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RAINS review 2004 The RAINS model: Health impacts of PM.

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Presentation on theme: "RAINS review 2004 The RAINS model: Health impacts of PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAINS review 2004 The RAINS model: Health impacts of PM

2 Main issues Methodology for health impact assessment Dispersion modelling for PM Quantification of population exposure in cities Uncertainties

3 Estimating the loss of life expectancy in RAINS Approach Endpoint: –Loss in statistical life expectancy –Related to long-term PM2.5 exposure, based on cohort studies Life tables provide baseline mortality for each cohort in each country For a given PM scenario: Mortality modified through Cox proportional hazard model using Relative Risk (RR) factors from literature From modified mortality, calculate life expectancy for each cohort and for entire population

4 Input to life expectancy calculation Life tables (by country) Population data by cohort and country, 2000-2050 Urban/rural population in each 50*50 km grid cell Air quality data: annual mean concentrations –PM2.5 (sulfates, nitrates, ammonium, primary particles), excluding SOA, natural sources –alternatively PMcoarse, PM10, black carbon –50*50 km over Europe, rural + urban background –for any emission scenario 1990-2020 Relative risk factors

5 Critical assumptions reviewed by TF on Health Choice of appropriate RR and shape of C-R curve Mortality related to PM2.5 (mass) PM2.5 includes effects from SO 2, NO 2, carbonaceous, diesel Are ozone effects independent? (SOA are excluded, thus no potential double-counting of ozone effects) Extrapolation beyond 35 μg/m 3 PM2.5 Treatment of natural background Exposure calculation: (Urban) background concentrations (annual mean) * population No effects for younger than 30 years Quantification of uncertainties (CI of RR, alternative impact theories, potential biases, linearity, etc.)

6 Regional scale Urban scale Uncertainties Modelling of health-relevant PM formation and transport in the atmosphere

7 Atmospheric dispersion of PM Health-relevant metric: annual mean PM2.5 mass Performance of EMEP Eulerian model for PM –TFMM 2003 review: Rural sulphates: ok. Rural nitrates: observations missing, model probably ok. Anthropogenic primary PM: to be demonstrated Secondary organic aerosols: missing Natural contributions: missing –Thus: not able to reproduce observed total PM mass, but possible to track PM changes due to anthropogenic emissions

8 S-R relations for RAINS Linearity of changes in PM due to changes in emissions is crucial for the mathematical design of RAINS 87 model experiments with the new EMEP model: –Response of European PM2.5/10 concentrations to changes in SO 2, NO x, VOC, NH 3, PPM2.5/10 emissions –For German, Italian, Dutch, UK and European emissions –3 emission scenarios: CLE (current legislation 2010) = CAFE baseline for 2010 MFR (maximum technically feasible reductions 2010 UFR (ultimately feasible reductions) = MFR/2

9 Response of PM2.5 due to ΔPPM2.5 from German emissions

10 Response of SIA due to ΔSO 2 from German emissions

11 Response of SIA due to ΔNO x from German emissions

12 Response of SIA due to ΔNH 3 from German emissions

13 Response of SIA due to ΔVOC from German emissions

14 Response of SIA due to ΔSO 2 +ΔNO x +ΔNH 3 +ΔVOC+ ΔPPM

15 Response of PM2.5 due to ΔSO 2 +ΔNO x +ΔNH 3 +ΔVOC+ ΔPPM

16 –Regional scale –Urban scale –Uncertainties Modelling of health-relevant PM formation and transport in the atmosphere

17 City-Delta objectives Identify systematic differences in urban AQ results computed by – regional scale models – urban scale models. Identify differences in model results (deltas) across – Emissions (2000, 2010, maximum feasible reductions), – cities in Europe, – scales, – models, – pollutants (PM, O 3, for health-relevant metrics). 17 models, 8 cities, 9 scenarios

18 Changes in urban PM10 Results from City-Delta1

19 PM10 as a function of emission density

20 “Urban impact” on PM2.5 in Vienna Source: Puxbaum et al., 2003

21 –Regional scale –Urban scale –Uncertainties Modelling of health-relevant PM formation and transport in the atmosphere

22 Euro-Delta model inter-comparison Evaluate the performance of regional-scale atmospheric dispersion models against observations Identify differences in model results (deltas) across – emissions (2000, 2010, maximum feasible reductions), – regions in Europe, – models, – pollutants. Put the EMEP model performance into perspective, derive quantitative information for uncertainty analysis

23 Annual mean PM2.5 and sulphate levels (μg/m 3 ) 9 German sites, as computed by the Euro-Delta models PM2.5Sulphate Observations are shown in black

24 PM2.5 responses of the Euro-Delta models Receptor regions: 00.. Europe 01.. Austria 08.. France 09.. Germany 12.. Italy 14.. Netherlands 19.. Spain 22.. British Isles

25 Further work Develop regional source-receptor (S-R) relationships for PM Complete City-Delta analysis for PM, develop urban-regional SR relationships Investigate inter-annual meteorological variability Quantify uncertainties, explore use of ensemble-model Finalize uncertainty analysis for health-impact analysis

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