic Development ► Science base -> basic research -> applied research -> invention -> prototype -> development -> commercialization -> adoption and diffusion -> technological progress -> economic growth and development ► A useful conceptualization, but not the whole story (e.g. exogenous capital investment, migration, non-linearities, feedback)

3 Two Categories of Impediments to Regional Economic Development ► Upstream: constraints upon science base - > basic research -> applied research -> invention -> prototype -> technological development ► Downstream: constraints upon adoption and diffusion of innovation

4 Downstream Impediments ► Lack of entrepreneurs ► Lack of supportive social milieu (cultural, institutional and educational system) conducive to entrepreneurship ► Legal framework, incentives, information flows, property rights, contracts, regulations ► Social rules, conventions, and other elements of the structural framework of social interactions

5 Percent of Industry Adopting Technology 0 100 Time Initial Innovation The Effect of Downstream Impediments Adoption rate in presence of impediments Adoption rate in absence of impediments

6 The Current Situation in Ohio ► Ohio is relatively more effective at the upstream aspects of economic development (innovation) than at the downstream (adoption of innovation) ► Nationally, Cleveland ranked much higher in innovations (#10) than in entrepreneurship (#23). Akron ranked #23 in innovations and #34 in entrepreneurship.

7 Summary ► Ohio aims for industrial leadership in AET – we need to establish markets ► Requires not only investment in R&D but also removal of downstream impediments ► Now is the time ► A regulatory system working perfectly? A system in need of fine tuning? Or a system in need of an overhaul?

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