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Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group a project of the Kantara Initiative Introduction to: By John Fraser, October 22 nd, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group a project of the Kantara Initiative Introduction to: By John Fraser, October 22 nd, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthcare Identity Assurance Work Group a project of the Kantara Initiative Introduction to: By John Fraser, October 22 nd, 2009

2 Kantara Overview Founded: April 20, 2009 Trustees: AOL, BT, CA, Fidelity, Intel, Internet Society, Liberty Alliance, Neustar, Novell, NRI, NTT, Oracle, PayPal and Sun ( see: ) Purpose: – To bridge and harmonize identity community efforts – To ensure secure online interactions – To enhance personal privacy – To assure interoperability between OpenID, Liberty, InfoCard and other identity management solutions.

3 Kantara Healthcare Work Group Founded: August, 2009 History: Was Liberty Alliance Health Care Work Group Purposes: – Implement patient access to their medical information and health care providers system using open source solutions – Implement simplified health care worker identity management – Review/Endorse identity assurance framework to support health information exchanges (HIEs) and the US nationwide health information network (NHIN) – Review/endorse patient identification standards for on-line and card identifiers – Work with vendors to help foster interoperability Current co-chairs: John Fraser,, Pete Palmer, Surescripts, and Rick Moore, eHealth Ohio. Home Page: Full Charter is at:

4 Kantara Healthcare Work Group Look at OpenID, Liberty, InfoCard and other technologies Audience: NHIN Committees, Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), HL7, HITSP, Others Work with other Work Groups at Kantara: – Identity Assurance – Consumer Identity and – Privacy and Public Policy International in scope Using the “Creative Common” open policy as defined at:

5 PHR Hospitals Clinics Payors Health Information Exchange - HIE RLS EMR Interoperability for Interoperability for Patient Lookup Patient Lookup Clinical Document Exchange Clinical Document Exchange Privacy and Security Privacy and Security Goal: Health care simplified authentication Simplified Sign Ons HIE Member Users Simplified Sign Ons: to Clinics, Google Health, MS HealthVault, etc, or via iPhone or similar smartphone apps Patient Logins Health Information Systems – Clinics, Hospitals, etc PatientsHealthcare Workers HIE Gateway

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