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A Bold Step for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure: The National Geospatial Programs Office Karen Siderelis USGS Associate Director for Geospatial.

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Presentation on theme: "A Bold Step for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure: The National Geospatial Programs Office Karen Siderelis USGS Associate Director for Geospatial."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Bold Step for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure: The National Geospatial Programs Office Karen Siderelis USGS Associate Director for Geospatial Information A Dialog with MAGIC on the Changing Geospatial Information Landscape November 12, 2004 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

2 Goals for the NSDI  Rich data holdings in many hands  Skilled expertise of many entities  Data continually acquired in many ways  Great advances in many technologies  Endless potential for many uses  Essential partnerships in many communities

3 NGPO Background  Charge from USGS Director, August 2004  Strategic Alignment of Activities  National leadership of highly visible, high- demand geospatial programs  Time to bring it all together National Geospatial Leadership Direct Support to DOI Coordination Across Government

4 A Bold Step  National Geospatial Programs Office  Align national geospatial activities and responsibilities  Federal Geographic Data Committee  Geospatial One Stop  The National Map  Interior Enterprise GIS  Reaffirm the direction of individual activities  Expand partnership offices  Assess USGS geospatial products and services  Geographic Research Focus

5 Vision of National Geospatial Programs Office  Equals vision of the NSDI  “ Current and accurate geospatial data will be readily available on a local, national and global basis to contribute to economic growth, environmental quality and stability and social progress”.

6 NGPO Role in NSDI  Embrace national leadership  Realign for a future we envision together  Be unconstrained by today or yesterday – how we look today is not how we will look tomorrow

7 NGPO Directions  Unify and simplify  Act as one  Achieve management excellence  Include partners in all aspects

8 NGPO Commitments  Work in an integrated fashion  Listen to one another  Rely on one another  Common vision of shared future  Implement partnerships with purpose  Work as partners inside and outside the organization  Push for incentives  Emphasize standards and data models  Create once, use many  Best practices – share knowledge  Have a bias for action  The future is ours to realize

9 Transformation Process  Co-locate  Integrate  Optimize

10 Initial NGPO Charge  Develop and deliver plan for the National Geospatial Programs Office  Contribute to completion of the NSDI Future Directions Initiative  Ensure the two plans complement one another  Seek partner involvement at every stage

11 NSDI Future Directions  Forging Partnerships with Purpose  Making the Framework Real  Communicating the Message  Realize NSDI vision of “current geospatial data being readily available across the country”

12 NGPO Core Team  Sponsors of Study Teams  Prepare Final Plan and Report for USGS Director  “Pillars”  Ivan DeLoatch, Federal Geographic Data Committee  Mark DeMulder, Geospatial One Stop  Hank Garie, Cooperative Topographic Mapping Program  Bob Pierce, Interior Enterprise Geographic Information Management  Stan Ponce, Partnerships and External Coordination

13 Study Teams  Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture  Core Team Sponsor – Ivan DeLoatch  Geospatial Technology Integration  Core Team Sponsor – Hank Garie  Partnership Offices  Core Team Sponsor – Stan Ponce  Unified NSDI Web Presence  Core Team Sponsor – Bob Pierce  Measuring Geospatial Investments  Core Team Sponsor – Mark DeMulder  USGS Geospatial Products and Services  Core Team Sponsor – Mark DeMulder

14 Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture  Context  Enterprise Architecture for NSDI  Federal Enterprise Architecture  EA in Federal and state agencies  Charge  Recommend an approach for unifying disparate geospatial architecture efforts, aligning them with the Federal Enterprise Architecture and accommodating the needs of the non-Federal community

15 Geospatial Technology Integration  Context  Disparate, confusing systems  Customers need better service from systems  Redundant and duplicative systems are not economical  Charge  Develop a technical vision, “modernization blueprint,” and a systems integration plan for NGPO systems

16 Partnership Offices  Context  Existing Mapping Partnership Offices  Expanding expectations  Landscape is where things happen  Charge  Develop a plan for restructuring and re-scoping USGS Mapping Partnership Offices and the mapping liaison function to represent full portfolio of NGPO activities

17 Unified NSDI Web Presence  Context  Current Web presence lacks coherence  Potential of the Web to be realized  Charge  Develop a plan to unify Web activities of the individual entities of the NGPO and create a unified NSDI Web presence

18 Measuring Geospatial Investments  Context  Recent questions and findings from GAO, OMB, etc.  Responsible to taxpayers and stakeholders  Charge  Develop a proposal for how the NGPO might assist OMB in measuring geospatial investments and developing an investment strategy for the Federal Government

19 USGS Geospatial Products and Services  Context  Proud history of products and services  Continued and changing demand  Managing customer expectations  Charge  Develop recommendations for a suite of 21 st century geospatial products and services that USGS is uniquely positioned to offer

20 Engaging Customers and Partners  National meetings  Focus groups and teams  Peer reviews and reports  Additional listening sessions  Email input 

21 Framing Your Comments  Aligning Geospatial Programs: What’s the Harmony?  Partnerships: What’s the Right Relationship?  USGS Products and Services: What’s the Future Market?

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